Page 100 of Under the Stars

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“So, we can hate ALS for taking a beautiful woman’s life far too early. It’s fair to be angry about.”


“And we can be disappointed in your father for being a crappy husband and a crappy father when all three of you needed him most.”

I narrowed my gaze. “It’s what he did to my mother that angers me. I don’t care about that man.”

“Is that true, Maddox? Would you still be attending his reception and going to family events if you didn’t care about him at all?”

“I don’t have a choice. He’s family.”

“You always have a choice.” She held her hand up when I opened my mouth to spew something angry. “What I’m saying is, your father let you down. He let your mother down. He let your brother down. But he isn’t responsible for your mother’s death. He wasn’t there for her, or for you, but he isn’t the reason that she’s not here. And I think you’re mixing up those feelings and holding him responsible for her death. But the truth is that even if he had been a decent husband and a good man, she still wouldn’t be here today. Isn’t that right?”

I leaned back against the couch, letting my head tip so I was looking up at the ceiling. “That’s true. But it didn’t help her when she was suffering.”

“Agreed. But you said that your mother never said a bad word about him, right? She loved him even despite his betrayal.”

“Because she was a good fucking human,” I hissed. “And he’s not.”

“And that stinks, because you had a parent who always put you first, and she’s not here. And I think you’re angry at him for not only the way he treated your mother, but for the way he’s treated you and Wyle. I mean, you stayed. You were there with her. Who took care of you?”

“It's fine. I survived, didn’t I?” My voice was barely recognizable as it was laced with pain and anger and grief.

“You did. But you were young, and you shouldn’t have had all that responsibility on your shoulders. So, you have every right to be angry with your father for not showing up for you and your brother. For betraying your mother. For not being the father that you needed. Those are all fair emotions, and you can decide what to do with them. But I think a little part of you doesn’t want to completely write him off.”

“I can’t. I’m forced to see him at family events.”

“Really? What would happen if you didn’t attend?” she asked, and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

“It would disappoint my grandparents. They’ve been good to me, to my brother, to my mother. So I go for them.”

“Is there any part of you that wants a relationship with him?”

“No,” I growled, looking away before finishing the statement. “I mean, now I’m even more tied to him because he’s going to have a baby. I can’t turn my back on my sister or brother.”

“You are allowed to do whatever makes you happy, Maddox. And what I’ve seen of you and Georgia, I think you’re both very happy together.”

“Absolutely,” I said. “Without question, she’s the best thing that’s happened to me.”

“You said she’s your first serious relationship. The first woman you’ve loved since your mother’s passing, right?”

“She is.”

“I think that’s a sign that you’re ready to move on. To let go of some of this sadness. You deserve that. And whether or not you continue a relationship with your father is up to you. But you need to know that you’re also allowed to stop hating him. That would not be a sign of you being disloyal to your mother. So I want you to think about what you really want moving forward. Don’t worry about your grandparents. They are going to love your father and love you regardless of what either of you do. I think they’ve proven that by being so forgiving of his actions.” She pushed to her feet and reached for my hand, waiting for me to look up at her. “You’re allowed to be happy, Maddox. Your mother would want that for you.”

Fuck me.

This shit was hitting every fucking nerve in my body.

I nodded, the lump so thick in my throat it was difficult to swallow, let alone speak.

So, I didn’t.

I pushed to my feet, and I just wrapped my arms around her and hugged her.

And for today, this was enough.

I wanted to stop thinking about it and get home to my girl.
