Page 1 of Her Hot Neighbor

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Today was going to be the beginning of something new. My life over the past few years had been officially crap. From now on, I wanted some of the good stuff. As far as I was concerned, it all started today with the arrival of my best friend, fellow doctor and partner in crime, Grant. He had seen me at my lowest over the years, and now he could see I was on the way up. Who knew what the future held? Maybe, hot men, lots of sex, and a world away from worry, stalkers, and ex-husbands.

The buzzer to my apartment pinged, and my heart thumped that Grant was here with family at long last. I opened the door to see him standing there as handsome as ever. He had always been able to get the ladies but had just been my friend.

He grabbed me around the waist and swung me around. When he stopped and my feet touched the ground, I almost toppled over.

“Sorry, Autumn. I keep forgetting you pirates with one leg can fall over,” he said with a smirk.

“You know if anyone else said that I’d be giving them a good punch or a black eye. Of course, as a doctor, it would be unethical. I see you haven’t changed and are as sassy as ever.”

He blew me a fake kiss, and I shook my head.

“I know you’ll never resort to violence, no matter how annoying I am. You know you love me.”

“It’s sad but true. But I might put a laxative in your coffee.” I straightened out my clothes now I had stopped wobbling. I noticed his partner standing in the corridor. “It really is wonderful to see you again. It’s been too long. Now introduce me to your lovely lady before you disappear back off to the States.”

He stood aside as a gorgeous brunette walked in.

“This is Charlotte. The kids are at Mom and Dad’s.”

“I’m so glad to meet you at last.” I hugged the stunning woman with the lovely smile who had brought happiness to Grant’s life. She got bonus points from me for doing that. He had some rough times over the years. Then again, we all had.

“I’ve heard lots of wonderful things about you, Autumn,” she said.

“All the good things are true. By the way, I’m still amazed Grant found a woman who is willing to put up with him.”

“Don’t listen to anything she says, Char. I could tell you some stories about her that would turn your hair white. Now me, I’m pure as the driven snow.”

Charlotte laughed. This woman made Grant smile so I liked her already.

“I’ll just grab my purse from the bedroom.”

I took one last look in the full-length mirror. It was amazing how quickly I had gotten used to sourcing clothes that hid my disability. If life throws you lemons, then make lemonade. This expensive pantsuit did the job perfectly. It had cost nearly a month’s pay so it should. It was a dark red color that showed off my wavy black hair as it hung around my shoulders. It had long flowy sleeves and dipped at the front to show off just a little bit of cleavage.

The pants were long and wide but curved over my hips. I might not have two feet, but I had a good butt and my ex, Jonathan, could cry about what he had lost. One day I might actually get the courage to show my body to someone again. That was enough introspection for now, I needed to make a move so headed back to the lounge room.

“I’m ready. Now we need to head off or we will be late.”

The taxi ride was full of laughter and memories and then we pulled up.

The venue for the reunion was one of London’s smart hotels. My hands became clammy as I followed Grant and Charlotte into the ballroom. I glanced around, steeling myself for the evening. I could do this. If Grant had not been visiting, I probably would not have come. It was why I needed change. I loved London but needed to get out of this city and start living again. There were too many memories here.

Charlotte touched my arm. I jumped. I needed to get a grip. Where had my positive vibe from earlier gone?

“You, okay? You look like a mouse waiting for a cat to pounce.”

I took a deep breath. I had to deal with this and stop the panic attack threatening to pounce.

“I’m sorry. To tell the truth, I’ve not been going out a lot recently.”

“Since the accident?” This woman I didn’t know peered at me with sympathy in her eyes. I tended not to let people in and coped with my pain on my own. This time I thought I should take the help offered. I knew Grant had told her about what had happened because he had asked if he could.

“Yes. It’s just easier to go to work or stay home and study. Grant had probably told you I don’t do well with people taking pity on me.”

“He just says you are one of the strongest women he knows.”

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