Page 4 of Glamorize

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Jenny sighed. “As far away from Hollywood as possible. Don’t get me wrong. I believe you were in the right. It was self-defense, but you need to cool your heels for a bit. I agree with David. Leave it to us.”

It irked me, but I had to accept that they were right. I just felt like I was the one being punished here but I would cop it. I didn’t want to give up my acting life just yet, so I would do as I was told, for once.

I headed to Jack’s home up the coast. It was a lovely house right on the beach. I would take the time driving to try and clear my thoughts about everything. It didn’t help. I had no idea where I would go or what to do about Gill. Maybe Jack could help. He was always good at getting himself out of scrapes. It was pretty much part of his job as a stuntman. Though these days he was playing small parts as well.

The coastline and the view of the ocean as I drove eventually calmed me down. It would all work out all right. It always did. I could feel my blood pressure reducing as I arrived and could hear the pounding of the waves on the shore. This was what I needed, and I knew Jack would not judge me. The house was beautiful and backed onto the beach. It had been a great investment for Jack.

He let me in and put the coffee on. I told him what my reps wanted me to do.

“It seems crazy that I’ve done nothing wrong and yet I’m the one being told to leave town,” I said.

Jack just laughed which was not very helpful. I failed to see what was so funny.

“Just go off and have a holiday. It’s been a full-on season, and man, you gave your all. That’s why you got the award. The way you acted about losing your family and how they were hurting before they died, and you could do nothing. Shit, I don’t cry, but it brought a tear to my eye, and you know I have a heart of stone.”

That was all well and good, and I had no intention of telling him what I had been channeling to get that feeling. I would never tell anyone about what had gone down in my family.

“Where the fuck would I go?” We sat on the back deck at Jack’s place where it overlooked the ocean. I should get a place like this instead of my condo, which was nice but nothing special. I liked the idea of waking up to the sound of the ocean and this view every day. I had enough money. Even before the acting I had money, it’s what happens when you come from riches.

“Why don’t you go to Australia? I mean, you never got to go to Declan and Callie’s wedding. Trust me, if you go to the outback no one will know you, and if they do, they probably wouldn’t care. They’re pretty chill and won’t give a damn about anything. If you are in a poke though. They will give you the clothes off their back. They would drive you anywhere and take you and your family in.”

I thought about it for one minute. Australia sounded good, but the idea of being miles away from civilization was not so great. I liked the idea of a tropical oasis instead. Lazing by a pool while drinks were served.

“I think you might be on to something.”

“Tell me to shut up, but…”

“Shut up.” That got me the bird.

“Is there something else? You are twitchy as all hell, even for a guy being hunted out of Hollywood. Look, we have shared enough drunken nights for me to pick up that something else is bothering you.”

“I had a couple of nights with someone, and she says she’s pregnant.”

Jack’s eyes went wide, and he nearly spat out his coffee. “I was not expecting that. Do you just go hunting for crap or what? I have a question; do you think it’s yours?”

“I asked if she was sure but said I will help if it is and if she needs support now.”

“How did she react?”

“She pretty much said I was a dick to doubt her and she will get her lawyers to contact me. Gill Howard is her name, by the way. Her dad is another big name in Hollywood.”

“Boy, oh boy, you choose your battles, mate. You are just making your life harder than it needs to be.”

“I thought it was just a bit of fun and I definitely covered myself.”

“Time will tell. If it’s born with an Irish accent and wanting to whack everything in sight, we will know it’s yours.”

“Very funny. I would not make the best dad. If I’m lucky, maybe it will have blown over too by the time I get back.”



Thank goodness work was almost done for the day and I could head back to my apartment. I intended to make myself look incredible for Hunter. It still seemed weird and so dramatic, saying Hunter. I had never met anyone with that name before. It was like he was some character out of a romance novel. He was my very own Fabio without the long flowing locks.

I hadn’t even told my best friend, Scarlet, his name because I thought she would laugh at me. Speaking of my best friend, my cellphone started ringing, and her name came up.

Scarlet had been through the wringer these past few years, and I was so glad to see her finally happy. She also knew me well and had picked up that I was seeing someone. I mean, it had been a long time between drinks for me. One-night stands a plenty but not a relationship that went beyond a week. I answered the call. I always had time for her. She had been there for me, and I had held her hand when she had cried too. That’s what real friends do.

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