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“Oh my God, he’s cute.” Holly took it from her, holding it up like a baby. “I want one. But I want mine bigger. Something to cuddle with. Oh, can you make it look like an elf?”

Merry burst out laughing, her mind already picturing it. “I can try.”

Holly handed it back with a rueful laugh. “It will be the only D I’ve gotten in…ugh, too long.”

“This is a weird conversation.”


“Because you’re my baby sister.”

“I am almost twenty-four. Not a baby. Mom had Nick when she was younger than me.”

“Do you think about that?” Merry asked.

“Didn’t we just say a few minutes ago we wanted to avoid thinking about mom, sex, and procreation?”

“Not that, I mean…do you think about having kids right now?”

Holly blinked at her. “Well, not now. Eventually, I’ll have at least two. After I’m done with my adventures.”

Merry groaned. “You need to stop with that YouTube channel!”

“Hey, it isn’t just YouTube now. I have over 200,000 followers on TikTok and another 70,000 on Instagram.”

Merry rubbed her temples. When her sister started her channel as the Adventure Elf, they thought it was funny. Holly had always been into skydiving, rock climbing, and other extreme sports, but when she added the elf costume, her first video went viral. Her following blew up and she’d used her earnings from the channel to buy her shop, which was amazing, but they’d all been concerned about her doing something extreme for views.

“You’re nuts and are going to end up in a body cast someday. They are going to find your body broken at the bottom of a mountain, in an elf suit.”

“And they’ll say I died doing what I love.” Holly shot her a dirty look. “I’m insulted you don’t watch my videos. You’re my sister. Where is the love and support?”

“Hey, I follow you on social media! I just hate thinking of you putting yourself in dangerous situations for views.”

“Listen, you might like playing it safe with boring corporate types and being a sweet little helper, but I am a risk-taker. I am not afraid to jump in and get my feet wet, so stop projecting your hang-ups on me.”

“What hang-ups?”

“Oh, come on!” Holly groaned. “You are the queen of scaredy-pants everywhere!”

“I am not! I have had plenty of adventure.”

“Being a serial monogamist isn’t adventurous. You can’t be alone.”

“I’ve been alone for the last year!”

“I bet you anything you’ll dive back into the dating pool and fall for the first jerk who smooth-talks his way into your panties. You call me nuts, but you’re the crazy one! You date the same guy repeatedly and expect a different result.”

“How can you say that? You never met most of my boyfriends.”

“Yeah, but I know the O.G. boyfriend and he sucks balls. Based on that and the way your relationships end, I think you need to change it up a bit. Date someone not on your radar.”

“Or I can remain happily single and not date anyone,” Merry grumbled.

“Solid plan, one which I have been following for several years. I just thought there might have been a little spark between you and Clark the foreman.”

Merry could feel the blood rush to her cheeks. “When did you see a spark?”

“Last night. When you two walked outside. Alone. In the dark under the glow of Christmas lights—”

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