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“Nothing is going on with Clark!”

Holly sat forward, cupping her chin in her hand as she studied Merry intently. “Then why are you blushing?”

“Because I have pale skin and it’s warm in here?”


“You do know you’re annoying, right?”

She sat back again with a smirk, spreading her arms over the back of the love seat and crossing her legs. “That is in the little sister job description.”

“You have that down pat.”


Merry left her stuff on the couch and got up. “I’m going to call Mom and see when they are getting back from the store so I can get lunch started.”

“Oh good, I’m starving.”

“Who said I’m making you any?”


Merry chuckled and opened the fridge, rummaging through the drawers, but nothing sounded good.

“Uh, Merry?” Holly said.

She closed the fridge with a grunt. “What?”

“Butch has your penis.”

Merry’s gaze flew to her parents’ bloodhound and sure enough, clenched in his massive jowls was her voodoo peen.

“Butch! Drop it!”

She came around the kitchen island and Butch scrambled down the hall toward the laundry room, his paws tearing across the floor for traction. Merry slid to a stop in the doorway, but the dog was already through the doggy door and outside.


Merry opened the outside door and took off after him. The last thing she wanted was for her dad or Clark or…oh, God, Jace, to find a stuffed penis floating around the property.

Butch was having a ruckus of a time and as she jumped at the dog and he slipped through her hands, she noticed her sister standing off to the side with her phone up.

“You’d better not be recording me!”

“I would never,” she said insincerely.

Merry didn’t believe her for a second but one problem at a time.

She raced after Butch, wincing as her bare feet connected with something pokey but she kept going. Almost. So close.

Merry caught hold of the head of the penis and slowed to a stop. She bent down eye level with the hound and in a deep voice growled, “Drop it.”

Butch opened his mouth and stepped back, his long muscular tail sawing through the air excitedly.

“No, I’m not throwing this for you.” She grimaced as wetness coated her palm from the sopping yarn. “Freaking drool monster. You’re pretty spry for an old hound, you know that?”

Merry spun back towards the house and found not just her sister, but Clark standing at her side, watching something on her phone.

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