Page 6 of Glamorize

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“So, what is going on? You’ve been snapping since you arrived or going all quiet. Has something happened at work? I’ve never seen you like this before.” It seemed the honeymoon point of this relationship or whatever it was, was over. I needed answers or I was out of there.

“I’m fine. I think you’re just being a bit sensitive.”

Well, that was a red flag to a bull. Where was the Hunter from the past few months because this one was pissing me off. When a man tells you that you are being sensitive, he is usually avoiding giving an answer. He was not going to put this back on me.

“What the hell. Are you going to say it’s my time of the month or something next?” I shrugged my pashmina off my shoulders. His lips were pulled into a tight line again. He went to speak, but the waiter brought our first course over. I had lost my appetite. The waiter left.

“I have done everything for you whenever I’m in town. I take you to a specific restaurant because I trust the staff there. Is it too much to ask for some respect?”

“Trust the staff. What do you think the people here are going to do? I don’t know where all this is coming from, but I can tell you now, I don’t like being talked to like this.”

“You mean you only like me when I spoil you and say nothing when you flaunt yourself.”

“Flaunt myself? You are kidding, right?” I was just about to say I had heard enough and was leaving when I heard yelling coming from behind me. I turned and saw a striking-looking dark-haired woman pushing past the reception and making a beeline for our table. I had never seen her before. I looked at Hunter who had gone decidedly pale. Before I could say anything, the woman grabbed a pitcher of water and poured it all over me.

“What the fuck,” I yelled as I jumped up.

“Catalina. What are you doing here?” Hunter asked.

“You know this crazy woman?” I said as I dripped on the floor. The other customers were staring or laughing. I failed to see what was so amusing right now.

“For once you forgot to turn off your find a friend on your phone. You even went to a place so close to where we live. You want to shame me in front of everyone we know.” She turned to me. “I’m his wife. Who are you? His slut on the side.” They started shouting at each other in what I assumed was Spanish. The waiter came back and gave me a linen napkin to dry myself off. It didn’t do much. I needed to get out of there. I grabbed my purse and wrap and headed for the reception.

“Can you order me a taxi?” I would look like a drowned rat, but I needed to be a million miles away from those two people yelling at each other. I did not need to know anything about them apart from the fact I had been taken for a ride yet again. I would never trust another man again as long as I lived. I could still hear the screaming behind me in the restaurant as I closed the door. Standing on the sidewalk, I took long slow deep breaths. I would not cry or scream right now. I would save it for when I got back to my apartment with a glass of wine.

The taxi driver gave me an odd look at my soggy appearance, but I wasn’t in the mood for conversation.

When I glanced back inside the restaurant, I could see staff trying to pull the woman off Hunter. I couldn’t see a knife in her hands so he was probably safe, worse luck. I would have been quite happy if she had cut his dick off right now.

I arrived home and shut the door to my apartment, leaning back against the wall. I needed to get out of my wet clothes, but all I could do right now was slide to the floor. I had been through hell before so how did I let myself get fooled again? Tears came and I let them fall down my cheeks. I didn’t even bother to wipe them away. I wanted them to wash away the feeling of hopelessness. I hated to admit it but I was pathetic.

Like everything the tears eventually stopped the feelings of despondency didn’t. There was no point just sitting here on a floor, soggy and sniffling. My common-sense head was taking over from my emotional and stupid heart. I would never let it take control again. I would have a lump of stone in my chest from now on.

I walked or rather dragged my way to the bathroom and stripped off my clothes. I stared at my squelchy mess of a dress on the floor. It was lovely but I was not sure I would ever wear it again. It would not evoke fond memories, that was certain. I would give it to a thrift shop and hope the new owner had better luck than I did wearing it. I shivered and decided to run a hot bath. Wrapping my robe around me, I headed to the kitchen, opened a bottle of red, and poured a large glass.

Back in the bathroom, I added some lavender bubble bath. I needed its calming influence though I wasn’t sure it would work, hence the wine. Maybe I should go and get the bottle. Maybe I should just throw the whole bottle of bubble bath in.

I eased into the water and sipped on my wine. I had to wonder how I had ended up in this position. I was a strong independent woman and had a thriving business, yet I had been taken in again. I was not the first woman to fall for a drop-dead gorgeous man and believe everything he said, and I would not be the last. It was just I had believed him. At times like this I needed a friend. I would finish my wine and then text Scarlet to see if she didn’t mind me turning up on her doorstep. I needed to talk to her in person and wanted a shoulder to cry on.

Avery: I need to see you. Don’t ask. I’m getting the morning flight and will get there tomorrow.

Scarlet: I won’t. Always here for you like you were for me. See you tomorrow. Love you, beautiful lady.

She would tell me I was a nutcase tomorrow, but that was okay because she gave the best hugs ever.



The flight got me into Noosa at ten in the morning and I was shaking when I got in a taxi. Thankfully, it was the weekend so my work would be fine without me. I had two days to get over this mess and get back to my business. I refused to let what had happened with Hunter affect my business. I bit a nail. I never bite my nails. The taxi pulled up at Scarlet and Nate’s house. It was an old clapboard house near the beach and oozed peace with its veranda out the front with a swing on. It was just what I needed. Maybe I would never go back to work and just wallow in my sadness. Nope. It was tempting but I was not a quitter.

I hesitated on the sidewalk in front of their place. I didn’t want Scarlet to think I was an idiot. I mean, I thought I was. Scarlet wouldn’t though. She had never judged me, and I had tried to be the same over the years when things had gone wrong for her. The front door opened, and Scarlet stood there. She shook her head but held her arms open wide for me.

“Are you going to just stand there in the sun or are you going to come in? What are you waiting out there for?”

I took a deep breath and strode up the path. Maybe I should have turned the other way and headed for the beach. No. It would just delay the inevitable discussion with Scarlet as she would come down to the beach and drag me back. I threw my overnight bag down and hugged her. When we came apart, I could see she was giving me that raised eyebrow look. I had to tell myself that I would feel better once it was all out in the open.

“Okay, Nate is out. I’m making us both some coffee and then we’re going to talk. You have been there for me, and now it’s my turn.”

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