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“That’s hardly freaky. Do you call yourself the king of kink and then use the pull-out method?” Cruz deadpanned as he sat beside me, lifting my legs over his thighs. “Aw, do the girls think you’re wild for putting a finger in their ass?”

“Very funny,” Zavier chuckled, sliding another box out of his pocket and waving it at me. “Figured you’d want the implant contraception. You know, in case you want to run and you can’t pack a bag or something.”

“I suck at remembering to take pills,” I admitted, a snort coming from Knox.

“You can’t remember a condom so how can you remember a pill?”

“Says the one who fucks her raw,” Cruz muttered, massaging my feet. “I think a permanent form of birth control is a good idea.”

I wasn’t sure how I liked the idea of being stabbed with it, but he was right. I didn’t have to think about it once it was inserted.

“How do I insert it?” I asked, and Cruz snatched it from my fingers.

“You don’t. Medical professional only. You need to numb your arm and everything first, it’s not a tiny needle, babe.”

“So who’s doing it?” I asked with a frown, my eyes widening when he answered.

“I was just going to ask Stone.”

“Stone’s not a fucking professional!” I screeched, amusement filling his eyes as he cracked a smirk. “You’re fucking with me, right?”

“Yes and no. He could, but I know he won’t. I’ll do it.”

“How the fuck are you a qualified medic?” I demanded, pulling my legs back from him with a scowl.

He laughed, snatching my legs back.

“We know basic medical stuff. We can numb your arm, insert it, and slap a bandage on it. No biggie.”

“How do we get the numbing stuff?” I crossed my arms, giving Zavier a dirty look as he held out a small glass bottle and unopened syringe. “Where the fuck do you find this stuff?”

“It’s better you don’t know,” he grinned. “Who wants to come hang out at the track? I’m kicked out of the house for a few hours.”

Drake laughed, sitting up to stretch. “What did you do this time?”

“I didn’t do shit. Logan and Reid decided it was a good idea to tag-team some bitch in the living room while Rae and I were out. Guess they didn’t get my text saying we were on the way home,” he scoffed. “She’s not fucking happy and now we’re all being punished. I was with her so I don’t get why I can’t enjoy the night at home.”

“Is she your girlfriend?” I asked, glancing around the guys as they all snorted, and Zavier rolled his eyes, making me wonder if this was a running joke or something.

“No, I don’t have a girlfriend.” He suddenly smirked, not being able to help but taunt the guys. “Unless you’re looking for a boyfriend, then I’ll happily—”

“Thanks for stopping by, Lopez,” Cruz said and flipped him the bird. “And to answer your earlier question, we can't go to the track. Penn’s housebound for a while, apparently.”

“Aw, they stopped letting you out for walkies?” Zavier pouted, making me giggle.

I went to speak but Knox grabbed my bicep and hauled me to my feet.

“Bed time.”

“Aw, do I have to?” I whined, grinning when he gave me a dirty look. “What? You act like a daddy, then I’ll be a brat.” His fingers wound around my hair, keeping me in place as he put his face in mine. I thought he was going to kiss me but he just glared.

“Brats get spanked.”

“Only if they beg.” I held his gaze until he growled and grabbed the back of my neck, dragging me towards his room. “Good night, guys! Nice to see you, Zavier!”

Zavier was laughing loudly while Cruz and Drake muttered about Knox being a prick, and I was surprised when Drake followed us.

Knox didn’t argue, letting Drake into the room before shutting and locking the door.

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