Page 89 of Along Came Holly

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“Then we’re in agreement. Roommates for as long as you’re in town, and the benefits are available until one or both of us is ready to move on. No hard feelings.”


“Do we need to write up some kind of agreement?”

“I think verbal is enough,” Declan said.

Holly pushed off the counter and grabbed him by the front of the shirt with both hands. “Then if you’re ready and willing, I’d like to get started on those benefits.”

Declan bent over, his big hands covering her butt, and lifted her up, holding her against him. Holly locked her legs around his waist, resting her hands on his shoulders when he headed out of the kitchen.

“Your room or mine?” he asked.

“My bed is bigger,” she murmured, bending over to kiss him.

“Holly,” he mumbled against her mouth. “I can’t see where I’m going when you do that.”

Holly laughed, retreating until he walked through her bedroom door. She’d left the bedside lamp on earlier and the yellow glow from under the floral shade cast shadows on the wall as he set her on the bed. Her legs fell away from him as she scooted back, watching him hungrily while his fingers worked the buttons of his flannel shirt. He slipped the shirt off one shoulder, revealing sculpted pecs, flexing biceps, and a glimpse at lovely defined abs. Holly regretted that she lacked Declan’s artistic abilities. He would have made a beautiful painting.

When Declan discarded the shirt across the back of her corner chair, Holly took the opportunity to tug her camisole over her head. Clad only in her bra and joggers, she searched his face. Declan’s eyes drifted over her and everywhere his gaze touched left a trail of heat on her skin. She’d never had a man look at her like he wanted to consume her, to taste every last bit of her, and anticipation throbbed between her legs.

Holly reached for the waist of her joggers and pushed them down her legs at the same time he unbuckled his belt. She crawled across the bed and reached for the top of his pants, kneeling on the end of the mattress to get a better angle. Declan’s hand slipped around the back of her neck and his mouth crashed down on hers hungrily, licking and stroking her tongue as she blindly fought with the button of his jeans.

Discarding clothes was never quite as easy as the movies portrayed it, and Declan’s hands joined hers, helping her shove his jeans down his hips. She broke the kiss to finish the job and saw the waistband of his boxer briefs caught on the hard length of his cock, outlining the shape, and Holly licked her lips with anticipation.

“I love the way you’re watching me,” he said, stretching his waistband as he bent over to finish removing his clothes.

“You’re definitely fun to look at,” she murmured, reaching behind to unhook her bra and managed to slide it down her arms in time for Declan to pick her up and toss her gently back onto the bed.

“So are you,” he murmured.

His mouth grazed her neck first, kissing his way down and along her collarbone, and she arched into his mouth. Holly wasn’t the type to lie back and enjoy. An eager participant, her hands stretched, touching him everywhere, but she couldn’t reach the one part of him she was dying to explore.

Declan took her left nipple into his mouth, tugging on it with a gentle suck, and Holly closed her eyes, hands threading through his hair, squeezing her legs together against the aching drum deep in her pussy.

Holly didn’t go slow. She hit top speed in every aspect of her life, but no amount of urging detoured Declan from the steady, thorough exploration of her body. When his head dipped between her legs and she let out a breathless whimper, he looked at her, up the length of her body, and the intensity in those green eyes didn’t match the small smile.

“Remember what I said? I’m the boss.”

His words barely registered before his mouth was back, insistent and commanding, every flick of his tongue making her legs tremble. Oral sex was a crap shoot depending on the giver, but holy mother of sex, Declan was a master of the craft.

The orgasm came on like an earthquake, sudden and intense, vibrating from her core and outwards, spreading through her limbs, chest, and up her throat until she cried out her release loudly, calling his name with her hands gripped in her sheets. He continued to lick her, stroke her, bringing her back down in that patient, soft style, and she hummed as the tension in her body eased, leaving her a puddle of satiated mush.

Declan rolled onto his side next to her, slipping an arm under her body and pulling her against his. He pressed his lips to her forehead, his other hand resting on the curve of her hip. Holly turned in his arms, hooking her leg over his thigh and reaching between them.

“I don’t have a condom.”

Holly sat up and leaned across him, reaching for the drawer in her nightstand. He moved with her, rolling onto his back while she retrieved the condom and hovered over him, adjusting her legs to straddle his body.

“I gotcha covered,” she said with a smile, dropping a kiss onto the center of his chest. She didn’t give it to him, but made her way down his stomach, scooting along the length of his legs as she returned the favor he’d given her with gusto. Licking along his length and sucking him down, listening to him groan and gasp with every new stroke or caress of her hands and tongue. He was vocal about what felt good and Holly loved it, the sound of his happiness like the sweetest melody and she couldn’t get enough.

When Holly ripped the condom open, he tried to take it from her, but she avoided him with a smirk.

“I’m the boss now.”

Declan laughed deeply, leaning back on his elbows, his gaze trained on her, and she gazed back, even as she rolled the condom over his head and followed it with her mouth. Declan’s eyes widened before they closed completely. “Fuck, Holly. You’re incredible.”

She released him and climbed up the line of his body until the head of his cock rested against her center. “I’d agree with that assessment.”

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