Page 102 of The Boss Dilemma

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Starting at her jaw, my teeth graze her soft skin as she throws her head back. My hand finds one of her nipples, and I tease her, my thumb moving in light circles. The sensitive skin tightens almost immediately at my touch.

“Declan!” she gasps. The sound of my name in her voice, combined with the scent of her hair, gets me rock hard.

I move down to her neck, then her collarbone, retracing the path of the red marks I left last night. She writhes like she’s trying to sit up, and I push her shoulders back down.

“Stay still,” I tell her.

It’s not a request—it’s a demand. I continue to work my way down her body, enjoying the way the sun illuminates her skin, the way she squirms.

“I want,” I growl between kisses, “to devour you.”

I give her nipple a pinch, and her breath hitches. I can’t get enough of her—not just her body, but also her anticipation. My cock twitches again at the thought of how she screamed last night, how she begged.

“I want you to make those sounds again,” I rasp. “Come on, Spitfire. Sing my favorite song.”

Adjusting my position so that I’m settled between her legs, I nip at her inner thigh, and she moans softly.

“Louder,” I say, swiping my tongue against her folds. “I know you can give me more than that.”

This time, her back arches, her fingernails digging into the sheets. I spread her legs wide, opening her up. There’s some resistance, but she stretches for me, just like she always does. I eat her out like I’m starving, immersed in the smell of her. She’s dripping wet, and everything about it—the taste, the scent—is intoxicating.

“You’re mine,” I growl. “Every part of you. These sounds you make? You’ll never make them for another man, you understand, Spitfire? You’re fucking mine.”

Her moans and cries are like a serenade, and even though I sound like a caveman right now, I don’t give a shit. And the gush of wetness that coats my tongue lets me know that my words are turning her on, affecting her as much as the thought of her being mine affects me.

I’m like a conductor, and she’s my private soloist, encouraging me with her voice as I consume her. With her fingers too, twined into my hair. I lap at her entrance, then work my way inside to fuck her with my tongue. The pitch of her moans changes. They’re lower now, throatier, as she relaxes blissfully.

Every once in a while, I look up at her face. Her eyes are closed, but when I increase my pace, thrusting my tongue in and out of her, they flare wide open. She lets out a shriek of pleasure and tries to close her legs, but I hold her open, giving myself plenty of room.

She’s making those noises again. I can’t speak, not with my mouth so busy, but I let out a rumbling groan.

I fucking love those sounds. I could listen to them for the rest of my life and never get tired of them.

When she comes, I feel her pussy clench with each surge of pleasure that rushes through her. I stay with her every step of the way, my focus unbroken. Every time she comes for me, I want it to be her best one yet.

“Declan,” she whimpers. “Oh my god, your mouth. It’s so—ahhh!”

She wails, her fingers curling in my hair. She’s fucking addicting. I could do this forever.

As she catches her breath, I withdraw. I can smell her on my skin, taste her on my lips and tongue. Part of me wants to savor the moment, to kiss her deeply and let her taste herself, but there’s a sense of urgency that overrides all of that.

I need her. I need to be inside her, right now.

I flip her onto her stomach. She doesn’t protest, although she yelps softly in surprise.

“Grab the headboard,” I say, my voice low. “You’re going to need something to help you stay upright.”

She reaches forward to obey, and I have to stifle my groan. God, she’s unbelievably stunning. Her back stretches away from me, arched and ready. I run my hand down it, feeling her shudder as my fingers reach her hips.

After quickly rolling on a condom, I drag my cock between her legs, teasing her. The head brushes her clit, and she pushes her ass toward me like she’s begging for it.

“My girl is a greedy little thing, isn’t she?” I ask with a smirk.

Her answering whine is enough to make my shaft grow impossibly harder. “What are you waiting for?”

I click my tongue in disapproval. “Are you in some kind of hurry?” I spread her ass cheeks apart, my fingers exploring, probing.

