Page 2 of Her Hot Neighbor

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I glanced around the room again. “It’s not just the accident. I’m doing pretty good coping with my injury.” I took a deep breath. “I haven’t seen my ex, Jonathan, since the divorce court and he will most likely be here tonight. Grant may have mentioned I have a way of choosing incredibly good-looking men who cheat on me. It’s a knack. Everyone since high school so far. I should be in the Guinness book of records.” I laughed, but inside my heart ached at the truth of the statement. I would not wallow though. I would drink champagne.

Charlotte shook her head at me.

“Okay, let me stop you right there. You do realize that you’re an amazing-looking woman? He didn’t appreciate what he had—a great lady with a fantastic mind and body to match. I love the natural elegance you have about you. I can never get that, no matter what I wear. I noticed more than a few guys turned their heads when you walked in.” She wagged a finger at me.

“You are right. I just need to toughen up,” I said as we sat, and I was poured a glass of champagne. I was tempted to skull in straight down. “It’s not true though, you look incredible in that dress. Grant can’t keep his eyes off you.”

“Thank you for that but I’m not being kind. It’s the truth. Ask Grant. I say what I mean. You are great.”

“I am loving this mutual appreciation society we have going on here. Does she give you what-for, Grant? You always were a rogue.” I wanted to get the conversation away from me.

“Char has me wrapped around her finger.”

“There’s definitely a story here that I need to get out of you two,” I said. “I will just have to ply you with wine till I find out.

“I want all the gossip about what Grant was like at medical school when you were training as well,” Charlotte asked.

“Don’t tell her anything, Autumn. What happens at medical school stays at medical school.”

I was just about to tell Charlotte about a Christmas party where we dressed up as elves and made the most alcoholic punch I had ever drunk in my life when someone said my name.


I didn’t need to turn around to recognize that deep voice. Jonathan had tempted me from the first day we met all those years ago. Now, that voice had no effect on me at all. That was what I was telling myself anyway.

No, that was not true. It was still as sexy as all hell. You never forget someone who meant something to you, even if they were egotistical pains in the ass. Sometimes you just had to protect yourself from them the best you could. I would not close my eyes and remember all those times we had made love. It would only cause pain.

I put on my best smile as I turned to face him. He had a beautiful redhead holding onto his arm. Of course he did.

“Jonathan. Hello.” My throat was suddenly dry.

He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

I remembered his smell. I had bought him that aftershave. Damn him.

“Autumn, you look great. Let me introduce my fiancée, Geraldine.”

Fiancée. That didn’t take him long. He certainly wasn’t hiding his light under a bushel. He rambled on about his promotion and how he was now living on a country estate that Geraldine’s first husband had left her after he died. Wow, all I got was my CD collection when we broke up. Geraldine seemed lovely, and Jonathan was a good doctor, I couldn’t deny that even if he was a shit husband. I wanted to hate him but I couldn’t. After tonight, I would leave all thoughts of him behind. I would create a new Autumn.

The two of them wandered off, and I drained my glass. The waiter came and refilled it. They had better bring food soon or I would be plastered. It didn’t matter I had survived the meeting.

“You did well,” Charlotte said as she grabbed my hand and squeezed. “Now forget about him and have a good time.”

The food was great even if the award presentation went on forever. I even managed to dance a bit at the end of the night and not fall over. A couple of guys even asked for slow dances that boosted my morale. Neither got my number. I would not be in town much longer anyway.

I was having a good time. It was not in my nature to detest people. Not Jonathan and not even Kevin, the man who had stalked me after the accident. I considered him to be mentally ill, not evil, and could not bring myself to hate him. That aside, I was glad to be going away.

As we all drove home later, I wanted to have a quiet moment to talk.

“How are you going after seeing the world’s greatest doctor, Jonathan? Well, in his own mind anyway,” Grant asked.

As always, my friend could see through my smiles. Darn him.

“I’m good. I’m glad you made me go. It was fun catching up with people, and I think I needed to see Jonathan so I could move on.” I took a deep breath before speaking again, unsure how they would react. “I wanted to tell you both earlier, but the moment never came up . . . I’ve taken a job in Australia.” After the shock registered on their faces with their mouths hanging open, they both smiled.

“That’s amazing. When do you leave?” Charlotte asked.

“Two weeks. And for the first time in ages, I feel excited. I would never have contemplated doing something like this if not for you, Grant. Seeing what you did moving to America gave me strength. By the way, I really hope you’ll visit me down under as they say.”

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