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We are both frantic, grabbing, touching, pulling closer. I have no idea what he will say once he knows the truth about my life. It is a lot to take on, and I wouldn’t blame him if he ran far away from me, so if tonight is all we have, then I want to embrace every second. I don’t ever want to let him go.

My body is buzzing after tasting him and seeing him come undone, the diamonds around my neck forgotten as the desire swirls deep within me. It’s all-encompassing. His lips are everywhere, hands molding to my curves, his body hot and heavy on mine, and I still want more.

“You are all mine tonight, Em. I plan on tasting every inch of your beautiful body before making you come, with my hands, my tongue, and my cock, over and over and over, until you’re begging me to stop,” he says as his lips travel across my skin.

“Promise, promises,” I tease breathlessly as his lips finally touch mine. His hands cup my face as he holds me to him, his need for me evident in his claiming touch. I grab on to him then too, feeling his strong arms flex beneath my touch, his broad shoulders as they support me, before I rest them at the back of his neck. Our bodies mesh together so fluidly, like they were always meant to be.

There are a million things we need to discuss, but being here together like this makes everything fade into the distance. Nothing else matters when I am with Ben. He takes care of me. He takes care of Rosie. He takes care of us.

“God, I want to kiss you forever,” he murmurs against my mouth, breathing his admission into me and bringing new life to my lungs.

His hands roam down my body as his tongue tangles with mine, reaching behind my back and unclipping my bra in one smooth motion. Throwing it across the room, his worshipping mouth lowers to my chest. I rest my head back on the soft pillow as he lowers me to the bed, his tongue swirling and lips sucking my nipples, his carnal desire for me growing more and more with each touch. He bites my nipple slightly, the pained pleasure making me arch into him, whimpering for more.

“Ben, this is not enough. I don’t think it’ll ever be enough.” I want his hands on my body, his lips on me, his attention, his focus, his yearning. I want it all. I was young when I first met Jeremy and I had no idea what sex was meant to be like, my experience limited. But now, after being with Ben, I can clearly see the difference, and I know that Jeremy didn’t ever truly respect me, not even from the first moment we met. Ben and his desire for me is explosive yet tender, and like nothing I have ever had before.

His mouth travels farther south across my stomach as his hands reach my hips, and he pulls off the small amount of lace material I have left covering my body. But his mouth doesn’t stop. Lifting my leg, he kisses my ankle, slowly traveling up my leg. He promised to kiss every inch of my body, and so far, he is sticking to that promise. When he reaches my inner thigh, he leans down toward my center with his eyes on mine.

“I wanted to get you naked before we even left tonight,” he says, giving me another kiss closer to where I’m growing desperate for him. “I can’t keep my hands to myself around you.” He kisses my inner thigh again, this time dragging his lips across the sensitive skin there. “I can’t stop thinking about you, in the morning, at work, at night.” Dropping another kiss, he teases me with a few more in quick succession, making me squirm. “I want to be with you all the fucking time. I want you more than I have ever wanted anybody.” And with that, I’m trembling with need, just as his hands spread up my inner thighs, pushing my legs wider, and his eyes trail down to my wet center before coming back to me.

“I’m all yours, Ben,” I whisper, our eyes locked on each other.

“You’re mine,” he confirms, lowering his mouth to my body, where he gives me exactly what I’ve been aching for. As he begins licking and sucking, slipping his tongue inside me, my head falls back on a moan.

I whip one hand up and grab the headboard as the other reaches forward and threads into his hair. I am panting as my body arches and grinds for more. I’ve never been like this before, his skill leaving me breathless and eager to come again. It’s needy and completely out of control, the way my body moves for him. My legs spread wider, stretching, giving him full access to anything he wants to do to me.

“Oh, God, right there…” I bite my lip lower as my hand holds him closer, my arousal heightening with every satisfied groan he rumbles against me. Little moans and whimpers break through my throat as I become a shaky, writhing mess beneath him. And he doesn’t let up, his rhythm unrelenting no matter how many times I buck my hips.

“Ben… Ooooooh… You’re so… good,” I pant out as I feel the rush of my orgasm washing over me. He continues lapping at me as my body squirms, muscles tightening as I scream out his name again and again before I’m completely limp and melting into the mattress. He presses one more kiss to my clit, making me twitch as his hands roam up my torso, following my curves, over my breasts and back down again. My breathing slows as I come down from my high with his touch working to soothe me.

“This body is mine,” he says as he peppers kisses up my torso. “These fucking amazing tits are mine,” he says as his tongue swirls around my nipple. “These gorgeous lips are mine,” he says, his mouth closing in on mine, our tongues connecting for only a moment before he pulls back slightly. Looking down at me, he cups my jaw, his thumb brushing over my cheek tenderly. “I want you, Em. Not just now, but forever. None of that was lust talking. I want you to be mine,” he says as his eyes search mine.

I stare at him for a beat, my heart almost stopping in my chest. I am left speechless for a moment.

“I know we have a lot to work out, but I am officially ceasing our agreement. I want the diamond to stay on your hand permanently. I want to spend all my days with you from now on.” Touching his forehead to mine, I breathe him in. Is this a dream?

“And Rosie?”

“That little Cinderella is embedded in my heart just as deep as you are, Em. But the question for you is, am I in yours?” I swallow to try to bring moisture to my mouth, nodding before any words leave my lips.

“Ben, you pushed your way into my heart the minute we met,” I say honestly, and like he was holding his breath, he exhales heavily before a wide smile takes over his face.

“Then I am all yours, baby. You, me, and little Rosie, we will make a perfect team.”


It’s Monday morning, and I’m buzzed as I walk into my office. I had a great weekend with Emily. I can’t stop thinking about it. When we finally woke from our slumber on Sunday, we talked about the school and what may happen, about our situation and dissolving the agreement, and then Jeremy. She opened up a little about how he is persistent and violent at times, even now that they’re apart. I still don’t know the full extent, but I know much more than I did. I grind my teeth just thinking about it, but I have plans this morning to arrange some security starting tomorrow.

When I dropped her off at home yesterday, I felt hollow. My chest hurt as I drove back to the city solo, so much so, I didn’t end up at my apartment, but rather I went to my estate. I watched the twinkling lights, letting my mind run wild with thoughts of our future, imagining how much better my life will be having her in it permanently.

Rosie is adorable, and while I have never thought I was the type of man who would have kids, surprisingly, the idea of being a father figure to her has settled within me without any hesitation. I had to force myself to put my phone down last night after I started searching online for the best schools nearby for kids with vision impairments, and then getting excited because I found one within a short drive of my estate.

Strutting through the office, I can’t help but smile at Sandra as I walk up to her desk.

“Good morning, Sandra!” I chirp, and she smiles at me in surprise. I am not a total asshole of a boss, but this happiness level from me isn’t the norm.

“Good morning, Ben. Happy Monday,” she says, handing me my morning coffee as I walk through my office door.

“Did you have a good weekend?” I ask. Again, this small talk is not totally unusual, but definitely not part of our usual scope.
