Page 173 of The Boss Dilemma

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Her back arches as I thrust into her. My thumb moves faster against her clit, and she screams incoherently, her pussy clenching hard around me as she hits the peak of her pleasure. Her inner walls squeeze me like a vise, and spots dance before my eyes as my balls tighten. I grit my teeth, wrestling back my climax, because there’s no fucking way I’m going to let myself come yet.

Not until she finishes at least one more time.

As her orgasm recedes, I slow my pace only for a moment, lifting my hand to suck her arousal from my fingers. She watches through half-lidded eyes, caught in the haze of her pleasure. Then I pick up where I left off. I fuck her hard, with abandon, like it’s the last thing I’ll ever do. And she loses herself in it, mewling my name, reduced to single syllables.

It’s rough and deep, almost desperate. I keep trying to reign myself in, worried about going too hard, but my beautiful spitfire doesn’t let me. She keeps encouraging me, whispering things half under her breath, her voice hitching and stuttering.

“Harder—faster—Declan, please.”

I need to see that look of pure bliss on her face again. I need to see her eyes roll back in pleasure.

My fingers keep circling her clit, then leave a slick trail up her body to pinch one nipple. I grope her breast in time with the rhythm of my thrusts.

“Give me one more,” I growl, not sure if it’s a command or a plea. All I know is that I need to feel her fall apart again. I need it more than I need oxygen. “Come on, Spitfire. Come on my cock. Show me that you need me as much as I need you. Fucking come.”


She screams my name as she detonates for the second time, her walls rippling around my shaft, and I finally allow myself my own release. I pound into her, grinding against her as I empty myself completely, giving her everything I have.

Just like I always will.

* * *


As the final throes of Declan’s orgasm roll over him, he rolls his hips against mine, pressing impossibly deeper as if he can’t bear to have any part of himself not buried inside me. His cock pulses heavily a few more times, and then he finally withdraws and collapses onto the bed beside me. He reaches for me and pulls me close, resting my head against his chest.

I look up into his eyes. He looks dazed, but happy, actually happy. I smile at him, my heart racing and butterflies flapping in my stomach. I’m a little scared that this is all a dream I’ll wake up from in a moment, but for the first time in weeks, I feel right. Whole.

And I need it to stay that way.

“Please,” I whisper. “Please, don’t break my heart.”

I didn’t mean to sound so serious, to let so much vulnerability show, but Declan’s smile drops immediately. He rolls me over, an intense look on his face.

“Hurting you is the biggest regret of my life,” he tells me. His index finger traces my lower lip as he continues. “All I want is to protect your heart. It’s the most amazing heart I’ve ever known. It can hold so much love and hope, and I’m going to keep it safe. I promise, Spitfire. I vow it to you with everything I am. On my mother’s memory. On the life I want to build with you—the life that would be nothing without you in it—I promise I’ll never so much as put a crack in that beautiful heart of yours.”

Despite everything that’s happened, I believe him. I saw the look in his eyes when he came to my apartment, the seriousness in his expression when he told me he was going to give me all his shares of his company.

He was willing to sign his entire empire over to me. Just to show me that he sees me. That he values me. And although I have no interest in actually taking over Dynasty, I do want one thing—the man in front of me.

I want everything I had just started to believe would be possible for us.

A life. A future. All of it.

“Besides,” Declan adds, quirking a small smile. “My grandmother would kick my ass if I ever hurt you. She’s your biggest fan… well, second biggest, I guess.”

I chuckle at that. Nora might be the only person on earth who can actually push Declan around.

“How is she doing, anyway? I know you said things were better—”

“She’s doing great.” Declan smiles, falling back onto the bed next to me. “I meant it. She went home a couple of weeks ago, and she’s getting settled back into her routine. I made sure that she has a home care nurse, someone to keep an eye on her when I can’t be there just in case of emergencies.”

“Glad to hear it.”

“Thank you for being there,” he says, meeting my gaze as he smooths my hair back from my face. “I’m sorry that I was such an ass to you. You were there when I couldn’t be, and I should’ve been grateful for that instead of looking to place the blame.”

“I won’t lie and say it didn’t hurt,” I murmur, leaning into his touch. “But I get it, in a way. When my parents died, it wrecked me. I wasn’t myself at all for a long time. You were worried, and I know what it’s like to worry about the people you love. It makes us irrational sometimes.”
