Page 14 of Her Hot Neighbor

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“You’ll need to have an X-ray to exclude rheumatoid arthritis, but in the meantime, I’m going to recommend you get some hand therapy. I will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, and you can use some heat on your joints. Come back and see me next week and we can discuss a long-term action plan once we get the results of your X-rays.”

Dorothy pursed her lips. “I hate taking tablets, but I will if it means I can stay in my garden.” She placed her hands back in her lap. “I’ve always loved the cottage you are living in. Ryan did a good job with the garden. I helped a bit too with choosing plants. You know what? You should come and have a cup of tea and cake with me.”

“That would be lovely.”

“I noticed Ryan has been away again. It’s probably his mother. She’s been sick, poor lady.”

“I’ve only just met him but I’m sure he will be back soon.” I felt uncomfortable talking about my neighbor who had been my patient, even if only once. If he wanted to tell me about his family he would in his own good time.

“Well, I should let you get on with your work. I’ll see you for a cup of tea later.”

“Um, okay.” I saw Dorothy back out to reception. I could tell she was a woman who did not take no for an answer.

* * *

That was how I found myself eating cake at five o’clock that evening on the balcony at the front of Dorothy’s house. I had been on my way into my cottage and ready to put my legs up when I heard the call from across the road. The cake was good—homemade carrot cake with lemon icing and a big dollop of cream on top. I could feel it adding inches to my waist with each mouthful. The house was beautiful as well, both inside and out.

“So how long are you here for and what are you running away from?”

I choked on a mouthful of cake.

Dorothy jumped up—active for one of her age—and smacked me on the back. “My son always ate his food too fast. I got used to giving him a whack on the back.”

The hit worked, and I was able to inhale a larger breath. I was still in shock from the question. So much for the sweet, old lady across the street. This one had teeth of steel.

I could get up and walk home because I did not have to answer. Something deep inside told me to take a chance and say something. Heaven knew I could do with a few friends. Dorothy came back with a glass of water for me.

“I didn’t mean to shock you like that, but as lovely as the Blue Mountains are, I can’t imagine it was the first choice for a woman like you.”

“So, in answer to your first question, I have a great contract with a possibility to extend. As far as the second one goes, I left an ex-husband, a stalker, and a job that was a lot of hard work and only just okay. I felt something was missing and I really needed a break. Sydney would have been too like London. I needed something completely different.”

Dorothy laughed, then took my hand. “I had a husband once. Should have gotten rid of him long before I did. Was useless when it came to stimulating a woman in the bedroom. It was all business to him and had to be efficient, but he had money. That was all he ever talked about. The divorce meant I could buy this place, so there can be silver linings.”

I liked her candor; it was refreshing after dealing with colleagues who hid their true feelings. “I didn’t get much money when we split because I bought him out of his share of the apartment, but I’m glad to be free.” I peered up at the beautiful facade of this house. It had a Victorian feel about it. “You chose well, this house is amazing. I love the stonework and the big wooden front door, and of course, the garden,” I replied as I inhaled the aromas of the flowers around me. There was lavender, rosemary, and roses.

“Thank you. The interior is beautiful, but the high ceilings make it hard to heat in winter, though the thick walls make it cool in summer. The garden is my haven. I can while away hours here. I even have an Instagram page for my flowers. I have quite a few followers.” Dorothy sighed as she gazed at her garden.

I loved that Dorothy was up with modern technology.

“You’ve beat me then. I don’t use social media much. Most doctors don’t.”

“Was your husband good-looking? My Roger was. Tall, dark, and handsome. Had all the girls after him and I couldn’t believe he chose me. I believe I was the first one to say no and he swept me off my feet.” Dorothy shook her head and tutted to herself. “Trouble was, the women were still after him when we were married, and it didn’t stop him. Bad marriages happen, but how awful for you being stalked.” Dorothy placed her hand on mine and gave it a squeeze. I was not used to personal contact but didn’t pull away. Her actions came from a good place.

“Your ex-husband, Roger, must have been distantly related to mine.” I laughed. “I have to admit the stalker was awful, especially as it was someone from work.” I didn’t want to talk about it and shivered when I thought of Kevin. He had been a person with a smiling face that had hidden his mental instability. Dear God, I was glad he was on the other side of the world. I probably should have gotten some counseling, but I didn’t want to rehash it all over again.

“Well, they are all far away now. So why the Blue Mountains?” Dorothy asked as she poured another cup of tea.

“It is beautiful and a million miles away from what I was used to. Sydney and Melbourne were too like what I had left. I didn’t want to work in a big hospital so this suited me.”

“Don’t underestimate this place. There are more goings-on here than you know. What I could tell you—”

“Please, don’t tell me. The people you mention may come in as my patients tomorrow.”

She laughed. “My lips are sealed.”

Ryan’s pickup pulled in across the road. I tried not to notice but caught the wicked smile forming on Dorothy’s face.

He headed inside. Maybe I could knock on his door later and ask if he would like to pop around for a drink. Then the doctor in me resurfaced. The poor man had dealt with a family trauma and would not want me visiting. Five minutes later he was back out the front of his cottage and heading down the road. He didn’t look our way, and I was not going to attract his attention. I bit my lip and then hoped Dorothy hadn’t noticed my observation.

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