Page 15 of Her Hot Neighbor

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No such luck.

“He has his own demons, as do we all, but as I said, my lips are sealed.”

“I’ve had enough of demons. I think I am due some angels.”

“So, what do you want from this year?”

I sipped on my tea while I thought. Initially, it had just been for a break, but in the last few days since my neighbor had been away, I was feeling different. I wanted more.

“Sex.” There, I had said it out loud. My vibrator was my best friend, but I wanted to have sex and enjoy waking up in the morning with someone’s arm around me. They did not need to profess love but had better know what to do in the sack. My ex was a pain, but he had been good in bed. Just not always with me. I couldn’t believe I was telling Dorothy this. I hoped her lips were sealed where I was concerned too.

“I’m the first one to admit I’m nosey, but I was not expecting that. Sex is good. I’m getting on in years but still have a few men after me. Or maybe they’re after the house. It doesn’t matter. Ryan is a fine young man. Stupid sometimes if he drinks too much and gets all giggly, but he is good. You could do worse than having a vacation fling with him.”

“You mean use him for sex.” Dorothy was surprising me again. I was starting to wonder if she had put something in the tea.

“I think it might be mutual. I saw the way he looked at you when he had a blonde at the gate the other day. He likes what he sees.”

“That was a client he was working with. You’re wicked, Dorothy, you do know that?”

“I am, but that is our secret. At my age, you can get away with it. Think on it. You could do worse.”

I said my goodbyes and headed home.

I worked on my medical paper until I got too tired to focus and started to yawn. Then sat with a hot chocolate and my Kindle. I was reading a romance that gave me ideas for new positions. Next time I was naked with Ryan it would not be because I had fallen over in the bath.

As I sipped my drink, Bluey started to bark. Ryan must be home. I assumed he had gone to the local pub and the best thing would be to go to bed and leave him to his drunken oblivion. As I brushed my teeth, the sound of glass shattering and a loud thump made me jump.

The vision of him lying dead in a pool of blood in the morning had me rushing for the front door. He might be drunk, but I was a doctor. I had to go.

His cottage was open, and Bluey ran to meet me as I pushed the door wide. The dog whimpered and stuck close to my leg as I followed him inside. The lights were on, and as expected, Ryan was lying on the floor—not in a puddle of blood, but he had a big, stupid grin on his face. The place looked the same as my cottage but in reverse and without the extra trimmings. There was some furniture—a couch, a chair, no table, and a few containers of old takeout. He obviously didn’t bring many people back here to entertain. I shook my head as I looked at him. He was gorgeous even when hopeless and drunk.

What looked like the remains of a glass jug and water were spread out on the floor beside him. Bluey kept licking his owner’s face. I was worried the dog would cut his paw open so pulled him aside. Ryan appeared okay for now, so I dragged the dog by the collar to the back door and shooed him outside. Then I headed back to deal with a six-foot tipsy Hulk.

I did a quick assessment, and Ryan gave the impression he was enjoying the whole situation from the grin on his face.

“Come on. Let’s get you sitting up and drinking water instead of splashing it around.” I helped him stand and wobble to the couch where he went down with a thump. I went to the kitchen and searched the cupboards until I found a glass, and a dustpan and brush. I handed him the glass of water. “Don’t spill it while I clean up this mess.”

“You’re sexy when you get mad. Anyone ever told you that? I need to be a naughty boy more often.”

I raised my eyes as I swept the glass into the dustpan. Ryan might be many things, but he was not a boy. He was all man, naughty or otherwise. Don’t go there. Stay professional. You are dealing with someone who might be hurt.

I found some newspaper to wrap the broken glass in. Then I refilled Ryan’s glass and put the kettle on to make a sweet, strong black coffee. I added some cold water so I could get it into him and hoped it stayed down. Once it was made, I placed it in front of him and let Bluey back in.

I sat opposite Ryan, he appeared to be sobering up as his eyes started to focus. He was still grinning though.

“I can’t find any bumps or cuts so I think you should be all right. Come and see me at the surgery tomorrow if you aren’t okay. If you have dizzy spells or blurred vision. Are you listening to me?”

“Yes, Doc. There’s nothing wrong with me but come and see you if dizzy. You know I would be happy for you to examine me anytime you want. I need to pee. Can you help me to the dunny?” He gulped down his coffee and went to stand but wobbled. I put my arm around his back and headed him in the direction the bathroom would be. I assumed the dunny was the toilet. He bent his head down, and I could feel his breath on my neck. Damn him, but it felt good.

“Your hair smells nice . . . you smell nice.”

It had been a while since anyone had said that and now it was from someone who’d had one beer too many. I stood him next to the toilet. “Do you think you can stand on your own?”

“I’ll be good. You’ve done more than I deserve.”

“That is true but don’t fall over again.” I tried to say it with authority, but in truth, he was making me crack up.

He placed one hand against the wall to steady himself, and I waited outside the door. I gave him five minutes until I heard the tap running. When I went back in, he beckoned for me to come and stand next to him.

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