Page 16 of The Boss Dilemma

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Finally withdrawing his fingers from my sopping core, Dominic shucks his pants, tossing them away to join his shirt on the floor. My breath catches in my throat as my gaze roves downward. Through his fitted boxer briefs, his cock strains against the fabric.

He’s huge. Definitely the biggest I’ve ever seen, and I haven’t even seen it fully yet.

I’m still turned on, but now there’s a flutter of nerves alongside the heat stirring in my belly.

Shit. I don’t know if I can fit that beast inside me.

With one more quick, smooth motion, he’s fully naked, his cock standing at attention. He’s gone this whole time without relief, everything simmering just under the surface. How can he cope with it? How can he keep his mind calm enough to even roll a condom over the smooth head of his cock, which glistens with precum in the low light?

Wait, where did he even get a condom?

I’m so twisted up in the never-ending pleasure, the aching need in my breasts and between my legs, that I didn’t even notice him pull the condom out of his wallet. But now he’s got my full attention, and I don’t even breathe as I watch him roll it all the way on. He smirks at me when I finally wrench my gaze back up to his face, crawling up to hover over me and spreading my legs as he positions himself at my entrance.

His cock head nudges between my pussy lips, and I tense a little.

“I don’t… know if that’s going to fit,” I admit to him in a small voice.

His crooked grin is both charming and arrogant, and somehow utterly sexy.

“I promise you it will,” he says, pumping his fist along his length. “And you’re going to love it. I’ll make sure you come on my cock as many times as you want. All you have to do is open up for me, Spitfire.”

There’s something intimate about the fact that he’s given me a nickname even though he doesn’t know my real name. It warms me in a way that I can’t stop and analyze, not in the middle of all of this. But it’s enough of a distraction from my butterflies that I let out a shaky breath and relax as much as I can.

“There you go. Good girl,” he murmurs, nodding, watching me with those intense eyes as he presses his head in. “So perfect. Just like that.”

It’s a mind-blowing feeling, being opened up like this. It’s both a stretch and a promise. My focus narrows until I’m tracking him, millimeter by millimeter, as he slides into me. He fills me in a way I’ve never been filled before, and it’s heady and overpowering.

“You’re so goddamn tight,” he grits out, and I open eyes I didn’t even realize I had closed to see his forehead lined with concentration, his brow a thundercloud. “Fuck.”

“S-sorry,” I stutter out, and he huffs a laugh.

“Don’t you dare apologize,” he says, finally sheathing himself fully in my body. “You feel fucking incredible.”

I wished for this, having all of him like this, and my wish just came true. It’s too much and exactly enough at the same time. He leans down, pressing his forehead against mine, our lips finding each other.

“Didn’t I tell you it would fit?” he says, cocky and utterly irresistible. “Now we can get started.”

“Start?” I gasp out, managing a small laugh as I squirm beneath him, clenching my inner walls. “I’m way ahead of you. I’m… about to come again.”

His grin widens. “Good. I told you—as many times as you want. I can’t wait to feel this pretty little pussy choke my dick.”

Even as he speaks, his hips are already moving. Experimenting with what I’m ready for, what I can handle. My body has a mini freakout every time he presses back inside, certain that this time he actually won’t fit, but I breathe through it, relaxing in increments until it starts to feel less impossible. I want to be good for him, to show him that I’m what he’s looking for. That I can give as much pleasure as I can take.

But he’s right. I’m overthinking. My body is already responding, already in tune with what my mind is just now realizing I want. All of it. That’s what I want. Anything he’s going to do. Everything he’s going to give me.

He pulls almost completely out of me before plunging back in, and I arch nearly off the bed, an unintelligible moan punching out of me.

“That’s right,” he grunts, encouraging me. “Tell me all about it. Keep talking, Spitfire.”

He has full command of my body, hoisting my legs to wrap them around his waist, angling in even deeper. He’s taking me apart and putting me back together at the same time, with each thrust and pump. I should be overwhelmed. I am overwhelmed. But it’s so good that it’s hard to care. It’s easier to ride the crest of each wave of pleasure and tumble over it, only to rise again on the next one.

I am… not proud of the sounds I’m making.

Begging whimpers in between thrusts. Keening moans when he hits a spot deep inside me just right. Guttural grunts that sound almost animalistic. Maybe I’ll be embarrassed about it when I replay this night in my head later, but right now, I just don’t care. I can’t. Not when I’m feeling like this.

“I could listen to you all night,” Dominic murmurs roughly. “It’s music to my ears. You going to come for me? You gonna come on my cock already?”

“I can’t help it,” I gasp out. I’m right at the edge again, and he can clearly recognize it.
