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As Ben leaves, I take some deep breaths.

“More water?” his brother Tennyson asks from next to me, having just moved into Ben’s seat. Eddie sits on my other side, watching me carefully.

“Does he normally do that?” I ask, still stunned, yet comforted that his two brothers are looking after me. After that display of wealth, I don’t feel like myself. You would think I would be somewhat understanding of it, given the ring on my finger and the amount he has helped with the school. Not to mention, he lives in both a magnificent penthouse and a stunning estate with uninterrupted views of the city. But hundreds of thousands of dollars for a necklace is insane. I’m not sure if I should be disgusted or honored. It is an exquisite piece, of that there’s no question; even I can appreciate the craftsmanship. It’s just… I have no idea whether it will look priceless or choke me as he places it around my neck.

“Sometimes. He will be quiet for a while, then bam, out of nowhere, he meets a woman he can’t stop talking about, buys her a diamond ring, brings her to our family charity dinner, and bids an astronomical amount at a public auction in a declaration of love.” My eyes widen at his statement, and he grins over the top of his whiskey glass. By my count, he is up to five since I have been here. He holds his liquor well.

“I’m just teasing. Ben is a little arrogant when it comes to money, but not in a bad way. He is purposeful, deliberate, and so I can only assume he has a need for a diamond necklace called The Emily,” Tennyson quips, and my body feels heavier at the mention of love. He thinks Ben loves me? Clearing my throat, I push my shoulders back to compose myself.

“He is not giving that necklace to me. He can’t…” I feel like I am about to break out from my skin, and I take some more deep breaths. My hand automatically comes to my arm, rubbing it lightly, wanting the remaining throbbing to go away because it is clouding my judgment.

“What happened to your arm?” Eddie asks, as his eyes home in on my red skin. I didn’t miss Jeremy’s look at me when he stood up from the table after his bidding loss and stalked out of the room. He doesn’t like to lose. Not one bit. My anxiety is peaking, and I need to try to relax before I totally lose myself tonight.

“Oh, I get hives when I’m nervous,” I mumble, the lie falling from my lips altogether too easily. Eddie’s lips thin, much like Ben's, so I can tell he doesn’t believe me.

“Well, I just had a very interesting conversation with my dear friend, Jonathan Beasley!” Ben's mother, Diane, struts up to the table, her hands on her hips, hissing the words at me like I have done something wrong.

“Excuse me?” I say, sitting up and pushing my chair back a little to look at her. Just the mention of his name puts me on edge.

“I am told that you are the one stopping him from purchasing the slum of a school he wants to redevelop.” She’s seething in anger, but trying to contain it in this public setting. My eyes blink up at her. I feel like I am having an out-of-body experience right now.

“I’m sorry, but William Heights is not a slum—” I start to explain before I get interrupted.

“Mother,” Eddie pipes up from my other side, looking pained. My eyes flick to Tennyson, whose back is now ramrod straight, his teeth clenched, and his jaw ticking. He throws back his entire glass of whiskey, then pushes his seat back and stalks off, away from the table without saying a word.

“Oh, you know perfectly well. You are playing my son. You put on an expensive dress that Benjamin has obviously paid for, all because you are a conniving piece of work, trying to mess with what is men’s business. How typical. My stupid son sees a tight body and falls over backward for you and right into your lower-class arms. He has lost his mind buying you a diamond necklace not worthy of your neck. I can’t believe he doesn’t see through you for the piece of trash you are!” My eyes widen at her cruel words spoken quietly, and I hold my breath. Did she just call me trash?

“Mother, that is enough,” Eddie says again, now standing. I am confused for a beat, as Mrs. Rothschild meets my eyes with what can only be described as pure venom before a familiar face walks up beside her.

“Diane, let’s get a drink,” Sasha says with a wicked smile on her face, before she curls her arm inside Ben’s mother’s like they are best friends. Both women look down on me like I am nothing before turning and walking away.

That was the weirdest interaction I have ever had. Having never met Jeremy’s family, I have no experience with parents-in-law, yet I am pretty sure that is not supposed to happen. My heart is racing, and I feel totally out of place.

“Sorry for my mother, she can be a handful at times,” Eddie mutters, and I give him a small smile, even though I’m now shaking. I swallow and try again to calm my racing heart, my eyes pinging to the back hall where I saw Ben walk to, yet I can’t see him returning. As I sweep my gaze back to Eddie, I am pleasantly surprised to see someone I know over his shoulder.

Ian is an old friend of George’s and is the main funder for our school. Without him, our school couldn’t even operate. He spots me and gives me a beaming smile, and I don’t wait as I stand and move away from this table, the need to bolt from this event strumming through my body.

“Excuse me for a moment,” I say, giving Eddie a tight smile, but my anxiety is starting to dissipate now that I see a friendly familiar face. Eddie nods, then he sits back in his chair, giving his date, who sits on his other side, some attention.

I fix my dress as I make my way over to Ian, who upon seeing me, opens his arms wide.

“Emily, I thought that was you!” he says, looking extremely dapper for a man in his seventies.

“Hello, Ian, what a pleasant surprise!” I give him a small hug in greeting. I don’t know too much about Ian Shaw other than the fact that he is filthy rich, like most of the men in this room. He made his money in real estate, I think, and has been good friends with George since they were kids. While they don’t spend a lot of time together these days, they still get along well, and it has been a while since I have seen him.

“I didn't know you came to these things.” His eyes quiz me, clearly confused as to why a suburban mom like me would even be in this room tonight.

“Oh, I don’t usually. Something a bit different for me tonight,” I offer, not sure how much I should say.

“How is Rosie?” Ian asks, his eyes lighting up, and so do mine.

“She is great, thank you for asking. She is in love with Cinderella and all the fairy tales at the moment,” I say with a giggle as I think about my beautiful daughter.

“I heard about the flooding. I wish I could give more, but I just don’t think I can support the refurbishment right now,” Ian says quietly. Who is he kidding? He could probably build an entirely new classroom, but where he invests his money is not a decision for me to make.

“Thanks for considering it, though. George mentioned he had called you,” I say, not wanting to tell him that Ben has stepped in anyway. If he knew we had other funding, he might pull his, and I don’t want that to happen. If he doesn’t fund us, the school is as good as gone.
