Page 103 of The Echo of Violence

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Splinter steps closer. Eightball gets the hint and moves aside as Splinter yanks her into his arms. “Stay with us tonight. Let us show you how sorry we are.”

“Can we stay at my place?”

“Of course.”

“Alright. I don’t know what time I’ll get out of here, though.”

“That’s okay. We’ll wait for you.” His words are simple, but we all know from his tone that he’s not just talking about tonight. He kisses her softly as other people start to wander in, ready for church. “We’d better get in there and find out what’s going on.”

“Come find me when you’re done, and I’ll get you all a beer.”

We head toward church, ignoring Boomer, who is at the bar with a face like a slapped ass. “Is it my turn now? I’ve never fucked a prospect before.”

I pull my arm back to punch him, but Jinx walks over with a smile, collecting empty bottles along the way.

“The only thing you’re getting from me, Boomer, is a beer. What can I get you?”

He looks her up and down before his lip curls. “Daisy!” he yells.

Daisy, who was across the room talking to Mercy, turns at the sound of her name being bellowed.

Boomer points to his dick. “It’s not gonna suck itself.”

Daisy says something to Mercy before heading over. I shake my head, knowing he’s doing this to make Jinx feel uncomfortable.

Jinx just rolls her eyes and walks off to clean another table. Having grown up in a one-percenter MC, I can only imagine the shit she’s seen. Still, it pisses me off that Boomer is acting like such a fucking dick.

Daisy smiles at me before dropping to her knees in front of Boomer as he opens his pants.

“Let’s go. I’ve got better things to do than watch this shit,” I say, and we head to church, leaving Boomer behind.

I push the door open, finding Scope, Wizz, and Kaz already inside.

“The others out there yet?” Kaz asks.

“Most are trickling in now.”

“Alright.” Scope nods, his eyes moving to my fisted hands. “Something I should know?”

“Just Boomer being a dick. If he’s late, it’s because he has Daisy sucking him off at the bar.”

Wizz sighs. “It’s one of the things we’ll be bringing up today. Got some news I think you’ll be interested in too, Knight. Malice thought someone was stealing shit from his room, so he set up one of those nanny cams. Caught Ginger spiking the water bottles he keeps in his mini fridge. When questioned, she admitted to spiking your drink too. The goal was to fuck a biker and get pregnant, but you were too out of it to get it up. She left you alone with the intention of coming back, but Tiny beat her to it. For what it’s worth, I think Tiny’s story checks out. She seemed horrified at Ginger’s actions.”

“Jesus fuck. That could have been bad. She mess with the condoms too? Seems like the next logical step.”

“She says no because if everyone got pregnant, it would look suspicious. Still, I’d replace them all if I were you.”

“Looks like you dodged a bullet, Knight. Fuck, we all did. She’s gone, right?”

“Oh yeah. Put the fear of fucking God into her. That bitch isn’t allowed within three hundred feet of any of the Chaos Demons’ compounds. I’ve also sent word out to Carnage and Raven Souls.”

I blow out a relieved breath and take a seat. I change the subject before my temper gets the better of me. “How’s Jinx doing with the whole prospecting gig?”

“Good. She’s on Mercy all day and helps out here with the bar and kitchen now that Scooter is gone. Mercy seems a lot happier now. And apparently, they’ve found a place to use for the center that’s willing to rent them the space until they’re one hundred percent sure this is what they want to do.”

“Nice. I’m glad things are going smoothly for them.”

The door opens, and Shredder walks in with Menace and Marlin. They all offer chin lifts as they take their seats. The room fills up over the next five minutes, with Boomer coming in a second before the meeting starts.

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