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“Yes, please,” she moans sweetly as my lips travel up her neck, causing her head to lean back, exposing her neck to me.

“I don’t have a condom,” I whisper in her ear, annoyed with myself for not putting one in my suit pocket.

“I’m on the pill. And I’m clean.” I pull away and look down at her. Is she serious?

“Me too. I get checked regularly. Are you sure?” I ask again, my heart racing at the thought. Going bare with Em will be my undoing. I just know it.

“Yes, I’m sure. I need you inside me,” she begs a little as I press kisses to her neck, making my way back to her lips. My hands drift to her backside, and I lift her up effortlessly, positioning her onto me as her legs circle my waist. I slowly ease inside her, and my eyes almost roll to the back of my head at the feeling. If I knew showers could be this good, I would have spent way more time in them.

“Holy shit, Ben. You feel…” Em moans, her voice lost as I thrust deep, holding there for a second for her to adjust. “God, you feel so good.”

She’s right; I fill her up perfectly. I’ve never felt anything like this before—also never not used protection before. And with this new sensation, feeling her as I’m meant to, no condom in our way, I’m a goner.

“So fucking sweet. You’re gonna make me an addict for this pussy, baby.” Pulling back, I begin thrusting and grinding into her, deeper and harder, feeling all of her. Her breasts bounce in front of me with every pounding movement, and I lower my head again, sucking on her nipple as her hands wrap around my head, hanging on tight.

“You look so good at the mercy of my cock. I want to do this in the morning too. Can we do this every fucking day, baby?” I groan. I don’t know whether it is the water running down her body, the fact that I am bare, or if Emily has some magic hold on me, but I never want this to end.

“Every day. I vote for every day,” she pants out, and I feel my balls tighten just as her body starts to squirm and she arches her back.

“Oh, Ben… Don’t stop,” she commands on a moan, biting her lip so she’s as quiet as possible.

Just the look of her succumbing to pleasure pushes me over the edge, and I come right along with her, my hands gripping her ass so tight, her flesh molds against my palms. I grind my teeth, wanting to shout the roof off this bathroom, but refrain as I sink deep inside of her one last time, giving her my everything.

It is then I know. This woman has ruined me for all others.


After my second trip on a bus in a matter of weeks, I now find myself in the darkened aquarium, illuminated water and fish swimming overhead. It would be serene any other time, but at the moment, all I can hear are kids laughing and yelling over the top of each other, amazed at the large shark circling us. But my eyes are not on the shark, but rather they are glued to Rosie, who is standing close to her mother, who leans over and whispers to her constantly.

I tune my ears, trying to hear them, and realize that Em is describing everything she sees. From the colors, each fish, coral, bubbles, and even what some of the other kids are doing. Rosie is still as she listens intently; she looks happy, but she isn’t herself. Her posture is not as straight, her smile not as wide.

“You okay, Gavin?” I look beside me to see him slumped in a wheelchair, looking like he would rather be anywhere else.

“I just want to get out of this thing,” he bites out, clearly not happy that he needs to be wheeled around. Given the distance around this place, there was no way he could maneuver it all with just his walking stick. My eyes wander over the chair, one that the aquarium provided. It looks uncomfortable, takes up a lot of room, and I have no doubt that it is decades old. I grit my teeth. I wonder what these things cost…

Then I notice Michael, the deaf boy, tapping Em’s shoulder, grabbing her attention, before signing something to her. Em turns toward him a little and signs back, speaking the words she signs at the same time, Rosie nodding along on her other side at whatever they are saying.

Meanwhile, my cell phone continues to vibrate in my pocket. Work, my brothers, Sasha, all calling me as it is a regular workday, although my environment couldn’t be further from my office if I tried.

I ignore the vibrations as I watch over the group, feeling unsettled. I have a million other places to be today, but I promised Em that I would support the school excursion as part of our agreement. The thought leaves a bad taste in my mouth; the agreement now so blurred, I don’t even know what is real and what is fake anymore.

My eyes flick to a shark swimming overhead, next to it a smaller version, a baby, the two gliding through the water close together, looking lonely yet having each other. They swim an entire loop of the large tank before starting over again, never wavering from each other’s sides.

A flash to my left grabs my attention, and I groan to myself when I see a photog. I have no idea how he knew I was here or how he got inside. But luckily, a staff member also sees him and tells him to delete the photo and leave or they’ll confiscate his camera at the front desk. He slinks off begrudgingly, but it has me on edge. They have been following me more and more, our engagement now nearly top gossip news. Thank God they haven’t found Em yet, but I have had to increase the security around my penthouse and estate, and I have had to take a few different ways to Em’s house to lose a tail. I also have a security team already organized to drop on Em if I need to. I don’t want her life disrupted, not because of me. I need her and Rosie safe and not worried or stressed about fucking paparazzi chasing them home from school.

I make my way to the other side of the group to where my girls are, needing to be beside them.

“Rosie, let me help you,” I say, just as my hand encases her small waist, and I pick her up, placing her on my hip. Her small body is so light, it is as if I am holding a doll. Taking over from Em, she presses a chaste kiss to my cheek before attending to another student beside her. I tell Rosie all about the sharks and then comically describe the human diver who just appeared to feed them, explaining what they are eating and how it all occurs.

“Ben, won't the shark eat the diver?” Rosie asks innocently, yet it is a good question.

“No, the food he is holding is much tastier. The shark knows what he wants to eat, and it isn’t a human. He prefers a different diet,” I tell her, my eyes watching for anything else I might not have detailed yet. I am now looking at everything with fresh eyes, not wanting to miss even the smallest thing. The colors are vibrant, the world shining with a new glow as I take in every inch of our surroundings that I would usually take for granted.

Glancing over at Em, I watch her for a beat as she maneuvers Gavin’s chair to get a better view while signing something to Michael at the same time. Her multitasking skills are above anyone else's.

“Your mom works too hard,” I mumble to Rosie, who is now comfortable in my arms and leaning her head against my shoulder.

“I know.” Rosie sighs. “Grandpa George tells her all the time. Is her sore eye better now, Ben?” Rosie asks in her soft voice, and my jaw clenches as I think about that small bruise still lingering near Em’s temple.
