Page 33 of Glamorize

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“I won’t deny it. I have been having fun with someone I met and think this business trip is turning out to be even better than I expected.”

“Well, I’m just jealous that you’re getting some. If Paul gets delayed again, I will be flying home. Hopefully will be here soon and then I can have some fun too.” He hugged me. “After that a-hole Hunter, I am glad you are having a bit of pleasure.”

Callie came over and sat next to me with one of the twins who had finished eating.

“I’m glad you found him out. Trust me, there are some decent guys out there. I was determined never to get involved again after my ex and then I met Declan. I told him I wasn’t interested but he was determined.”

“He always was a stubborn cuss when he was younger. You make him happy. His parents’ bust-up wasn’t good and his dad, my uncle was a bit of a prick. I thought Declan would go the same way if his head got too big, but he didn’t.”

“It’s nice having someone here who knew him before he was famous. So do we know this lucky man you are having a fling with?” Callie asked.

Patrick leaned in, all ears waiting for a revelation.

“No. It’s just someone I met online. I thought it was the simplest thing to do when I’m not here for long.”

“I’m hoping we can convince you to stay longer,” Callie said. “I thought Flynn had eyes for you at the party. I was going to tell you to watch yourself with him. He is a good man at heart but has a reputation of loving and leaving.”

“I don’t want to get involved with a movie star. I’m not as brave as you, Callie. I don’t want everyone taking pictures of me.”

“It was awful at first. The things some young girls would say to Declan. I think one in three kept offering to have his babies. It was intense and I can understand you wanting to keep it quiet.” She stood up. “Now I need to get some work done. These invoices will not pay themselves, more’s the pity. It’s a good job I love numbers.”

I shook my head. “I wish I did, but it’s more the creative side I like. I think it’s where it all started. I loved messing about with different makeup. Patrick is the one with business ideas. It also all took off when Paul was doing drag and having trouble with makeup. We have sort of fallen into the success.”

“Don’t underestimate your product and how good you both are. Bec and others were singing your praises before I met you. I used to think it was luck Sasha and I met Audrey and things took off, but in truth, we had worked hard to develop our product, so when the opportunity came, we could just grab it.”

“The car’s here,” Patrick said as I grabbed my bag and gave Callie a hug goodbye. It was good to have her reaffirm we were doing the right thing by expanding. Sometimes I was terrified it was all going too fast. Now I knew I just had to hold on for the ride.

The trip showed me a bit more of the countryside around LA. So far, the only sightseeing I had done was on our way to shopping malls to do demonstrations. After this week we had some time off and then one more before we left. I sighed at the thought of leaving. Maybe I could convince Flynn to visit me. Then again, I didn’t want my name traipsed all over the Australian newspapers. I just needed to enjoy it for now.

Thursday morning came, and I was so excited to hear from Bec that Patrick and I were going to be allowed on set. We would have to be as quiet as church mice, but I didn’t care. We had been busy every day doing demonstrations and had another one booked for this evening. I hadn’t seen Flynn since Tuesday and was in withdrawal, though to be honest, I would have been too tired to do anything. Well, that wasn’t true, I would have been able to lay back and let him have his wicked way with me but I wanted more. I also didn’t want to end up falling asleep and snoring in the middle of sex. How sexy would that be?

Patrick and I made our way through security and were given lanyards with our visitor passes on. I was so excited I wanted to squeal. A young man called Julian directed us to the studio and we went backstage to the dressing room where Bec was. She gave us a hug and motioned for us to go in.

I had a lump in my throat and was suddenly speechless when I realized it was Flynn’s makeup she was doing. I had to be scarlet in color from my chest up.

“I’m almost finished with Flynn. You know each other, don’t you? He was at Declan’s the other day.”

“Yes, we have met.” My voice had suddenly gone high-pitched, and I coughed. Patrick gave me a weird look as he raised an eyebrow and shook his head. I did not want him to catch on and needed to get a grip. Flynn kept a straight face as Bec worked on him. He looked so different and yet the same. He had a black wig on that had hair pulled back and went down to his neck. His face was pale, and the shadows beneath his eyes darkened. He had a well-defined bone structure anyway with his firm jaw and high cheekbones, but her makeup had emphasized them even more. He looked scary in a hot sort of way. Darn it. If I hadn’t had a crush on him before, seeing him made up like this was sending me over the edge. I was surprised there were not screaming girls out in the parking lot asking him to bite them.

“I love using your makeup because it is consistent and I know I will get the same results. Your range is wide so I can get almost any color I want. We need to use prosthetics on some of the other cast members and it works well with that too. We haven’t had any reactions as well with people with skin sensitivities.”

“That is why we developed them because of Paul having eczema,” Patrick said. “The drag queens of Australia love us. We need to get into the US drag scene too. We could get Paul done up at one of our demonstrations if Luxe and Love are okay with it.”

There was Patrick always thinking of ways to expand the business. Me, all I could think about was that Flynn was sitting in front of me, looking so good I was getting heart palpitations.

“I think that’s a great idea, Patrick. Of course, we don’t have a problem with Flynn and sensitivities because he has a heart of stone just like the character he plays,” Bec said and laughed as she took off his makeup cloak.”

“Pain,” Flynn said with a wink to Bec.

“A-hole,” she quipped back.

“Honestly, she is like the little bitchy sister I never had. If I was the star of the show, she wouldn’t treat me like this.”

“Yes, I would. Just ask Declan.”

“She has a huge brother who rides a motorbike so I give her slack.” She thumped him on his arm as a reply.

I liked Bec. She always told it like it was plus she liked our products. Flynn stood, and I saw he was wearing a black shirt undone enough so you could see the smattering of hair on his chest. He grabbed a black leather jacket from the back of the door and slipped it on. The tight black pants and leather shoes finished off the look. He took my breath away.

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