Page 20 of The Boss Dilemma

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He’s already hard again.

“So fucking beautiful,” he murmurs, tracing the swell of my ass and the dip at my waist. “You’re the kind of woman dreams are made of, Spitfire. You make me feel… insatiable.”

“Guess we should take advantage of the time we have,” I say just to try to diffuse the intensity between us. I swear the air is crackling. I’m a little afraid of just how powerfully attracted I am to him.

“I guess so,” he agrees, marrying words with action as he grabs my hips and grinds me harder against his cock. The feel of his bare skin against mine, nothing between us, makes me shiver. His cock is velvety smooth, and the contact with my clit as I ride him like this is unlike anything I’ve experienced before.

Everything is new with Dominic. New and precious in its temporary nature.

I like the warmth of him. The strength. The fact that he’s already ready to go again.

If I were really and truly Sara, I’d fuck him like this. With absolutely nothing between us. Sara knows how good it would be in spite of the risks. Maybe even because of them.

Me, though—Sophie? I don’t have a reckless bone in my body. I have goals. After tonight, I’m putting the heartbreak and pain of the past few years behind and going after them. And there’s no room for any kind of stupid risks like having unprotected sex in those goals.

No matter how delicious it would be. My walls sliding along his length. His head pushing against all the right places. Both of us slick with need.

“Shit,” Dominic hisses suddenly. “What I wouldn’t give to fuck you without a condom. To feel that sweet pussy squeeze my bare cock. To fill you up and watch myself drip out of you. Goddamn. You have no idea.”

He’s wrong about that. I have a very good idea.

It surprises me how closely linked we are, and how it feels like he’s reading my thoughts. But it’s been like that the entire night. We just click. Our bodies work together, and if we had the chance to see what else does too… well, that might be even more dangerous than sex without a condom.

It’s also a pretty big turn on. And empowering, to say the least, that I’ve made this control freak wish he could lose control.

I work my hips more purposefully, now that they know the rhythm and pressure Dominic likes. Work my body against his. Give and take pleasure. Boldly take hold of his shaft, experimenting. Learning his body like he learned mine, gripping the velvety steel and thumbing the slit in his crown just to see what he’ll do.

He watches me with hooded eyes, his chest rising and falling faster as his breath picks up, until he snaps into action. I don’t know what does it—which tiny movement or touch makes him break—but he pushes me off him and onto my back, covering my body with his powerful frame.

“You just love to tease, don’t you?” he growls, his words and voice rough as he reaches for the bedside table. He grabs another condom and rolls it onto his straining cock before kneeling between my legs.

“I love this,” I admit, parting my legs for him.

My body is primed and warmed up, stretched out a little by our first fuck. But he’s still enormous, and we both groan at the tight fit as he presses into me.

I don’t think my body could ever get used to his length and girth. Maybe, secretly, I hope it doesn’t. I hope it’s a tight fit every single time. That I’m taken apart by the feel of him pressing into me like this for all time.

Well… for as many more times as we can both handle tonight.

Is that why this is all so good? Because I know it’s going to be over after tonight?

That’s definitely part of it, but I don’t think it’s the only reason. It’s the unspoken connection between us, the way he seems to reach inside my brain, to understand me on an intuitive level. But I don’t have time to analyze that, because with Dominic’s cock fully inside me again, all thoughts leave my mind. He’s so fucking big that it’s as if there’s no room for anything else.

I’m a little sore from our first marathon round of sex, my muscles a little shaky from all the orgasms earlier. But there’s not a chance in hell that I’m going to say no to this or miss out on a single moment. Not when our time together is so limited.

“Fuck,” Dominic mutters, gripping my legs. “What are you doing to me?”

I don’t have an answer to that, so I just whimper instead, arching my back as he draws out and slides back in. We begin the way we ended last time, with my knees pressed into my chest and Dominic looming over me, using the angle to his advantage. He has to have noticed how good this position was for both of us. That’s probably why he picked it again.

My body is so sensitive that pleasure is already coursing through me, overriding what little pain there is. I’m so wet I can hear it, and so can Dominic. He grins savagely down at me, pistoning his hips as he drives deeper, because he knows exactly what’s about to happen.

“Come for me again,” he commands, and I shatter. I’m mewling, crying out, my nails digging into his arms as I hold on for dear life.

“Again,” he says before I even have a chance to come down, still thrusting, his face a mask of tension.

I shake my head, my breath punching out of my lungs in short gasps. “I can’t. I… I can’t.”

“You can, and you will.”
