Page 104 of The Echo of Violence

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“Alright. Shut up so I can get this over with. I’m sure you have better places to be than here.” Scope sits down and leans back, crossing his hands over his stomach. I stare at all the rings on his fingers as he continues. “First up, I want to make some changes around here concerning the club bunnies. We had an incident with Ginger. She was spiking drinks in hopes of getting pregnant. The bitch is gone, but I’d buy new condoms to be on the safe side.”

“Crazy fucking bitches,” someone curses, making a few guys chuckle.

Scope swings the conversation back around. “Back to the changes.”

“What kind of changes?” Shredder asks.

“Like out in the open fucking and partying occurring on Fridays and Saturdays only. There is no reason why the rest of the week you can’t do shit behind closed doors. If you want an audience, drag a group of brothers into one of your rooms. I don’t care what you do in there, but I’m sick of seeing all your dicks constantly.”

I laugh, but Boomer huffs. “Funny how you didn’t give a fuck until we had a pussy become a prospect.”

Scope thumps the table in front of him. “This has nothing to do with Jinx and everything to do with Mercy. This is her home, and she has been nothing but understanding, but everyone here just keeps pushing the limits. Have some fucking respect for your queen.”

Shredder shrugs. “I’m good with it.”

Menace nods. “It’s been a long time coming. I agree.”

Eventually, everyone agrees, though Boomer and Marlin are less than pleased.

“Now, the next topic of conversation is Jinx.” Scope holds up his hand to stop anyone from interrupting. “I’ve given her a couple of weeks to get settled, but she knew we’d be having this discussion. All she asks is that the information I give you stays in this room.” He then tells everyone who Jinx really is and what happened to her the day that changed her life. I should have known he’d already know.

“Jesus, that’s crazy,” Shredder says, looking sick. “She was just a kid.”

“You sure she should even be here? Savage Hearts was a one-percenter club. I know we’re not squeaky clean, but we ain’t that. The last thing we need is the law breathing down our necks,” Boomer grunts.

“Again, she was fifteen. Plus, you know that until a few weeks ago, she was a fugitive recovery agent.”

“So, she works with the police. Great.”

“You want to pick a grievance and stick with it, Boom?” Kaz snaps.

“All I’m saying is you don’t know her. She could be spying on us, feeding shit to—”

“Enough!” Scope snaps at him. “Need I remind you that the prospect you sponsored is currently in jail for hitting a woman and her fucking kid? Your bullshit is bordering on personal. If I find out you have some kind of vendetta against this girl, I’m going to make you sorry you were born. If you don’t like her, then stay away from her. It’s as simple as that.

“I only shared her history with you all because I thought you should know exactly who she is and what she brings to the table. She knows MCs. Her father was a president, for fuck’s sake. Show her some respect, and she’ll return it tenfold. That being said, if anyone crosses a line with her, you’ll be gone—no second chances. I’ll rip you out of your cut and burn the tattoos from your skin. Asking her to suck your dick is not okay. Grabbing her ass is not okay. Threatening her with something or blackmailing her with a patch for her snatch is not okay. If you wouldn’t ask Spoons and Ryder to do it, then you don’t ask Jinx, either.”

Everyone agrees quietly.

“Might want to warn those three the prospect is off limits.” Boomer glares in my direction.

“Eightball, Splinter, and Knight are in a relationship with Jinx. It’s new and has fuck-all to do with any of us, as long as it doesn’t interfere with her prospecting duties. It’s consensual. That’s all you need to know.”

Boomer mutters something, but it’s too quiet for me to hear, which is just as well. I’m likely to rip his tongue from his mouth and feed it to him.

“Alright, that’s all. Remember, what was said in here stays in here. It was never determined who blew up the Savage Hearts clubhouse. Just a shit-ton of speculation. It’s been years now, but that doesn’t mean whoever was responsible might be happy to find out that Jinx is still alive.”

“So, she was the only survivor?” someone asks.

Scope shakes his head. “A former prospect, Rex, dragged her from the wreckage. The sergeant at arms, Nico, was on a run. When he came back, he petitioned for custody of Jinx. He changed his whole life to keep her out of the system. She was lucky to have good men at her back, and now that she’s here, I’d like to think she can find a few more.”



Mercy stops me when I get to her table. “What was that all about?”

I shrug. “Boomer is not a big fan of a woman being a prospect. He’s trying to remind me of my place.”

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