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“Yes, although not as good as yours, it appears?” She eyes me in question, and I smirk at her, grabbing the morning papers from my desk. I nod to her, and she walks out of my office, closing the door behind her.

I sigh as I take a seat at my desk and flick through the newspapers to see the gossip pages. Photo after photo from the fundraising gala. People have always been interested in who I date. It is just part of the territory of being one of the Rothschild boys, and as I turn the page, it’s filled with image after image of all the major players from Saturday night, including Emily and me. It takes me back to how beautiful she looked, and I close the newspaper on the image and sit in contentment, leaning back in my chair.

My thoughts are consumed by the beauty naked and wrapped in my sheets all weekend, when my phone buzzes, yanking me out of my thoughts.

“Yes, Sandra?”

“Your mother is here to see you—” Sandra barely finishes before my office door flies open and my mother walks straight in.

“Thanks, Sandra,” I grit out before placing the phone down and sitting back, my good mood now disappearing.

“Good morning, Mother, to what do I owe the pleasure?” I ask sarcastically, and her lips thin.

“I come in peace,” she says, taking a seat in the armchair in front of me, and I smell the bullshit from here.

“Glad to hear it.” Looking at her stoically, I wait for her to continue.

“I spent yesterday thinking about you and your new fiancée.” I don’t miss the way she tries not to sneer at the mere mention of Emily.

“And what did you think about?” I push, not giving her an inch.

She sighs then and gives me a rare smile.

“Benjamin, I know I am not the easiest person, especially to you boys…” She smiles sweetly as the understatement of the year leaves her.

“But I can see how much Emily means to you, so I am going to make an effort.” Her hands clasp on her knees in front of her as she sits straighter, her smile locked in place.

“Come again?” I ask, sitting forward, wondering if I heard her right.

“Well, I guess you could say I learned a few things when Harrison met Beth and, well, while Emily is not my first choice for you, if you want her in your life, then maybe that is something I just need to get used to and not make it so difficult. Lord knows that Beth and I still don’t see eye to eye on things, and so I want to have a better start with Emily.”

She looks like she means what she says, but I search her face nonetheless.

“I don’t expect you to believe me. I know I have a lot of ground to make up for. But I would like to invite Emily to lunch and get to know her. Perhaps I can even tell her all your childhood embarrassing moments… isn’t that what mothers-in-law usually do?” My mind is spinning at the change in her demeanor.

“Well, I think lunch would be okay. Where should I book?” I ask her as I look at my schedule for this week.

“Oh, don’t you worry, I will take care of it. But it is girls only. I don’t want you there messing it up. I will take her to the Four Seasons. Their restaurant is delightful for lunch,” my mother says as she stands. “I will get her number from Sandra on my way out.” And before I can reply, she’s already sashaying out the door.

“Bye, darling!” she hollers as I sit dumbstruck. My mother is many things, and nice is not one of them. But I believe her when she said she wants to do better with Emily than she did with Beth. That was horrifying, and I am glad she can see the error of her ways.

I get busy calling Em to ensure she is ready to hear from my mother, then organize Ralph to pick her up and take her. Em was hesitant at first. But I assured her it would be at least tolerable, and that Ralph will be only a call away, should she need to leave early. I don’t particularly need my mother to like Em, but with her and Rosie being a part of my life, it would be easier. And more pleasant for everyone around. Maybe Em will be the glue that holds the Rothschild family together?


To say my nerves are getting the better of me is an understatement.

“You will be fine,” George mutters, the two of us in my living room, Rosie playing in her room.

“I have never met in-laws before. I am not even sure what I am supposed to talk about,” I say, wondering where my confidence has gone. Between the school shutting down last week because of the flooding, Ben and I successfully talking through the issue of Beasley and cementing our feelings for each other, as well as starting to tell him a little about my history with Jeremy, his mother reaching out with an olive branch has almost tipped me over the edge.

“You listen to me. Any parent would be damn honored to have you as a daughter-in-law. Now grab your bag and get out of here,” George says, acting grumpy when, really, his true feelings are shining through.

“Thanks, George,” I say, rushing to him and wrapping my arms around him.

“Go on. Shoo. I’ve got some new library books for Rosie as a surprise, so she won't even know you are gone.” He rubs my back, and I pull away. Giving me a nod, I grab my bag and walk out the door, leaving my apartment and William Heights for yet another trip into the city.

* * *
