Page 172 of The Boss Dilemma

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There’s an urgency inside me that makes me want to rush, but I slow myself down instead, kissing along Sophie’s hips and down her belly before I slowly slide her panties off.

It takes every ounce of my self-control not to simply bury my face in her pussy. But I hold back, straightening to admire her naked body splayed across the bed.

“This is what I needed,” I breathe, leaning over her, running my fingertips from her collarbone to her hip. I let my touch graze her inner thigh, and she draws another sharp, quick breath. “I needed more of you. All of you. Christ, Sophie, I missed you so fucking much.”

“Declan, please…”

“You don’t have to beg,” I say, my voice raw. “I should be the one begging. You’re a goddess, Spitfire, and if you let me, I’ll worship at your altar for the rest of my life.”

“Then touch me more,” she whimpers, arching her hips off the bed. “Give me what I need. I need you… inside me.”

“Anything for you.”

I slip my index finger between her folds, and her whole body shudders.

“Wet for me already?” I groan hungrily as she looks up at me with a torrent of emotions burning in her gorgeous green eyes.

“I’ve been waiting for so long,” she whispers. “How can you blame me? I thought I would never have this again.”

My heart clenches hard in my chest at that, and I kiss her again with almost bruising force, as if to remind her of my promise. I’ll never leave again. I’ll never try to put up walls between us or push her away.

I strip off my shirt, tossing it across the room, and shuffle out of my pants as quickly as humanly possible. Then I hover over her again, my lips and teeth finding her neck. She cries out at the sensation, reaching up to dig her fingers into my back.

The sting of her nails against my skin makes heat flood my veins. I kick off my boxer briefs and grip my shaft, giving myself a few quick strokes. I linger at her entrance, teasing her clit with the head, before the need becomes too strong.

Slowly, I slide my length into her. She’s tight, and the warmth that envelops my cock as she squeezes around me is as overwhelming as ever.

“You feel so good,” I murmur roughly. “Fuck.”

I reach down to her slim calves, wrapping my fingers around her ankles. I pull her legs up and pin them against my chest, making her even tighter. Unable to stop myself, I let out a groan. I can’t fucking control myself with her. I wanted to go as slow as I could, but I don’t know if I have the self-control for that.

I want her too badly. I missed her too fucking much.

My jaw is tight as I draw out and press back in, slow and steady. Every muscle in my body feels taut as a wire, and I’m practically shaking with the effort.

“Don’t hold back,” Sophie whispers, her green eyes shimmering as she gazes up at my face. “I need to feel you, Declan. I want to feel you all over, tomorrow and the next day and the next. To be reminded of this with every step I take. I need it hard. Please.”

There’s something vulnerable and soft in her expression, and it cracks open my heart. Somehow, this amazing woman is still mine. I didn’t ruin the best thing I ever had, and even though I don’t know if I deserve it, she’s giving me a second chance. And now my girl needs the same thing I do—to remind herself that this is real. To make herself believe that it’s not just a dream she’ll wake up from. To reforge the connection that always seems to crackle between us like an invisible wire.

“I’ve got you, Spitfire,” I murmur, leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. “I’m right here with you. I know what you need, and I’ll give it to you. All you have to do is let yourself feel it. Let go for me. I’ll take care of you.”

I thrust into her hard, setting an aggressive pace, and her mouth drops open. “Oh fuck. Yes!”

Her face flushes, her eyes fluttering closed, and she lets out those beautiful, perfect sounds that I’ve been missing.

Her hands dig into the sheets around her, like she’s anchoring herself. My full length is inside her now, pounding into her. With my free hand, I brush my thumb over her clit. The pitch of her cries changes. She’s desperate, begging for more.

“You’re so tight,” I tell her, choking out the words. “God, you’re so fucking tight for me. So perfect. This is where I belong, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” she whimpers.

I can’t believe I almost let her slip through my fingers. I would’ve been wrecked, lost in memories of how perfectly we fit together, for the rest of my life.

“I need you, Sophie,” I tell her, my voice ragged and broken. “So. Fucking. Much.”

“Need you too.” Her eyelashes flutter as she tosses her head back and forth. “I’m so close, Declan. I’m so… god, make me come.”

“Do it, Spitfire. Right now. Come for me.”
