Page 40 of Glamorize

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“That would be great. I still think it has something to do with Sendler, but he seems to be untouchable in this town. I just have to believe he wouldn’t be so crazy as to do this.”

“We’ll see you tomorrow on set.”

“Thanks, Declan, Jack.” I headed up to the room where the nurse said Avery had been taken. When I walked in, she was going through the bag of clothes. I helped her get dressed in a loose T-shirt and some shorts.

“This is a first for me turning up at a hospital without any panties on.” She laughed.

“You are being very understanding, but I guess we need to talk. People are going to want to know about you. I’ll try to keep it to a minimum and so will Declan. If you don’t want to be part of this, I understand and I will back off. It’s not what I want. You need to be safe first and foremost.”

“I want to stick around. I like you, Flynn, and I know our relationship has not been very conventional, but I would like to see where it goes. I will still be going back to Australia soon. I’m also not a believer in absence making the heart grow fonder. I think it is more likely that eyes would wander. Hey, I rhymed.” She smirked and then coughed.

The nurse came in and took her vitals.

“Everything seems more stabilized. I’m going to take the oxygen off and see how you go. Buzz me if your breathing gets difficult again. I’ll still leave the monitor on you for now.”

“Thank you.”

“I know this is all sudden, but I won’t let you down. Next week we are up in Pine Creek so it will give you time to think and heal. You don’t have to make any decisions about anything.” What I was going to ask next might push it too far. “Then after that we have a break in filming for a week. I have to go to Ireland to my cousin’s wedding, and I wondered if you would be my plus one?”

“I said we could date a bit more and now you want to introduce me to the family,” she said as she raised her eyes.

“Well, technically you have introduced me to most of yours with Declan and Jack. You also said you had always wanted to see Ireland and I’ll pay for everything.”

“I suppose. That is an offer that is hard to refuse. I’ll think about it and give you my answer when you get back from Pine Creek.” I kissed her. It was all I could ask for. Now to head off and face the reporters and paps outside.



The doctors gave me painkillers for my knee which hurt like hell and was swollen to twice its normal size. At least I hadn’t broken anything. My breathing was easier now, but I would see what the doctor said in the morning. Flynn had left to sort out a hotel to stay at and would pop back to his home. I told him I didn’t think he should go alone, and he agreed to get Jack to go with him. I just hoped Jack didn’t thump him.

The nurse popped in.

“You have some more visitors if you are up to it?”

“Yes, I’m fine.” It was Paul and Patrick with a box of chocolates. They both gave me hugs. I relaxed having my close friends nearby. I just wished Scarlet was here.

“I thought about getting flowers but thought we could share these instead,” Patrick said.

“Go for it. As long as I get the caramel ones you can take your pick.”

“So, the fire at Flynn’s house was on the news. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were doing the horizontal tango with him,” Patrick said and then shoved a chocolate in his mouth.

“Vertical too.” I smirked. “Flynn is the person I met in Port Douglas. I didn’t know he was famous.”

“That’s wonderful. I thought you were mad at the time not to get the guy’s number. So, what’s with the fire? And will you keep seeing him?” Patrick asked.

“I want to know if she was wearing undies when the firemen arrived,” Paul asked and laughed.

“I wasn’t.” I covered my face with my hands. Then I removed them to see my friends laughing. “It seems the fire was suspicious, but I still want to see him again. I know I’m crazy.”

Patrick grabbed my hand. “No, you are not and he seems to care. Things will turn out fine. By the way, I got a call from Bec. She said she will help with demonstrations if she is not working. Or she can get her friend to help. But she may be out of town next week.”

Paul took my hand. “That leg of yours looks awful. I can’t see you standing on it for hours on end.”

“I’ll cope. I am a trooper. That’s wonderful news from Bec though. There is something else too. Flynn wants me to go to Ireland with him for a wedding in a few weeks’ time. He said he will would pay for everything.”

“Well, I think you should go. When are you ever going to get an expenses-paid trip? If it all goes pear-shaped when you meet the family you will at least have had some great sex and a good time.”

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