Page 103 of The Boss Dilemma

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“Be patient,” I command. “I’ll make you feel so damn good, I promise, but don’t ask me to rush this. I love looking at you like this, spread open and ready for me. Hungry for me. You’re so fucking beautiful.”

She goes quiet instantly, biting her bottom lip as she cranes her neck to watch me over her shoulder.

“Has anyone ever had you here?” I ask, pressing against her tight back hole.

“No,” she says, a slight hitch in her voice.

I can’t suppress my groan this time. “Someday, I’ll fuck your ass,” I rasp. “Would you let me?”

Her gaze locks with mine, her green eyes luminous and large. “I’d let you do anything to me.”

My breath stills in my lungs, my chest constricting. A hundred filthy ideas rush through my mind all at once, but one thought rises over all the rest.

She trusts me that much. She trusts me with everything.

My jaw clenches, my heart crashing against my ribs. I reach for a condom, rolling it on, letting the latex snap against my hard length so that she can hear it. She’s so wet, so turned on, that it’s easier than ever to slide inside her. She lets me in with a soft sigh, her knuckles white on the headboard.

“Goddamn, Spitfire,” I murmur. “I could fuck you for hours every day, make this my new full-time job, and it still wouldn’t be enough.”

“More,” she pleads, her toes curling against the sheets. “Harder, Declan. Please.”

“Count for me. I want you to count how many times you come,” I grind out, increasing my pace. She nods—or maybe that’s just the movement of her head as I pound into her, my hands gripping her hips tightly.

The first time, I can tell before she tells me by the way her toes curl and her back arches. I’m surprised by how quickly she comes. Her pussy clenches, and I let out a groan of pleasure at how tight she is.


“Good girl. Another.”

I keep going, and since her hands are locked so tightly around the headboard, I work her clit for her, reaching around to flick the delicate nub until she screams out, “Two!”

My jaw is tight, and I suck in air through my nostrils as my balls draw up, fighting back the urge to follow her into bliss as she cries out with breathless moans and whimpers. I pick up the pace, fucking her harder.


It’s almost unintelligible this time, but I can hear it all the same.

“You’re doing so well,” I murmur after her third orgasm wracks through her—and I’m rewarded with a fourth.

Only when she tips over the edge of the fifth do I allow myself my own release, which I’ve been holding back by a thread for as long as I can. We come together, her inner walls rippling around me as she milks my cock dry. Finally releasing her death grip on the headboard, she collapses onto the bed, and I settle down beside her. Her chest is heaving, her eyelids fluttering.

I roll the condom off and toss it into a nearby trash can. “So. Any regrets, so far?”

She’s still panting for breath, but she manages to muster up the words to say, “Hell fucking no. You?”

I can’t help but grin, feeling like a damn teenager. “Not even a little.”

“Good.” Her smile is breathtaking.

We lie together in lazy silence for a while, spent and sweaty from a long night and a busy morning. After a while, I prop myself up on one elbow, gazing down at her. Her eyelids have drifted closed, but she opens one eye when she realizes I’m staring at her.

“What?” she asks.

“Do you have any other allergies besides flowers? And is it all flowers, or just certain kinds?”

Her brows draw together, both eyes opening. “Flowers, pollens, and some kinds of grass. Why?”

“I want to make sure my condo is safe for you—that nothing will irritate you when you’re here. I already got rid of the flowers I used to keep around, but I wasn’t sure if you had any other allergies that might bother you.”
