Page 5 of Glamorize

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Hi, sweetie. How are you going? I haven’t heard from you in a while. The business world must have you jumping hurdles,” she said.

“It has been crazy, but it’s good to hear your voice. How is that man of yours treating you?” Nate was wonderful and the best thing that had happened to Scarlet. They both had tortured pasts that would have ruined most people but had healed each other.

“He spoils me as always. Still have to pinch myself that I live here in a beautiful place with this sexy dude at my beck and call.”

“If anyone deserves it, you do. You are right though. Work has been crazy, and we have orders coming in from all around the globe. Plus, Patrick wants me to go to a convention in the states. He keeps saying that we’re getting more inquiries and should expand. I’m not so sure. It’s all a bit terrifying as well as exciting.”

“You should go and stay with Declan. What’s the point of having a movie star for a cousin if you can’t take advantage of it.” Scarlet laughed. “That aside, when are we going to meet this mysterious new man in your life?”

I knew she would ask. I would have if it had been me. “I’m sure Declan does not want me turning up on his doorstep. He is a busy man and has twins now too. The thing is, Patrick is good at that schmoozing with people. It’s not for me. At Declan’s wedding, I felt like a gatecrasher with all those famous people there. Mitch, Gemma Cassini’s husband was nice though. He was a paparazzi in the past, and it was a new world for him too.”

“And the visit from your man?” She wasn’t going to let it go.

“Trust me, I tried to organize and get us all together, but he lives in Perth and then with a flight to Queensland to see you, it gets complicated. He’s always busy or I’m busy.”

“I’m sure work could cope without you for a few days. Patrick could hold the fort, and you know he would love it. Plus, your manager is incredible you said. Knowing you the orders will be up to date. You said the factory is working at full capacity and you are broadening your horizons. You need to take some time out for yourself too. Also, I am nosey as all hell to see who this man is that broke through the ice queen.”

‘He’s coming today, and I promise I will talk about it. I’ll call you tomorrow with a date we can come up.”

“I will hold you to that promise?”

“Now, I really have to go.”

I had to sign off before Scarlet asked any more questions because I knew I couldn’t lie to her. My life was good, but I would like someone to share it with. I had my business that was thriving and my little apartment. It was just a one-bedroom, but it had everything I needed and was my quiet place away from the world. I liked all my knacks and memories I had around the place. Pictures in frames of holidays. Times in Queensland and New Zealand with Scarlet. When I thought about it, I needed to get a good picture of Hunter and myself to add to the collection. I should get ready. Now, all I needed was for Hunter to turn up and adore me like he always did.

He was on the four o’clock flight from Perth. He said he was busy there, so it was hard for him to be in Melbourne. It had only been three months, but if we became more of a permanent item maybe he would move. I had my business here so it would be tricky for me and I didn’t want to live in Perth. It felt like it was so far away from everything on the other side of the country.

Look at me even thinking about a future with someone. Maybe Scarlet was right, and I was thawing out. Anyway, for now, it didn’t matter. I needed to get ready.

I showered and dressed in a sexy dark blue dress that dipped at the front and showed off my bad boys. I might as well flaunt them. Hopefully, Hunter liked it. Look at me caring what my man thought. For so long I thought they could go take a hike. Maybe it was all the great sex, perfume, flowers, and chocolate sauce he smeared on me and licked off slowly.

Yep, that was it. I would take this fun period while it lasted. Who knew, he could finally be the one at last. He said he was going to pick me up from my apartment in an Uber. If I wasn’t all dolled up to the nines, I would have suggested sex before we went out. After all, I had the sexiest underwear I could find on. It had cost enough. I hoped it would come off quick later. Preferably with his teeth.

The doorbell rang, and I pressed the button to let him up. Every time he came to visit, I got excited like a schoolgirl. It was strange and so unlike me, and then he was there. He held a bunch of roses. I had never had a man buy me flowers before and he did it all the time. I could get used to it. I mean, everyone deserves some flowers sometimes, and not just when you’re sick.

God, he was so handsome. When we went out, he turned heads. I could see people looking at him and then me. I didn’t care as he went home with me at the end of the night. I glanced in the mirror. I mean, I brushed up good with my hourglass figure and brown wavy hair. I had even won the baby with the prettiest eyes as a toddler, Mom said. Hunter looked like he should be on a Paris catwalk. He had jet-black hair with a fringe that fell over his face sometimes, and he would flick it back in this sexy way. He also had a chiseled jaw and the most amazing blue eyes. I deserved gorgeous as I had been experiencing one-night stands for a long time.

He hadn’t said anything since he arrived and stared at the front of my dress. I did a twirl as I waited for a compliment. I thought he would have had a wicked grin on his face, but no, he looked annoyed with his lips pulled tight in a straight line. Even on Mr. Gorgeous it was not a good look. Perhaps he had been having a bad day. I was sure that a night out on the town would put everything right. My arms went around his neck as his went around my waist. As he kissed me, I could feel he was getting hard. When our kiss stopped, we were both breathless.

“It’s a cool night. I think you’ll need a wrap.”

“You mean you want me to cover my breasts up?” I quizzed. “I thought you would find this dress sexy.”

“I do, but your wonderful breasts are for my eyes only.”

I went and found a pashmina in my drawer. He was certainly in a mood. I didn’t like men telling me what I should wear and that I should cover up, but I would let this one slip for now. I’m sure once we were out and having a good time, he would let me know what was niggling him. I popped the roses in some water and grabbed my purse.

“So, where are we going?” he asked. “I was going to book our regular restaurant, but you said you had a surprise for me.”

“I do. It’s a small Greek restaurant down near the bay.” I lived in Fitzroy so it would take a while to get there, but we could chat. I wanted to suggest the trip to Noosa to see Scarlet.

“Wonderful. I love Greek food but would have preferred to go where I know people.”

We got a taxi and Hunter didn’t speak. We had driven the whole way to the restaurant and not a word. This was not how I had envisaged the night would go. We walked in and were greeted and sat down. It was a balmy night, and I didn’t need the wrap, but when I went to take it off, he gave me the grumpy look again. I tried to think back to whether I had worn a low-cut top before. I wasn’t sure.

The restaurant was lovely with stone walls and Greek flags hanging from the ceiling. Patrick had recommended it, and I wanted to go somewhere different for a change.

We ordered a bottle of wine, and I took a big gulp. I had an uncomfortable feeling tonight. One I had never had with Hunter before. I wanted to say where is the real Hunter and who are you? He was like a different person or maybe the other one had been the fake. The waiter took our order. Well, at least the food would be good if not the company. I wasn’t one to beat around the bush. I would just ask if he would not explain.

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