Page 101 of The Boss Dilemma

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“You’re close, aren’t you?” he murmurs.


“Good. So am I.” He curses. “I can never last as long as I want with you. You fucking undo me, Sophie.”

He pumps faster, his hips slapping against mine, bruising my inner thighs, and I reach my hand up to twine my fingers into his hair. They tighten into a fist as I feel myself reach the peak of pleasure, and I bury my face into his shoulder, allowing myself to free-fall down from it.

“Declan!” I whimper, digging my heels into his muscled ass as it clenches with one final thrust. My shoes fell off at some point, but I have no idea when.

His cock twitches and jerks inside me, the warm flood of his cum into the condom making a second orgasm roll through me right on the heels of the first. He drags in and out slowly a few more times, the friction even more intense in the aftermath of two climaxes.

I go limp against him, and he buries himself inside me again and holds me against the door. Without the strength of his hands gripping my thighs and the stability of the door behind me, I would fall into a heap on the floor.

“Oh my god,” I breathe into his ear, my voice thready. “Declan. That was…”

I don’t know what word to end that sentence with, so I just trail off instead, clinging to him like I’ll never let go.

Abruptly, he turns his head and presses his lips to mine. It’s a tender kiss, so at odds with the fierceness with which he just fucked me that I’m taken aback.

“Spitfire,” he whispers, his voice rough with desire. He reaches up to brush my hair back, tucking a loose lock behind my ear. The intensity in his eyes has faded a bit, but it’s still there, like lightning flickering in a distant storm. “From this point on, you’re mine. Understand?”

“Yes.” The word is barely more than a breath. My stomach flutters, matched only by the wild thrum of my heart.

“Good. Because watching you go on a date with another man tonight almost killed me. And if another man so much as touches you, I’ll fucking kill him.”

“Same,” I whisper, biting my lip. I’m a little afraid of how possessive I feel over this man now that we’ve agreed to make this real, but there’s some comfort in knowing I’m not alone. “You’re mine, Declan.”

He kisses me again, the pressure of his lips making me whimper.

“I truly am. So much more than you know, baby.” Without pulling out, he drags me away from the door and strides down the hall, carrying me deeper into his penthouse. He nips at my ear as he murmurs, “And I’m going to fuck you like I’m yours, all night long.”

* * *


When I wake up in the morning, there’s a ray of sunlight streaming from the floor-to-ceiling windows. It touches on my bed, illuminating Sophie’s soft curves.

She’s still asleep next to me, curled up with the sheets tangled in her legs. I sit and watch her, content to just enjoy her beauty. I was ravenous for her last night, and the sex lasted for hours, so she must be tired.

Much longer than anything would’ve lasted with David, I think with a note of satisfaction. I was insatiable. Even now, watching her lie next to me, I feel something stir inside me—a hunger that I’ve never felt for another woman.

Sophie blinks awake, looking up at me dreamily. For a moment, as her eyes meet mine, her gaze is distant, like she’s still asleep.

I lean down to kiss her. It’s a gentle kiss, a far cry from last night’s voracious ones, which have left a series of marks down the side of her neck.

This is perfect. The thought comes to me out of nowhere.

“How did you sleep?” she mumbles, rubbing her eyes.

She shifts, and the sheet slides off her, exposing the curve of her ass. And suddenly, it’s back—that hunger. I need her.

Instead of replying, I roll her onto her back and swing my leg over her, straddling her. She yelps, but allows herself to be pinned, lying breathlessly on her back. She’s wide awake now, staring up at me with gorgeous green eyes.

My fingers graze her pussy. She bites her lip, letting out a small whimper, and looks up at me. I can tell, just from her expression, exactly what she wants. It’s the same damn thing I want: to lose myself in her until the sun burns out and the world goes cold.

I lean down so that my lips graze the top of her ear.

“I dreamed about you,” I whisper. I’m rewarded by the slick sensation against my fingertips.
