Page 171 of The Boss Dilemma

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“Yes.” She nods, blinking more tears away. “But I was serious. I’m not taking Dynasty. I know what it means for you to offer it to me, but I don’t want it.”

I nod, not wanting to push the issue. It doesn’t matter if she won’t let me sign the company over to her, because if I have my way, I’ll put a ring on her finger someday in the not-too-distant future and give her everything I have. Just as long as she gives me a chance.

“Okay,” I tell her. “That’s fine. Just tell me what you want. Anything.”

“I already told you.” Her voice cracks, and she lets out a sound that’s half laugh and half sob. “All I want is you. Because I love you too, Declan. Even when I tried not to, I couldn’t stop.”

“Fuck, Spitfire,” I breathe, running my thumb over her knuckles. “I need to touch you. To hold you. Can I please kiss you?”

She gives a little nod, and I can’t hold myself back anymore. I need her in my arms. I need to be as close to her as I can get.

Surging to my feet, I pull her against me and lean down to kiss her. She gasps as she collides with my chest, and the paperwork falls from her hands, fluttering to the floor as she stands on her toes, reaching up to meet me.

“Thank you,” I breathe reverently against her lips. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Our kiss crackles with heat, and I’m overwhelmed by the softness of her lips, the familiar scent of her perfume. I’ve been imagining it for weeks, waiting to be surrounded by it again. My memory pales in comparison to how good it actually feels to touch her.

“I missed you,” I say between kisses, repeating it over and over.

“You too,” she gasps. “Missed you so much.”

With our lips fused together, we stumble across her apartment. It’s a slow process since we keep accidentally bumping into walls and furniture, unable to keep our hands off each other. I can’t get enough of her, especially after almost losing her. I’m not about to let her out of my arms now.

I devour her with kisses, savoring every inch of her jaw, her neck, her lips. Her breath catches like she’s overwhelmed, caught up in a storm; when I draw back slightly to make sure she’s okay though, she pulls me straight back in.

We reach the bedroom, and as I toss her down onto the bed, she glances around at our surroundings.

“Sorry. I know it’s not as big or nice as the bed at your place,” she murmurs.

“I don’t give a fuck. Any bed with you in it is the best one in the world,” I growl, settling my body over hers. I run my fingers slowly down the line of her neck, whispering into her ear as I lean over her. “I told you. You’re everything I need.”

I take the hem of her shirt, pulling it up over her shoulders. She’s wearing a black bra, and the sight of the dark straps against her smooth skin is enough to make my pulse race. I’m rock hard already, and she’s still mostly clothed.

Still, I take my time. I bend down to kiss her shoulders, and she squirms, gasping.

“You’re so perfect,” I say in a low voice. “I can’t stand it. It’s too damn much.”

She makes a plaintive noise, her cheeks flushed. I could gaze at her body forever, studying her like a work of art, but I’m too impatient to keep my hands off. I can’t just look. I need to touch.

Undoing the catch on her bra, I free her breasts and slide a hand between them. My thumb slides over one of her nipples, and she lets out a quiet moan, her back arching as she leans into my touch.

“Do you like that?” I ask. “Does it feel good?”

She hums in affirmation, her head tilted back.

Her breasts fit perfectly into my hands, like they were meant to be held by me. I take my time with them, savoring their curves and weight before I move on to her waist.

I’ve seen every pair of underwear she owns by now, and a rush of satisfaction runs through me as I take in the black bikini cut panties she’s got on today. I can recall the last time I slid this particular pair down her legs, and as a memory of that night floods my mind, it feels like coming home.

We’re together again.

I have my beautiful spitfire in my arms.

Right where she belongs.

Chapter 56

