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“I will always honor my ongoing financial commitment, so once you get it back up and running, be assured that you will always have the funds to continue,” he reiterates.

“Thanks for everything you do for us, really. George and I are extremely grateful.”

“Is George with you? Who are you here with?” he asks, stepping a little closer to me. The move is an odd one, but I assume it is because he can’t hear me over the music.

“She is with me. Her fiancé,” I hear Ben’s voice almost growl from beside me, his hand wrapping around my waist as he kisses me on the cheek, making it obvious to Ian that I am spoken for. I smile to smooth any tension I feel now swirling around us, but Ben doesn’t match it.

“Ben, this is my friend Ian Shaw,” I say warily, but I don’t let my concern show, keeping my smile bright as I look between them.

“So how do you know each other?” Ben asks, staring right at Ian, his grip on my waist firm. I wonder where his manners have gone. I am quiet for a beat, not sure what is going on.

“I support William Heights Elementary. Emily here was just telling me all about Rosie’s new fascination with Cinderella, that’s all,” he says proudly, like a grandfather would about his granddaughter. My smile falters. This is work talk. Him finding out that Ian funds us in any way is information Ben could use against us to get Beasley the school. I don’t think he would do something like that, not with how things have changed between us, but… how can I be sure?

“Well, we need to get going. Shall we?” Ben looks to me, and I quickly say goodbye to Ian before we walk out the door, hand in hand. He is walking fast, clearly just as eager to get out of here as I am. We don’t say goodbye to his brothers, his mother, or anyone else, and we are both in the car in record time, where his grip remains on me for the entire trip home.


I am fuming. My body feels like it is about to explode. How can a simple charity gala turn into such a shit show? I was going to punch him. Sure, Ian Shaw is over seventy, but after seeing Sasha jump up and down on his cock six months ago, I know he is still fit enough to keep up with younger women. When I saw him step closer to Em, I almost lost it. My strides quickened as I walked to her from across the room, and I was next to her in a flash. There is no way he is ever going to touch her.

The car ride home was silent. My eyes kept flicking between her face and her red arm, my anger with Ian Shaw and Jeremy Lucas escalating more by the second. My only saving grace was her hand in mine on my thigh, which I held tightly and really didn't want to let go. Even now, as we make our way up in the elevator to my penthouse, my grip remains.

“Ben…” she whispers, looking up to me. “We need to talk about tonight.” I can see her nerves plain as day. She looks unsure, and I hate that. I have so many things running around in my brain from tonight that I haven’t had time to digest or even think about. I don’t want to lose Em. I want to do right by her with the school; I want Jeremy Lucas out of the picture and Sasha to leave me alone. I want my mother to be pleasant to my fiancée and for Em to feel comfortable on my arm. But mostly, I want to have her all to myself tonight, without any of our potential problems in the way.

Now that I know where the school gets their money, I hold important information. Information that could help me get the property for Beasley and information that would no doubt hurt my relationship with Emily. All it would take is one call from Beasley to Ian, offering him a deal he couldn't refuse to stop funding the school, giving the school no choice but to cease operation. No funds equals no school, making the sale a given. But I don’t want him to take the school. Not anymore.

"Just tell me one thing, and then the rest can wait,” I say, knowing that this is a heavy conversation better had when we are both rested and not feeling as on edge.

“Anything.” I know she means it. She is going to open up to me, tell me whatever I want to know.

“Did Jeremy Lucas do that to your arm?” I watch her sharp intake of breath, but her gaze doesn’t falter from mine.

“Yes. Yes, he did,” she whispers, her body almost deflating at the admission, her eyes getting glassy. “He is…” she starts to say, and I put my finger to her lips. I want to know. I want to know everything, but I already know I am not going to like it, and with the mood I am in, I am likely to do some serious damage to him if she tells me anything further.

“No. Not now. Tomorrow, or later in the week, but not now. Now, I just want you and me. Just the two of us. Everything and everyone outside of these walls can wait.” I don’t want our reality to seep in yet. I want one more night. One more night with this woman, when we only have eyes for each other. Because I know the heavy stuff is coming. I need to get my client sorted. I need to get the school fixed. I need to talk to Em about what she is hiding from me. There is so much I need to do. But I just need to feel her, be with her. She makes everything better. She makes me better.

She purses her lips, not looking convinced. I pull her to me, my hands wrapping around her waist, my head coming to her jaw, where I kiss her delicately before I move my lips down to her ear.

“Tonight I just want you, Em. Just me and you,” I whisper against her skin, breathing her in, needing this time. I have to center myself, and just the feel of her does that for me. I feel her body relax into mine just the same, and I exhale in relief.

“Okay. Just you and me,” she says, her hands running up my body and curving around my shoulders. Her fingers massage my scalp as I bite and kiss her neck, Em giving me more access as I do. I pull her even tighter, never wanting to let her go.

I squeeze her hip, ensuring she is real, reminding me that she is here. With me. In my mind, our agreement is no longer. It was a stupid decision that had led me to a very real conclusion. I want the girl. I really fucking want this girl. She is everything I have always wanted—kind, caring, smart, beautiful. Sure, Rosie was an unexpected surprise, but not an unwelcome one. As Emily gives me a small smile, her eyes glisten, watching me as I push all other thoughts aside, only focusing on her.

The elevator makes it to my place, and she steps out with a click of her heels, bringing more color and life to my penthouse than all the expensive artwork and decor combined. I follow her slowly, captivated by her.

She kicks off her shoes and immediately loses a few inches, then she pads across the marble tiles to my floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out at the sparkling city lights. Watching her in the reflection, I walk up behind her, my hands itching to touch her. I rest them on her bare shoulders, sliding them down her arms, and lowering my lips to her neck. I hear her exhale, her shoulders lowering, so I pepper kisses over her skin, my hands traveling over her dips and curves to her waist.

“You look so beautiful tonight,” I whisper as my lips move up her neck and drag along her jaw, her head now resting back on my chest. I spin her then and pull her close. My hands encasing her waist, she lifts up her arms, her fingers caressing my face longingly as she looks up at me. This is exactly where she needs to be.

“I can assure you, that by morning, I will look nothing like this at all,” she murmurs as her hands travel to my shirt, and she begins to unbutton it. I shrug off my jacket once she reaches the last one, both hitting the floor in a pile at our feet.

“By morning, you will look completely and thoroughly fucked if I have anything to do with it.” She hums in agreement, her plush lips curving into a sexy smile.

“Turn around, baby,” My voice is all gravel, and as she turns, I reach to her back and slowly lower the zipper on her gown, letting it fall graciously to the floor and holding her hand as she steps out of it.

Now only in her matching red strapless bra and underwear, I stand back, admiring the view. Feeling parched, my tongue sweeps across my lower lip, ready to taste every inch. I let my gaze wander over her body, from her dainty painted toes to her long, luscious hair, my cock straining against my pants.

I squint my eyes a little at her in question.
