Page 73 of Along Came Holly

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“Sure. Why not?”


Declan stepped away from the table, his heart pounding as Holly rounded the people seated to get to him. He could have blamed the alcohol, but that wasn’t why he’d awkwardly asked Holly to dance. He didn’t like that Sam was her first choice, the guy she could count on, because Declan wanted to be that. He’d been an idiot on more than one occasion, but with the warm glow of a buzz lighting up his body, too many truths were popping into his head.

When Holly reached his side, Declan took her hand and drew her through the remaining tables to the dance floor. The upbeat country melody pumping through the speakers matched the thump of his heart as he wrapped an arm around her waist and took her hand in his. He led her around the dance floor in silence, searching for something to say.

“Thanks for the save,” she whispered, loud enough to be heard as they passed the speakers. “I really stepped in it with Sally. I’m sure she thinks I’m interested in Sam, and I didn’t mean to make it seem that way.”

Declan cleared his throat. “I saw the look he gave you. He’s not interested in her.”

“He’s not interested in me either. If anything, he was probably looking for an out without hurting her feelings.”

“I’d rather someone was honest and shot me down up front. I wouldn’t want to think there was hope for something and have the other person admit later they were trying to be kind.”

Silence stretched between them and Declan wondered what she was thinking. When the song was almost over, Declan asked, “Do you really love this song? Or were you trying to escape the table because I came back to it?”

Holly jerked back, glaring up at him. “I’m not scared of you, Declan.”

He chuckled quietly. “I know that. I’m asking if you’re avoiding me.”

“Seems like you’re the one who was avoiding me, driving off before I could pay you.”

“Maybe. Or I knew deep down I’d been a dick and didn’t want to accept that check until I figured out how to apologize.”

The edges of Holly’s dark eyes softened. “Is that what you’re doing? Apologizing?”

“No, I’m just giving you a what-if scenario.” Holly stomped on his foot, and he winced, tightening his hold on her waist. “Bad joke. I’m sorry I keep sending mixed signals.”


“And what?”

“What does this apology mean? Are you going to stop with all the ‘come here’ and ‘go away’ or are you apologizing because you want the check and nothing more?”

The song ended, but instead of leading her back to the table, Declan placed his hand behind her back and walked her through the throngs of people who’d been spilling into the bar since the parade ended. They walked out the back door to the patio area, the cold air hitting his face like a slap. He felt something chilly brush his cheek soft as an angel’s wing and realized it was snowing.

Shrugging out of his jacket, he placed it around her shoulders and watched as she slipped her arms into the sleeves, the brown canvas outerwear swallowing her up.

“Thanks, but what are we doing out here, Declan?”

His gaze swept over the mostly empty area except for a couple smoking in the corner. He ran his hand over the stubble that had popped up across his cheeks and chin in the last week since he shaved, searching for the right thing to say.

The problem with words was every time he tried, it all came out wrong.

He took her hand, swinging them both around the corner and out of sight from anyone coming out that back door.


Transferring his hand to cradle her face, he ran a thumb over her cheek. “I want you.”

Holly’s breath came out in a single word. “But?”

“No buts. I want you. I want to kiss you.” His hands dropped to her waist and he pressed into her until Holly’s back hit the wall. “To feel your body against mine.”

“No more stop and go?” she asked, even as her hand slipped up to hang onto his shoulder.

“Not until we’re both satisfied.”

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