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“You’re so beautiful,” he moans, his hands coming farther and farther up to my skirt, until he pushes it all the way up, bunching it around my waist. I should feel exposed, my red thong not really hiding anything, but his hands roam all over my ass and down my thighs and back again. He moves a little underneath me, his pants now fully tenting, my underwear doing little to hide my arousal.

“Ben…” I whisper in warning, my eyes flicking to Rosie’s door.

“Can you be quiet? Because I really need to touch you right now,” he grits out, and I bite my bottom lip and give him a nod. Rosie’s door is closed, her music is on, and she is already out cold. But this is the first time I have had a man in my home like this while Rosie is home.

Before my mind can continue down that rabbit hole, I feel Ben. His hands glide up my inner thigh, his thumb brushing against the pitiful amount of lace covering me. He moans when he feels how turned on I am already.

“You are so wet for me, Em, so perfect.” I whimper when he rubs lightly, and at the sounds, his other hand delves into my hair at the nape of my neck to pull me back to him. Our tongues tangle then, the slow and sultry now over, and diving straight into the deep end as we devour each other.

My lips part with a sharp inhale as his hand slides under the lace, his finger circling my clit in tender strokes. It only takes a moment for me to be writhing on top of him, our shared breaths becoming more like pants.

“God, I want you so bad, baby,” he whispers against my lips as his finger pushes inside before pulling out again, then swirling around my clit over and over, spreading the wetness before repeating the action with a mastered stroke.

“That feels… so good…” I moan, my voice shaky as I grind down on his touch. Our foreheads meet as we come up for air, pausing our kiss for a moment to look at each other instead. It is like we are the only people in the world. It always feels like that with him.

“I wish you could see yourself right now. So goddamn sexy, out of breath, and taking your pleasure from my hand. You’re soaking me, baby.” I move faster from just the sound of his voice, never mind his words. He moans, jolting a little underneath me; he is extremely hard, his length digging into my leg from beneath his pants. I can’t wait to have him inside me again.

“Faster, Ben. I need more… I want you… Please, please, give me more,” I almost beg, not even finishing a full thought, as my hips move at a wanton pace against his hand.

His other hand moves down my spine, then he splays it on my lower back, guiding my hips for me and pulling me closer.

“I’ll give you more when you come for me,” he whispers, looking right into my eyes.

“Ben… Ben…” I pant out, so close to the edge. I have never felt this needy in my entire life.

“That’s it, baby, take what you need. Come for me.” My head falls back as tingles rush up my spine and down my legs as my body listens to his command.

“Ben!” I whisper-shout, as his free hand races up and cups my face. I whimper, sucking on his thumb as it brushes over my lips, the move stifling my moans as I bite him a little before falling against his chest.

And with one curl of his fingers inside me, my whole body starts to shudder, almost convulsing as my hips barely continue to move on their own. My orgasm is so powerful, I am almost seeing black dots, my hearing just a hum as I catch my breath and tremble back down to earth. I don’t even adjust myself when he slowly removes his hand from my center; I just let out a little whine from the new emptiness.

I hear him chuckle then, as he runs his hand up and down my back, and I sit back up, feeling extremely relaxed. Almost drunk on what he just did to me.

“You okay there?” he asks, pushing my hair back from my face.

“So good,” I say with a smile, one that I know I am going to find very hard to remove.

“So now you know it’s true…” he says, his hands still roaming over my body. It is like he can’t get enough, not that I’m complaining.

“What’s true?” I ask, tilting my head as I look down at his smirk.

“That I always get what I want.” The look on his handsome face is devilish. He knows he is pushing my buttons, that I am not one to back away from a challenge.

“It seems that you do.” I laugh, smoothing my hands up his chest as his move up and down my bare thighs.

“You know what else I want?” he murmurs as his thumb skirts up the inside of my thigh and brushes against my center again, making me twitch.

“What else?” I say, altogether too breathily, not able to help the fact that my body feels like liquid around him. My hands move down his chest, feeling every chiseled muscle beneath my palms, only stopping when they reach his belt buckle.

“I want you on your knees, with your mouth open wide, showing me exactly what that smart, sassy mouth of yours can do.” I bite my bottom lip so I don’t drool at his demand. He watches me carefully, no doubt wondering if I will comply or slap him. He knows I don’t take orders from anyone, yet for him, I’m ready to slide down onto my knees easily without any hesitation. The thought of tasting him is now the only thing on my mind. I almost crave it. I want to watch him come undone at my touch.

I want to see him unravel.


There is a lot about Em I like. Whether she is a dowdy schoolteacher making kids smile, a spitfire sass in the boardroom, or a whimpering mess underneath me, I’ll take any version in stride. But right here, right now, this flushed, panting, moaning woman is by far my favorite.

“Are you sure you can handle me?” she asks with a quirked brow as I watch her sink down onto the floor. My heart rate increases, seeing her on her knees in front of me, her blue eyes staring up into mine. I want to grab her, maul her, maneuver her in any which way I can have her. My desire for this woman is insatiable. But I refrain, sitting still and letting her lead, my hands clenching beside me to stop me from taking over.
