Page 3 of Glamorize

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“I wish. For some reason my charm doesn’t work on her. That doesn’t mean you can use your charm on her. I will wear her down eventually.”

“I don’t think there is a woman in the universe who would be interested in me for more than one night. Then she would sell it to the tabloids. As far as Sasha goes, she has heard all the hype and knows you’re full of bullshit.”

“It’s true. And with those kind words I’m off. See you tomorrow.”



Iwoke up with a sore head, but then again that wasn’t new.

As Jack had predicted, my phone had been going continuously since I woke up. I ignored it. My brain felt surprisingly good despite the booze and the battering. I had no intention of telling Jack that his Alka-Seltzer worked though. My jaw was another thing. It ached like hell. Bruising was coming out, but at least I had a good feeling that the other guy would be worse off. I had an inkling I should care more about what happened, but I didn’t. The prick deserved it.

I scanned through the messages on my cellphone, and most were journalists trying to get a story. I wasn’t talking to anyone. One message was different. It was from Gill Howard. We had a couple of nights of fun a while back. She had wanted another date, but I made it clear I wasn’t interested. She had not taken it that well at the time. Her dad was some big producer in Hollywood, so hopefully, she didn’t go blabbing to Daddy what a nasty man I was. To be honest, I had not expected to hear from her again. Curiosity got the better of me, and I looked at the message.

Gill: I need to talk to you, Flynn. I’m pregnant.”

She had to be fucking kidding me. We had two nights, and I used condoms both times. Look, if it was my kid, I would do the right thing by her, but I wasn’t taking responsibility just yet. I only had time to send a message before I needed to get to my agent’s office.

Flynn: If it’s mine, I’ll help with the kid. If you need help for you, let me know, and I’ll find someone to assist you.

It was short and to the point, but I also could see it had no heart. The fact was, we had just been two adults having fun. I didn’t want her desperate or hurt, but I wasn’t what she needed. I wasn’t what anyone needed.

Gill: Of course, it’s yours, you asshole. You will hear from my lawyers. I’ll make you pay.

Okay, that was to the point. I had a feeling she would be more likely to go to the press than a lawyer. As if my life could not get any worse. I had no intention at the moment of telling anyone, apart from Jack about this discussion. He texted to say his car had broken down. I told him it was okay and could drive myself. I was pretty sure I would not be over the limit now.

I headed to my agent’s office where my publicist would be as well. I could face them both together. As I spoke to the secretary at the front desk my phone went ping. I looked at the pictures. Well hell. That was interesting. Thank goodness, something good was happening today. I deserved a bit of luck. Because everything else had been shit.

The message was from Mitch. I had not heard from him in a while. The others on the show knew him better than I did as I had only come in on the third season. He was married to Gemma Cassini, who played one of the main characters from the show. From what I had heard, they had a rough journey getting together. He wasn’t in the paparazzi business anymore and just doing private work. That aside, I would be grateful for these shots. I saved them to my phone and emailed them to myself. There was no way in hell I was risking losing them.

As soon as I walked into the office my agent David started in on me. I smiled which just seemed to make him crazier. I knew he liked me; I would be okay.

“I don’t know. I do all that hard work to get you a part on this show. Which I may say was difficult with your past history of getting handy with your fists and only having small parts in other shows. Now you go and throw it all away.”

“I only ever raise my hands to someone who deserves it.” I shrugged which did not help my cause. “It’s not my fault that there are a lot of dickheads in the world. I might also say that the show in Ireland I was on was rated the top drama and my theatre work was highly regarded.” I thought I would throw that in for good luck. If no one was going to blow my trumpet for me then I would do it myself.

“Last night I had options coming in from overseas for a new film to be shot in Iceland and another one in London and New York. I’m going to have to do some fancy footwork to keep those deals on the table.”

My publicist, Jenny, had her arms folded and was shaking her head too. I know I should be serious, but all I wanted to do was laugh. I was sure someone was going to tell me I had been a very naughty boy. The bottom line as that these were acting jobs they were talking about. The guy had a broken nose and would not die. Last night I stopped a woman being choked. I would do it all again.

“If you were going to play fisticuffs, couldn’t you have done it with someone other than Brad Sendler. His company happens to fund a hell of a lot of the movies and shows around town.”

“I didn’t choose him.” I shrugged. “He was attacking his wife. I told him to back off. He told me to mind my own business and hit me when I didn’t. I don’t like men hitting women or anyone else, especially me, for that matter. You have a problem with that then you have a problem with me.”

Jenny raised an eyebrow but was smirking. “I don’t have a problem and agree with your beliefs. The trouble is, that’s not what he is saying. The news I’ve heard is that you were drunk and it was an unprovoked attack. His wife isn’t saying anything.” She shook her head. “Look, we want to believe you. Were there any witnesses?”

“Let’s get something straight. I had been drinking, but I can assure you I wasn’t drunk. Otherwise, I would have missed his jaw and his nose.” I laughed. “I can go one better than a witness. Someone was there who took pictures.”

I opened my phone and showed them the snaps that Mitch had sent me. The first one showed Brad with his hands around his wife’s neck, then the slap and a few more of the two of us fighting. Jenny smiled, and David was grinning. If I did not know better, they were enjoying the fact that Brad Sendler had been caught out as much as I was.

Jenny stood. “I never liked Brad, but this is Hollywood, and sometimes you have to dance with the devil. Send me the pics, and I’ll talk with our lawyer and see how we should go about this. I think Brad will be dropping all charges if he has any sense,” Jenny said.

I sent the pictures through. It irked me that Brad’s wife would still be in a shit situation, but I couldn’t see how I could help that. I knew from experience with my mom that sometimes you can’t get someone to leave until they are ready. In Mom’s case she never did. My agent, David, sat at his desk and tapped his fingers. What was he going to grill me about now?

“I think the best thing would be if your face was not in the news for a few weeks. It’s the end of the season for Dark Storm. If you could, disappear for a week or so while the two of us tidy everything up from this end. Hopefully, I can still keep some of the opportunities going.”

“Where the hell am I supposed to go?” I shook my head. “By the way, I didn’t do anything wrong here.”

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