Page 21 of The Boss Dilemma

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He’s so sure and absolute that I almost want to prove him wrong. Almost. But the bigger part of me wants to prove him right.

“Let go for me, Spitfire,” he says, leaning down farther, pressing himself in even deeper, slipping one hand between us and finding my clit. “Come on. Give me one more. I need to remember those sounds you make for the rest of my life.”

I don’t know what it is. Some kind of miracle, maybe. Or the nickname he gave me strumming something inside me that I still don’t have time to process. But between the two of us, we pull off the unthinkable, and I’m thrown headfirst into yet another orgasm. I’ve lost count. It’s complete insanity.

But at least Dominic falls apart with me this time. He grits out a growl as he comes, holding me tightly as his hips stutter and slow to a stop. We’re both out of breath, looking at each other in wonder.

“I’m nowhere near done with you,” he informs me even as he slowly collapses over my body. It’s a warm, comforting weight. I could go to sleep, but I wouldn’t dare.

Because he’s right. We’re not done with each other. When there’s only tonight, we have to seize every moment.

“I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk straight tomorrow,” I admit, my voice embarrassingly hoarse.

He chuckles. “I fucking hope not.”

I kiss his sweat-slicked neck in silent agreement.

* * *

I wake up to golden light streaming in through the windows and the feel of soft lips pressed against my forehead. Dominic gazes down at me as I blink my eyes open.

Except… no. It’s not Dominic. That’s not his real name.

It’s the mystery man who rewrote my DNA last night, leaving what feels like a permanent mark on my body. A man I wish I knew better. I want to know his real name, and I want him to know mine.

Against my better judgment, I want more. I want everything he can give me. I want to forget about my goals and plans and just chase after this for a while. Because this is a rare thing, two strangers coming together and connecting on that kind of level.

“I have to go,” he murmurs, his gaze soft as it meets mine. “Flight to catch.”

“Wish you didn’t,” I murmur, my voice absolutely wrecked.

A crooked smirk shows me he knows he’s responsible for that.

“I’m sure we both have things we need to get back to doing,” he says. “Although it was nice to have a little break. I usually can’t stop myself from thinking about work, but last night, all I could think about was you. Enjoy your vacation, Sara. Order some breakfast from room service—it’s on me.”

I smile, my stomach fluttering as I wrestle with myself internally, torn between letting this moment end like I’m supposed to and going back to my normal life, or taking the leap and asking for more. His offer of room service is sweet, but I don’t really want breakfast. Nothing on the room service menu could hold a candle to the man in front of me.

And I don’t want to return to normalcy. Not when I’ve just gotten used to my taste of the extraordinary. It feels like walking away from this could be the greatest regret of my life.

“Your phone’s been buzzing,” he adds, nodding toward where my jacket is crumpled on the floor. “I’m sure your friend is eager to know where you are.”

Oh shit. I glance over at my jacket pocket, where my phone must be. I texted Jacquelyn after we left the bar to let her know I wouldn’t be going back to her place last night, but I’m sure she’s curious about what I got up to. Honestly, whatever stories she collected at the sex club will pale in comparison to what I spent my night doing.

“Right. I should call her back.” I swallow, forcing myself to say the next words. “Better not miss your plane, Dominic.”

He hesitates for a moment, still leaning over me, his brows furrowing as he gives me a look I have trouble interpreting. It almost seems like he wants to correct me. Like he wants me to know who’s given me the best night of my life.

My heart stutters, my breath freezing in my lungs as I wait for him to ask me what my real name is, or to tell me his. But instead, he lowers his head to kiss me one more time. It’s a simple but searing brush of his lips on mine, and I recognize it for what it is.

A goodbye.

He stands slowly, giving me a devastating smile as he picks up his bag. Then he turns and leaves, looking just as imposing and untouchable as he did in the first moment I met him. As the door shuts behind him, I finally let out my breath in a rush.

He’s ruined me, I realize, whether he meant to or not.

Because now I don’t have an appetite for anything else.

Not after I’ve had a taste of him.
