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“What?” she asks, her head tilting. “What’s wrong?”

“Something is missing…” I murmur, my hand rubbing my cheek, devouring her openly.

“That would be my dress?” she says sassily, and I grin.

“No, this.” Pulling my hand out of my pocket, The Emily necklace dangles from my fingers. I watch her mouth drop open a little as she stares at the diamonds glistening in front of her.

“Turn around,” I demand of her.

“Ben, I don’t think—” she starts, but I cut her off.

“Em, turn around,” I say a little softer and watch her swallow. I wait for a beat, and then she turns slowly back around to face the windows and I drape the piece around her neck.

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. Gorgeous, both inside and out,” I say, fastening it closed.

“Ben…” She whispers my name, and I place a small kiss at the back of her neck where the necklace clasps. “It’s too much…” Her fingers reach up to touch it gently, like she’s scared of its worth.

“Show me.” She listens, turning back around to face me, and my eyes lower to take in the scattering of diamonds around her neck. Her breaths are rapid, her breasts heaving with each one. The necklace moves with them, and the diamonds illuminate her already glowing skin, like art in motion. It’s a vision I’ll never forget. “You were born to wear my diamonds. I want to fucking bathe you in them.”

Our eyes meet then, pulled together and locked in a trance of something more than lust.

She steps toward me, light on her feet, her hands running up my arms and back down, and I watch her slowly lower onto her knees in front of me. I raise my eyebrow in question, my body tensing and all too ready to feel her in any way she’ll let me. She gives me a cheeky smile in return before her hands move up to my waist and unbuckle my black leather belt.

My heart is thumping, my dick is aching, but I stand still, watching her, letting her lead, already knowing having her like this is what every single man in that room tonight desired.

“You are phenomenal, you know that?” I say, watching her closely, never wanting this moment to end.

“I suppose diamonds do that to a woman,” she quips as her hand wraps around my already rock-hard dick.

I grit my teeth at the feeling. “I’ll remember you said that when you get mad at me for buying you matching earrings.” Her eyes send me a warning glare right before she pumps my length, drawing a deep growl from my chest.

I grow impossibly harder in her palm, the look in her eyes turning me on even more than her touch. Her gaze doesn’t waver from mine as she leans forward, wrapping her warm, wet lips around me. She tastes my length thoroughly, sucking and licking like she’s enjoying this just as much as I am. I can’t help bringing my hand to rest on her head, hissing slightly as my fingers grab her hair and she takes me deeper into her mouth.

“Baby, fuck… that feels so good. You look perfect on your knees for me. So beautiful and perfect,” I grit out as her pace speeds up a little. She gains more confidence, taking me deeper and sucking harder with every movement. My grip on her hair tightens, and I pull her head back, opening up her throat a little wider and watching as she continues lapping me up with her diamonds glistening below.

“I have the best view in all of the city tonight,” I groan to her, and she moans, the vibration hitting me in the balls.

“Fuuuuck yes. Moan like that again, so I know how much you love this.” And she does, moaning and pushing me to the back of her throat. My hand shoots out, slapping the window behind her so I can steady myself before I lose my footing.

“God, I want you, Em. I want you so goddamn much.” I’m basically panting, close to the point of seeing stars from her warm, wet mouth.

She mewls, shuddering below me, her chest moving quicker than before. Then I notice one of her hands has traveled down her body, touching herself.

“Good girl. Touch that needy pussy, baby. You look fucking amazing,” I murmur as my hips begin to move of their own accord. Glancing up at the window, I see the mirror image of us, reflecting back her fantastic round ass, her long hair flowing in waves down her back, and behind her, the city lights that flicker in the distance, reminding me of her perfect blues. When my eyes land back on her again, squirming as she circles her clit, I can’t hold back any longer.

“Em, baby, I am going to come,” I say in a rush, waiting for her to move, but she doesn’t. Staying exactly where she is, she looks up at me as my hips shudder and so do hers. She moans around my length again, her movements shaky as she edges closer. “Yesssss. Fuck. Come with me, just like that.” My hand tightens on her hair when she sucks hard, swirling her tongue one last time as I push to the back of her throat.

I shout my release into the living room, panting and moaning as her throat drinks down my orgasm. Leaning into my hand, which is still against the window to keep me upright, the stresses of tonight leave my body with a flush.

She pulls away quickly and rests back on her legs, staring into my eyes as she cries out my name, wringing a gorgeous orgasm from her body. I’m speechless as I watch her, unable to look away even if the world was ending right outside this window. She’s shuddering as she comes down from the high, catching her breath, but I don’t miss a sly, almost proud smile as it spreads across her face.

I don’t wait. Bending down, I scoop her up, throwing her over my shoulder. She squeals at the sudden Tarzan-like act, so I slap her ass for good measure as I stomp down the hall to my bedroom.

Because tomorrow is never promised, and all we have is tonight.


I barely have time to catch my breath and register what is happening before my body is tossed onto his bed. It is so big, I land in the middle and bounce a little before he is on top of me, his mouth on me, taking me, owning me, and completely devouring me, just like his eyes have promised all night.
