Page 32 of Glamorize

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That did not really answer my question, but that was okay. We sat on the couch, and I hoped she would stay the night, but I didn’t want to make it awkward for her. She sipped on her coffee and liked that she was sharing with me.

“My mom and dad love to cruise and are always off somewhere in the world. I don’t have any brothers or sisters, but I see my parents whenever they are back in town. My mom is Declan’s dad’s sister. When I was small, I grew up with those two ratbags, Declan and Jack, before we moved to Melbourne. I can’t tell you how many times we pushed each other in the pool. Our parents were always yelling at us.”

It seemed a very normal way of growing up. I envied her that. I didn’t tend to think back. It just got me angry at what could have been. I would love to ask her to the wedding but that would make this public. I would love for her to come to Pine Creek for the shoot that was planned up there. Yet again it would mean everyone knowing about us. She would be going back to Melbourne, and I had to accept it. If only I had met her before her heart had been broken so many times.

“Now you have finished your food I think I need to take advantage of that body of yours again.” She grinned so I guessed that was what she wanted to hear.

Two hours later and she was getting ready to go. I lay back in bed watching her get dressed.

“Are you sure you can’t stay? I’ll cook you breakfast. I make great waffles and have maple syrup and bacon.”

“I’ve never had the whole bacon with the waffles thing. We don’t tend to do that in Australia.” She sat next to me on the bed and kissed me.

I wanted to pull her back under the covers right now.

“As tempting as that offer is and trust me, it is. I need to be up early. The demonstration tomorrow is a two-hour drive away and we need to set up and everything.”

“Then when can I see you again, and I mean when can I see you again naked and in my bed?”

“I’m busy all week but Friday should be good.”

I sighed knowing I would struggle going a week without her. It would need a lot of showers and hand relief to cope.

“I have to film all week too. I suggest we continue the dress-up theme though. I’ll do the same. Don’t say anything and just surprise me.”

Avery laughed and shook her head.

“Okay, but remember I don’t have a full show wardrobe to choose from like you.”

“Then come naked and be Eve with just a fig leaf.”

“Very funny, Flynn. Anyone would think you want me to get arrested.”

“That gives me an idea with a police officer uniform and handcuffs.”

“No more ideas. I need to get home and my Uber is here.”

One more kiss and she was gone. I sat on the couch and was aware of how she had filled my apartment with her presence. I wanted it back.



Iwas having an affair with a movie star. I mean, okay, my cousin was in the business, but that was just Declan. I still saw him and Jack as the big goofballs they had always been. I told myself this was just for the business trip and then I could give him up and go home and bury myself in my work, but somehow, I wasn’t convinced. Perhaps it was all the great sex.

I was having fun, and I hadn’t had fun for a while. When I looked back at what I had experienced with Hunter, it was not fun in retrospect. What I had thought was a caring attitude had been possessiveness by a married man wanting to use me and keep his wife in the dark. If she hadn’t found him out, I had to wonder how much longer I would have been deceived. I could not change the past so had to let it go.

I had some ideas for when I would see Flynn again. I liked the idea of being a cowgirl and intended to ride him. I couldn’t stop grinning as I walked out to breakfast with everyone. Declan was shoving some toast in his mouth and ready to walk out the door. Patrick was already at the counter pouring himself some coffee.

“See you later, Avery,” Declan said as he left. “I’m running late, but they don’t need me for the first scene they are shooting so I should be okay.”

“Bec said she would arrange for me to come in and watch my makeup being used. I can get to see what you do up close.” I could also get a look at Flynn again, but I wouldn’t voice that out loud.

“That would be great. See you tonight. Bye, love,” he said as he kissed Callie and the twins.

The nanny, Paula, was feeding the twins as they sat in their highchairs. I poured myself a coffee and grabbed a muffin.

“So, where did you go again last night? I heard you come back in this morning doing the walk of shame,” Patrick asked.

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