Page 17 of The Boss Dilemma

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“Come on,” he demands, thrusting harder. “Don’t hold back. Come for me.”

I hit my peak with a scream, bearing down, my legs clenched around his muscular waist. He pumps his way through it, crooning things I’m too far gone to understand, not stopping until my voice is spent and I’m left panting on the bed, my knees splayed open.

Dominic pulls out, and I jerk upright.

“Where are you going?” I blurt out, hating how empty I feel. Oh no. This is going to be a problem. I think I’m already addicted to his cock, and I don’t even know his real name. “Did you even finish? I didn’t feel you come.”

He smirks at me and slowly works his hand up and down his length, which is still hard as steel. The only difference is that now it’s slick with my arousal.

“Fuck. Poor Sara.” He huffs a laugh, shaking his head, and I realize I don’t like hearing that name on his lips. I wish he knew my real one. “Is this where the night usually ends for you? Do the men you usually sleep with really only last that long?”

He’s closer to the truth than he knows, and oh-so-smug. The control he has over my body? He probably has twice that over his own. It’s thrilling, and also a challenge I want to meet.

“You won’t last that much longer yourself,” I murmur, my voice dropping. “You pulled out because you were close, didn’t you? I’m going to make you lose control.”

Dominic’s gaze darkens. “There’s that spitfire. I like this side of you.”

His hands grip my waist as he flips me over with ease. I end up on all fours, ass up and elbows down as my spine arches. I have a split second to shiver at how open and exposed I feel like this, and then he’s grabbing my hips and sliding back into me.

He fucks me hard and fast, taking in every sense of the word. Taking my pleasure. Taking his pleasure. Taking me apart piece by delicious piece.

“Not yet,” he grits out, almost like he’s talking to himself. He tightens his hold on me as he adds, “You’re going to come at least two more times before I do. I want to see it. I want to feel it.”

I moan, each thrust stoking the desire burning inside me. Before tonight, I had no idea that I could take this much. I had no idea something like tonight was even physically possible.

But I’ve never been with someone so single-minded. Someone so completely focused on something—on me. On my pleasure.

It’s almost like Dominic gets off on getting me off.

He sets a brutal pace, releasing my hip with one hand only long enough to bring his palm down on my ass. The sting spreads and warms over my skin, and I rock back against him as my sweat-dampened blonde hair hangs around my face.

“Fuck! Oh god!” Despite already having had three orgasms tonight, I’m sidling up to number four.

This is the perfect position for it. He’s hitting that sweet spot inside me perfectly, our skin slapping together with each thrust. I shake my head back and forth, my mouth open wide as a keening cry pours out of me. Everything is so heightened that it’s almost impossible to tell exactly when the orgasm breaks, but I can feel it rushing through me like floodwaters from a dam.

Dominic slows his thrusts after a moment. Then he stills entirely, buried to the hilt.

“One more,” he says roughly.

One more orgasm, he means. That’s what he promised me, and since he’s delivered everything he’s promised so far, there’s no reason to believe it won’t happen.

And when it does?

It might well and truly ruin me.

Chapter 5


My arms are shaking from the flood of endorphins and the effort of holding myself up. Dominic’s cock pulses inside me, feeling somehow even bigger. He must notice the tremor in my limbs, because he slides out, allowing me to collapse to the mattress.

“On your side, Spitfire.” His voice is gentle, almost tender, as he helps me roll over onto my side. “Can you take more?”

I nod, even though I’m not entirely sure it’s true. But I want more, despite the fact that I’m sure it will wreck me. I’m like a glutton at a feast, binging on pleasure.

Dominic slips behind me and spoons me, lifting my leg so he can enter me like this. It’s something I’ve never done before, and it reveals angles and surprises inside my own body that I’ve never known prior to this moment. He’s so good, and his control over my pleasure is so complete, that it takes almost nothing at all for me to be there again, teetering toward total annihilation.

“Fuck. Fuck, Dominic, oh god, oh fuuuck…”
