Page 8 of Glamorize

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“You are right which is why I’m going to get work sorted out next week and then I am going to go on that trip to Port Douglas. I had planned to surprise Hunter with it last night. I will go up there incognito and find some man that will satisfy my needs with wild monkey sex and then leave him wanting more.”



Sneaking out of Los Angles had been easier than I thought it would be. A dark limo had taken me to the airport, and I had used the VIP entrance so no one bothered me. It cost money but was worth it right now. Personally, I was happy to tell the press that Brad was a prick, but my agent and publicist were quite clear that I should shut up. For once I would do what I was told.

As far as Gill went, I had not heard anything more from her. I wasn’t sure what I was meant to do but guessed if the paternity test showed it was mine, she would let me know. If she went to the press before then I would just have to deal with it. I tried to work out how long ago it was. It had to be at least six months ago. If she had thought I was the dad, why hadn’t she contacted me earlier? I could not do anything about it now and I would deal with it later.

I sat in the lounge and ordered a coffee while waiting for my flight to be called. It was a fourteen-hour flight to Brisbane, and I didn’t want to start drinking now or I would be carried off the plane when we got there. That would end up in the newspaper, and no one would be happy, yet again. I would be sensible even if it drove me insane with boredom. Maybe I could convince one of the air stewardesses to join the Mile High Club with me. Nope, that would get me into trouble too. It would be fun though.

I was in business class and looked forward to the good food, wine, and sleep. I might even watch some movies. These days I didn’t get much time to just binge TV.

When we arrived in Australia, I felt surprisingly good with no hangover which was a first for me. So far, no one had recognized me which was great. I was clean-shaven on the show, so the growing beard was doing the trick. People tend to keep to themselves in business class in their little pods, which was what happened. I cleared customs and headed to the lounge. It was a three-hour wait until my connection to Cairns in Northern Queensland. I had slept but the jetlag was starting to catch up with me, and I was struggling to keep my eyes open. Perhaps I should have stayed a night in Brisbane but I there was more chance of me being recognized there.

Five hours later, I landed in Cairns and was almost at the end of my journey. It really did feel like Australia was the other end of the world. The private car was waiting to pick me up, and yet again, no one had noticed me. The heat and humidity hit when I walked out of the airport. It was like I had opened an oven door. The difference being I couldn’t turn it off. I was in Australia so what did I expect?

Once we got out of town and up the coast, I knew I had made the right decision. This had to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. The mountains covered in a lush tropical rainforest were on one side whereas the amazing beaches and blue ocean were on the other. Not that I would be going swimming there at the moment. I heard about the crocodiles in Australia. In fact, I had read up and found that nearly all of the most venomous creatures on Earth lived there. I would watch where I was walking.

We drove through Port Douglas, a small sleepy town surrounded by tropical rainforest. It had all the usual small cafés and shops, and maybe I would venture out later, or maybe I would just hide away. It also seemed to have more five-star hotels per acre than I had ever seen anywhere else.

Then we headed on to the resort. It was the sort of place where they guaranteed absolute privacy. The staff would call me Mickey Mouse if that was what I wanted. As we pulled up to the reception, I decided I loved the place. The palm trees and lush green vegetation made you take a deep breath and let it all go. Hell, I needed this. I was glad I had not taken the outback option Jack had suggested. I checked in and was shown to my villa. I was going to be known as Corey Brown here. I would think of it as playing a new role. I had an Emmy so maybe I would get an Oscar for this one.

When the porter left, I threw my bag down on the couch. The entire villa had a beachside vibe, decorated in shades of green and a crisp white. It was almost as if they were trying to bring the lush rainforest outside indoors. The place had a bedroom with a nice king-size bed. I just needed to find a lady to have some fun in it with me. A bathroom with a spa tub and huge shower. The main room had a couch and huge TV. I had decided not to have a villa with a kitchen. I liked to cook, but this was my vacation from everything. I would use the restaurant or get room service.

When I walked out the back of the villa there was a small deck and plunge pool with a private beach and ocean beyond. The waves were crashing on the shore, and I let the rhythm flow into me. I wondered if I could convince the producers of the show to come here and do an episode. Then again. Knowing how much they were charging for this place it was unlikely. I looked around and could see that the villas on either side of me were shielded by walls of green vegetation so we all had our privacy. I was going to enjoy this week away from everything and everybody.

Maybe I would stay here and never go back.



Everything was sorted, and Patrick was holding the fort at work. He was a godsend, though to be honest, we supported each other in so many ways. He had pushed me with the business, and it had worked. I had helped him through heartbreak, and we had shared more expresso martinis than I cared to remember.

He now had a wonderful partner, Paul, who had been in drag for years. He had problems with the stage makeup, and Patrick suggested we branch out from our commercial products. The two perfect P’s I called them. It had been a godsend and got me into stage makeup that had attracted Hollywood. I had Declan to thank too. My cousin was a sweetie who always tried to help. Why couldn’t I meet a guy like him?

All of our makeup was ethically sourced, vegan, and hypoallergenic. I had never realized so many people suffered from problems with their skin when all they wanted was to look nice. People who would wear makeup for a special occasion or for work and then have to suffer with their skin for days afterwards. We had even had a few dermatologists contact us for help to assist their patients.

We had started out in a shed in Patrick’s parents’ backyard, and now we had a small warehouse for packaging and production. I had money in the bank, but most of our collateral was tied up in the business. We had an amazing manager, Fiona, who made sure we both stayed on track. Everything was good apart from my love life.

I thought about the resort I had booked in Port Douglas. I had spent big and would damn well enjoy it, even if it killed me. I would come back refreshed and ready to start life again.

This past week, I managed to put the Hunter episode behind me. At least that was what I was telling myself. He had tried to message me, and I had blocked his number. Could he possibly be that stupid to think I would want to talk to him? The answer was obviously yes. What a dick? Some people are so full of themselves. What the hell did he think we would have to talk about? Great Greek restaurants not to visit for fear of being attacked by angry spouses.

He knew where I lived, but I hoped he would not be such an idiot as to come and call. Every time the buzzer went for me to let someone up, I checked by looking out the window to make sure his wife wasn’t down there with a bucket of water ready to strike again. I mean, I could have my own bucket on the window sill to get my own back. I actually didn’t blame her for what she had done. I was pretty sure I would have done exactly the same. Well, maybe not the water but I would have been like a screaming banshee. I just hoped I was not going to be a name in a divorce case. It made me so mad that I was the other woman here and had not even realized it. Hell, for all I knew he might have had kids as well. I couldn’t change it so there was no point dwelling on it.

Anyway, that didn’t matter right now as I stuffed my clothes into my suitcase. I had an eleven-thirty flight and would get in at two to Brisbane. I would leave behind overcast Melbourne which reflected my mood for sunny Queensland that opened up all sorts of opportunities. Hopefully, one that involved sexy strangers for just a few nights and then goodbye. I would be positive and not pack my vibrator.

I only had four days, but that would be enough. It had cost me a fortune, and I was going to have a good time. I had booked an exclusive resort to stay at with Hunter or whoever he was. I had thought back then that the surroundings might have encouraged him to propose. What a laugh that was when he was married already. I should have sucker written on my forehead.

For about one minute, I had thought about getting my money back and not going. I mean I could use the cash in the business. Common sense had not ruled this time and I decided, stuff it. I am going to spoil myself and find some magnificent man to take my mind off the a-hole who had messed me around. I never went anywhere fancy. It was funny even though I had some money these days some sense of guilt from being thrifty from my childhood still crept in. Old habits die hard.

Maybe I could see if any movie stars were staying and offer to do their makeup, or maybe a wedding, that would do. Then I could put it down as a tax right off. Nope, I needed to get into relaxation mode and forget about work and what I had left behind in Melbourne. I had not brought products with me anyway, except for my own makeup.

The flight was good, and I had gotten the money back from Hunter’s seat and given myself an upgrade. I sat in my seat at the front of the plane and drank a glass of champagne and let out a big sigh. I needed and deserved this even if the guilts came in later for the cost. I wanted to feel special even if just for a short while. No one knew anything about me on this flight and I could be anyone I wanted for a while. It was freeing to have no responsibilities for a while.

The heat hit as I left the terminal and boarded the bus for Port Douglas. I had never been there before though I had visited Cairns in the past. It was when Scarlet’s second marriage ended after her wedding night. I still wanted to cut her husband’s dick off if I could. It would be worth the time in prison; he was a surgeon and would have some friend who could sew it back on. I chuckled to myself.

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