Page 42 of Glamorize

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“I’ll grab a box from the garage and take all the personal things I need. My laptop, passport, and wallet. The rest of this is either smoke or water damaged. I’ll see if I can get someone in to clean it up. I’ll need to wait until after the insurers have been through.”

I was being methodical, but I was shaking. I didn’t get shaky about things. I grabbed Avery’s bag and threw it over my shoulder.

“You all right? You look like you are about to throw up. I wouldn’t blame you. I can’t imagine going to my place and finding it like this.”

“I’ll be good. Let’s get this stuff and get out of here. There is nothing here to tell me anything. One thing for sure, I’m going to find out who did this and there will be hell to pay.”

“You can come live at my place until you sort out what you want to do. I have heaps of room. Of course, if Sasha wants to pay me a visit you had better make yourself scarce.”

“In your dreams, Jack, but that would be great.” I put my box of items in the trunk of my car. It was strange though that this was all that I needed. Everything else was the trappings.

The next day I was on set, and everyone was being sympathetic. Arriving at the lot, I saw more paparazzi and reporters trying to get their story. I scooted through pretty fast thanks to security. I wanted to go to the hospital again but took my lead from Declan and stayed away. Callie and Sasha were going to pick Avery up anyway. God help anyone that got in the way of those two women.

I tried to concentrate the best I could and the work was done, but by the end of the day, all I wanted was to see Avery and know she was all right. I was taking my makeup off when Declan walked in.

“I assume you are coming to my place to see Avery.”

“I would like that, if it’s okay with you. I picked up her bag from my place. It still stinks of smoke, but it has her things.”

“I hear you called Drake and he said he is looking into things. If I know him. You will get something back soon.”

“A part of me wants to know who would do that and another part says stay away. What kind of person does something like that?”

“I don’t know but I’ll be beside you to grab them by the neck when you find out.”

Two hours later, I pulled up at Declan’s house. Everything was different now. People would see Avery and me as a couple. I wanted that more than anything. I also knew she would run if it got too much. In three days, we would all be leaving town for Pine Creek and she would have time to herself. I didn’t want to push her especially after what she had been through.

I pulled up outside and walked up to the front door. I felt like I was a teenager on a first date. Inside I found Avery sitting on the couch with her leg up on a pillow. It looked like she had lots of people surrounding her and spoiling her with attention. Then she looked my way and smiled. I had never known that feeling before. That someone could make your heart stop in its tracks with their smile. I didn’t deserve that smile, but I would try and earn it.

I sat next to her and took her hand in mine. It was nice to be able to do it in public now. I gave her the bag I had picked up from my place. She rifled through its contents and found her cellphone.

“It’s flat, but at least I will feel connected to society again.”

I took it down to her room and plugged it in beside her bed. I stared at the pillow which had the indent of her head still on it. Our relationship had been physical up until now. I couldn’t see Declan wanting to hear his cousin scream out in desire so that would be on the back burner for now. Her knee was healing anyway and I said I would give her some space to think. When we were together in the bedroom, I didn’t think either of us thought about anything but consuming each other’s bodies.

I took a deep breath and headed back out and sat next to her again.

“It’s not true, Declan. Your dad is lying to you,” Avery said and laughed. “My mom, your Aunt Sofie was a state champion at chess. He didn’t win the winery like that. He bought Mom out.”

“Well, Dad tells that story all the time to his mates.”

It was good to be around people laughing and chatting about their family in a good-humored way. I certainly didn’t have those memories. That was why, if Avery agreed to go to Ireland we would be spending as little time as possible with them. Avery squeezed my hand.

“So, when you went to your place, what was it like? We ran out so fast I don’t remember much.”

“The place is cordoned off, and they have a security guard there to stop fans going in and stealing stuff. The main room is blackened and burned. The bedroom wasn’t too bad, but everything was impregnated with the smell. Gemma gave me the name of a company that will go in and clear everything out and sort what can be saved. The insurer went there today so it can be done tomorrow.”

“I’m so sorry you lost your stuff.”

“To be honest, there wasn’t that much I cared about. I haven’t been in Hollywood long. I got the important documents. I just wanted to get you out safe.”

“I dread to think what I would be like if it happened to my apartment. I have so much stuff. I think when I go back, I need to do a bit of a declutter.”

I didn’t want her to go back, but this was not the right time to make her stay. The evening wore on, and I helped her to her room. She was limping and I could see from the way her lips were drawn tight that she was in pain. I still felt this was my fault in some way.

“Do you want me to help you change?” I asked as I helped her to the bed.

She raised an eyebrow and smirked at me.

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