Page 9 of Glamorize

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Back then, Scarlet and I had made sure we spent up big on every trip from Cairns we could and charged it to her ex. If I had Hunter’s credit card number, I would do the same. Now I came to think about it, I could not remember seeing his credit card. He had always gone up to the counter and paid without me seeing. Maybe his surname wasn’t Black after all. There were so many things I could see now in retrospect. Hindsight was a gift.

I was just about to slap myself across the cheek to stop thinking about Hunter when I remembered I was on a crowded bus. Everyone would be moving away from me thinking I was the crazy lady. I mean they were right, and I was, but for now I would just hold my hands in my lap.

As the bus headed up the coast all thoughts of Hunter were gone as I gazed at the scenery. My jaw dropped, and I must have looked like I was catching flies, and I didn’t care one bit. The greens of the lush rainforest and then the blues of the ocean were breathtaking. I had heard this drive was one of the best in the world and the reports were not wrong. Okay, my eyes were not watering. Rubbish, I wiped a tear away. I was usually hardheaded, but this view before me made me realize this was what was real and what mattered. Stupid relationships would be forgotten, at least while I looked at this.

My fellow bus travelers were dropped off at their hotels until it was just me on the bus. It was seven in the evening by the time I checked in but I was just glad to finally be there. The reception desk was manned by a smiling lady with a badge saying Margot. She had blue and pink hair in a pixie cut. I loved it. I really couldn’t cope with some stuffy judgmental person at the moment. Maybe I should get my boring hair done differently. It was wavy, shoulder-length, and light brown. Very sensible and easy to take care of and would not stand out in any crowd.

“I have two names down for your villa. I assume Mr. Black is not coming.”

Shit. I should have sent them an email.

“Mr. Black and I are no longer together.” I know I didn’t need to, but that felt good to say out loud. I almost repeated it to convince myself, but that would be weird, right? Maybe I could go to the beach later and scream it out to the ocean. Maybe I could hypnotize a crocodile, make them swim to Melbourne, and get Hunter when he swam in Port Phillip Bay. I chuckled to myself.

“Please let us know how we can make your stay perfect despite the change in circumstances.”

I loved her response. After all, I was what was important. I had heard this place protected their customers’ privacy. I felt special.

I was shown my villa, and for the second time today I tried to stop my jaw from descending to my knees. This was how the other half lived. No, this was me tonight, and for the next four days. I was the other half. I would tell people I was an heiress wanting to be alone. I would do my best Greta Garbo impression. Everything was hues of white, gold, and green and the artwork on the walls looked like they would be worth thousands. The quality of the furniture and the bedding were to die for. I loved me a high thread count on my sheets.

The place was mind-blowing, and my eyes filled with tears as I walked out onto my own deck. I wanted, no I needed to put my feet in the water. I would go for a dip in my own pool later. I changed into a short summer dress. Now, I felt I was on holiday.

I shucked off my shoes and headed down to the beach. Each step I took down to the sand I felt more of the weariness of the past week leave me. This place was bloody magical. It needed to be as it was costing a fortune. This is what I wanted and needed. I should be getting something to eat but that could wait. The champagne and snack from the flight would keep me going for a while anyway.

The sand was warm beneath my toes as I wriggled them. I walked forward and let the small waves flow over my feet. The water was warm. If it wasn’t for the stingers, I would go in for a dip. I had read that there was an enclosure on Four Mile Beach that you could use and would go out tomorrow and investigate.

I sat at the back of the beach and leaned against a tree. The beauty and tranquility of the place soaked into my soul. This was what I needed more than anything. The sun was setting, and the colors in the sky were astounding. The reds, golds, and blues of the ocean. How could you not love this? I closed my eyes and listened to the waves and sighed. I should take up meditation again.

When I opened my eyes again, it was dark. Hell, I had fallen asleep. It’s amazing how when your mind chills out the body grabs the sleep it has been missing. When I thought about it, I had not had a decent night sleep in weeks. My stomach gurgled. I had not eaten enough today, and now the restaurant would probably be shut. Darn it. I would raid the bar fridge and snacks. That would keep me going until the morning.

I grabbed my sandals and started to walk back up the beach. I knew the villas were in front of me, but I had forgotten to put the light on when I left. I was pretty sure I was the third one in from the end. That would teach me to fall asleep on the beach. I should have just slept on the lounger and kept the neighbors awake with my snoring.

I pushed back the overgrown tropical leaves. I must have gone off to one side a bit because I couldn’t remember them on the way down. Where was a good machete when you needed it?

The next thing I knew I was tumbling forward as I tripped over a ledge.

I screamed expecting a hard landing, but instead, I went head first into cold water that took my breath away. I tried to right myself but only succeeded in bumping my head into the pool wall, gasping, and swallowing more water. I was a good swimmer, but fear had taken over. I was disorientated and couldn’t tell in the dark which way was up.

Then arms were around my waist pulling me up. I grabbed my lifesaver hoping I wasn’t pushing them under too. It all happened so fast that my body was in panic mode. Holding onto whoever it was I didn’t want to let go. My arms were around their neck and my legs around their waist.

“It’s okay, you’re fine. You just fell in my pool. I’ve got you. I’ll pull you to the side.”

It was a man, and he had an Irish accent. That was about all my addled brain could take in. I tried to control my breathing but could not stop coughing. Then my feet touched the bottom and calm was restored as my world righted itself. My rescuer helped me out, and we sat on the edge of the pool as I continued to breathe deeply. I should have brought my puffer with me. As an asthmatic, I always savored every breath.

“Just try and get your breathing back under control. Will you be all right while I go and get a towel from inside?”

I nodded and watched my rescuer walk away. I had not got a good look at him yet, but he was tall, I could tell that much. The lights were still off, but when he came back out, he flicked them on. Even with my bedraggled fringe hanging over my eyes I could see he was incredibly handsome but not in a Hunter showy way. This guy was one hundred percent masculine with broad shoulders and sexy tough guy look. I loved the dark hair and the short beard as well. Okay, my mouth was hanging open again.

He must have been relaxing before I fell into his pool as he was wearing gray sweatpants. They were wet and clung to him showing a significant bulge at the front. I needed to lift my eyes before he noticed. Too late. He smiled. His white t-shirt was stretched across his torso, and I was tempted to tell him to rip it off. I had forgotten my near-drowning experience so quickly when presented with a handsome man. It was my downfall, but I was here to find someone for their body, not their mind so it might work. He certainly had the body.

He wrapped the towel around my shoulders and helped me over to the lounger.

“I suppose we should introduce ourselves. My name is … Corey.”

That was weird. He hesitated before saying his own name. This place was known for its confidentiality so maybe he was using an alias. Two could play at that game.

“Hi, I’m Emilia, but everyone calls me Emmy.” I had to stop myself from giggling. It was like being the naughty kid at school. My stomach did a loud gurgle and I burped. Swallowing half a plunge pool will do that to you. Hell, I was romantic.

Corey laughed.

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