Page 18 of The Boss Dilemma

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I’m babbling. I have no idea what’s coming out of my mouth. That’s how far gone I am. I’m all out of moans, and my brain is just tossing out whatever words bubble up. Somewhere far away, I sense that I should be embarrassed about what I’m gasping and whimpering out. In a normal world, anyway. One thing I think I’ve established is that this is nowhere near a normal world. Not tonight.

Dominic reaches around and plays me like an instrument, strumming his fingers against my clit, and that small, simple contact sends me over. My worn out body musters up one more climax, pleasure spiking so high that it feels like an explosion. Like it might tear me apart. I shake in his arms, writhing against him, my walls clamping down hard around the thick length of his cock.

“What’s that? What did you say, Spitfire?” Dominic asks as I finally start to come down. He’s breathing hard, every muscle straining even as he gently tucks my hair behind my ear and strokes my forehead.

I have no idea what I said. What I’ve been saying.

“Now you,” I murmur, vaguely impressed that I can control my tongue at all. “Your turn. Told you.”

“No, I told you,” he shoots back, almost laughing. But he’s tense. He’s held back for so fucking long that I wonder if it’s painful. There’s a harsh, taut expression on his face as he pulls out and rolls me onto my back before settling between my legs. “I promised you could come on my cock as many times as you wanted. Now I’m going to come inside you and let this sweet pussy milk every drop of cum out of my body.”

He grabs my legs under the knees, bending them and pressing them to my chest, folding me almost in half before plunging back into my trembling body.

The angle is exquisite. The pressure is exactly right. But this isn’t for me. This is for Dominic now.

He’s given and given. And now he’s taking, pumping into me hard and fast. It’s right on the brink of pain, but there’s so much pleasure that I don’t care. Even though I thought I was done, too exhausted for another, I come again and keep going, pleasure surging through me with each thrust.

Above me, Dominic’s jaw is tight, his teeth gritted. Every muscle is outlined in stark relief, and he holds on to me as he finally, finally, lets himself go.

“Oh fuck!” he roars, throwing his head back.

God, he’s so sexy. I stare up at him in wonder. His gray eyes cut into me as they lock with mine, the rest of him rocking the last of his orgasm out into me, filling the condom up. He stays buried inside me even as his hips still. Even as I continue to shudder out the last of my own climax.

Silence fills the space between us, punctuated by our sharp breaths, as he stares down at me.

Like he’s seeing me for the first time.

Like he can’t believe I’m real.

Some emotion I can’t quite figure out passes across his face. Then he shakes his head and snorts a little, finally pulling out. One hand goes to the base of his cock, securing the condom until he ties it off and disposes of it in the wastebasket beside the bed.

I’m a leaf, drifting downward, cut from the branch and blown on a breeze. I feel undone in the best way, like a puppet whose strings have been cut.

“Good?” he asks, his voice thick with sated desire.

“So good,” I answer, my voice hoarse to my own ears. I’m surprised I can speak at all.

His hand grazes over my skin almost of its own accord—has he stopped touching me at all since he started at the bar?—and I revel in the attention.

Dominic is still breathing hard, although his breaths are evening out as he comes down from his high, and he settles onto the soft mattress beside me, turning his head toward me.

The blue is all I can see in his irises right now, as if those little specks have edged out the gray. I wonder if it’s just a trick of the light, or if he’s one of those people whose eyes seem to shift color depending on their mood. If so, I wonder what blue means.

He rubs his thumb across my nipple, and I jump and gasp, still so sensitive.

Dominic barks a short, soft laugh at my reaction.

“That’s something I’m going to exploit,” he vows, hefting my breast in his palm. “I can’t get enough of these.”

I’m the one laughing now, partly at his roaming hands, but mostly at the entire situation.

“What’s funny?”

I shrug my shoulders, trying to encompass everything. “I had no idea just how hot tonight was going to be,” I admit. “It’s just kind of ironic. I left a sex club and ended up having the best sex of my life.”

That draws a smoldering grin out of him, and he props himself up on his side before taking me by the chin and kissing me, long and deep, exploring my mouth with his tongue. When we come up for air, he studies me, his eyes bouncing between mine.

“I could get addicted to this,” he murmurs, unknowingly mirroring my thoughts from earlier. My heart and stomach flutter at the same time. “You’re something else, Sara. You’re amazing.”
