Page 174 of The Boss Dilemma

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“Of course you would be empathetic and sweet enough to forgive me for one of the worst things I’ve ever done. But you have to know, I’ll never forgive myself for it. It was stupid and cruel.” He’s quiet for a moment, and when he speaks again, his voice is softer. “I missed you as soon as you were gone. I need you. I want you in every part of my life, Spitfire.”

A grin spreads across my face, tears welling in my eyes. I was offered controlling interest of a billion dollar company today, but this is the most valuable thing Declan has ever given me.

Himself. His heart.

His love.

I place my lips next to his ear and murmur, “I like the sound of that.”



I sit at the dimly-lit bar of the upscale bistro in San Francisco, nursing the dregs of a manhattan and reaching under my coat to adjust one of the straps on my black dress.

It’s just as skimpy now as it was then, but this time, I can’t even bring myself to care.

I force myself not to glance at the door in anticipation, and instead focus on the mirror behind the back bar, where I can see my reflection.

I’m more carefully-styled than I was on that fateful night. Softer eyeliner, higher quality mascara. My lips are a soft rose that’ve left traces on the rim of the cocktail glass. The newer, happier Sophie.

“You’re not following me, are you?”

I turn at the sound of the voice. Declan stands behind me, his jacket draped over his shoulder. His gray eyes are stormy with desire already, and that electric buzz within me heightens. I feel the sudden urge to skip ahead a few steps.

But good things come to those who wait.

“Oh? And why would I want to follow you?” Delicately, I sip the remainder of my cocktail. “Didn’t you almost hit me with your car earlier? Seems like you’re dangerous to be around.”

Declan hums, stepping toward the bar. He waves to the bartender, signaling for another round of drinks. “Let me make it up to you.”

I smile, looking up at him through my lashes as the bartender gives me a new manhattan, then slides a whiskey on the rocks over to Declan.

“Do you come here often?” I ask.

“You could say I’m a regular,” he says, sipping the whiskey. “And what’s your name? What should I call you?”

I narrow my eyes at him mischievously. “Sara.”

“Sara,” he repeats. “Call me Dominic.”

“A pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure is really, truly, all mine.”

I’m starting to get flustered. Maybe I’m overheating from the coat that obscures my dress. Or maybe… that’s just the effect this man has, and probably always will.

He leans close to me, his lips brushing my ear. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to every man in this place? How many eyes are on you right now?”

I hold myself still, even though my instinct is to drift closer to his touch, to guide his hands to my body.

“You’re stunning,” he whispers, sending a shiver down my spine. “You’re gorgeous.”

“Mm,” I say eloquently. “And what are you here for, Dominic?”

His eyes are dark with need as he draws back, meeting my gaze. “You, of course. To give you anything you want. Whatever you need.”

“And what do I need?”
