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“That’s the smart, sassy mouth I was talking about,” I grit out, her hands making quick work of my belt before opening my suit pants and pulling out my cock.

I hiss a little as she touches me. I’m already so turned on from watching her come, my length throbs in her grip. She leans forward then, a vision of sensuality, flattening her tongue and licking me from the base to the tip. Swiping up a drop of arousal, she rolls her tongue around, then sucks me into her mouth.

“Shit… that feels too good,'' I groan, my hands shooting up to my thighs, itching to touch her.

“Hands back by your sides, Ben. You had your fun, now let me have mine,” she says smoothly, smirking as she presses a kiss to my tip with her eyes glued to mine. Reluctantly, I let my hands slip back to my sides, and she lowers her head again, our eyes not leaving each other’s as she puts my tip back into her mouth. Swirling her tongue, she releases me with a pop, then goes back to dragging her tongue up and down again and again. Her light, wet caresses have my cock twitching.

“You're teasing me,” I grit out, my eyes glued to her mouth and her bright blues. They shine with mischief, right before she takes me all the way to the back of her throat.

“Mmmmm,” is all she replies, as I’m left groaning like I’ve never had a blow job before. I keep my voice down, just barely, as her delicate hand wrapped around me moves in tandem with her mouth.

“Fuck,” I breathe out, trying with every ounce of my restraint to stay quiet, my hands now gripping into the sofa. I watch as she works me over, hypnotized, wondering how the hell I found her and what I need to do to keep her.

The vibrations from her response run down my cock and up my spine.

“Baby, you are so good at that. So goddamn good. You look so pretty with my cock down your throat.” I’m barely hanging on to my sanity, my need to hold her, grab her, thrust up into her, is all-encompassing. I am needy as fuck, and it scares me, because I have never given up control like this.

She takes me impossibly deeper then, sucking me down with more swirls of that vicious tongue. My body feels hot all over as I suppress a curse, my grip on the sofa now white-knuckled. If I wasn’t already sitting, I am sure I would have fallen over.

“Fuck. You like making me crazy, hmm? You’re gonna make me come if you keep that up.” I feel her moan around my length in response, her teary eyes flicking up to mine again. When her lips try to smile, stuffed full of me, my balls tighten, ready to explode. My eyes remain glued to the best fucking show in town as my dream woman treats me to pleasure like no other.

“Baby, I’m coming…” I warn her, almost ripping the material from the sofa as she teases me and changes her pace in a way that sends me straight into heaven. I bite my bottom lip to prevent myself from yelling the apartment building down as I let go, deep in her throat, a growl, low and animalistic, rumbling from my chest as she wrings me dry. Her mouth is still an instrument of magic as she pulls back and swallows, tenderly licking me again as I slowly find my bearings.

“God, where have you been all my life?” I ask in awe, looking at her as she sits back with a cheeky smile lighting up her face. I don’t hesitate to grab her hand and bring her up onto my lap.

She chuckles as she relaxes into my hold, and I tilt her lips to mine.

“You want to stay tonight?” she asks me quietly, our faces only an inch apart. My eyes roam hers, and my smile is immediate.

“I can’t think of anywhere else I want to be.”

Before she gets too comfortable, I stand, keeping her against me.

“Whoa, I can walk,” she says, her hands gripping on to my neck, scared to fall, but what she doesn’t seem to realize yet is that I will never let her go. I will always catch her.

“Let’s take a shower, and then we can watch a movie. I brought snacks,” I say, smiling at the range of candy I have stuffed in my briefcase.

“Snacks?” she questions as I walk through her bedroom door, closing it softly behind us.

“Yes, snacks, although I prefer to eat you, but I figured I can do that later tonight…” I murmur, placing her on her feet in the bathroom. She laughs lightly, a flush taking over her cheeks, but no denial in sight. Grabbing her top I pull it over her head, then I lower her skirt to the floor.

She reaches forward and pulls my pants down, and I make quick work of my shirt as she turns on her shower. I forgot how small it is compared to mine, but we both fit with ease. My hands are magnetized to her body as they roam her curves, grabbing the soap and lathering it over her skin.

“Oh, your hands are magic,” she says on a sigh, leaning her head back under the water. It flows down her hair as I massage her breasts and then lower my hands down her body.

“My hands like feeling every inch of you. Turn around,” I say, taking every opportunity to do exactly that. I want nothing undiscovered.

She gives me her back, and I grab her hair, putting it over one shoulder and lathering her smooth skin, giving her shoulders a massage at the same time. I’ve never been one to share showers before. I don’t find showering particularly relaxing, preferring to be in and out quickly, but I do not want to move from this spot. Between the hot water, the steam, and her beautiful body, I already feel my cock twitch again. So, I have no intention of leaving anytime soon.

“My turn.” She faces me, grabbing the soap from my hands and starting with my chest before wandering down my torso. I watch the water drip off her breasts, and as her hands lower farther down my body, I feel her grab my cock. Leaning down, I suck her nipple into my mouth.

“Ben…” Her breathy plea is meant to be a warning, but she continues to run her hand up and down my cock, which is growing harder by the second, so I don’t stop either.

“If you want to pump my cock, baby, then I’m going to need to feel you too. You had your way with me on the sofa, and now I am itching to taste and touch you everywhere I can reach.” I’m lost in the delicate skin of her breasts, not bothering to come up for air.

Her fist tightens around me, and my hand wraps around her waist, keeping her close. I step her backward until her back hits the wall, caged in by my body. The tiles are cold and her nipple peaks even more between my lips. I bite it a little, hearing her gasp at the contact, before I suck it fully into my mouth, and she moans.

“I want to fuck you against this wall,” I murmur against her, my cock ramrod straight in her hand.
