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I sprawled out in the middle of the bed contently, grabbing the blanket to put over myself.

“Is this a slumber party? Oh! Pillow fight!” I went to grab the pillow but Knox reached out and snatched it from me, smacking me in the face with it before putting it back on the bed.

“I win. Now go to sleep.”



He looked pissed so I rolled my eyes and shut up, Drake climbing in on one side while Knox turned the light off and crawled into the other. It was a tight fit for all of us but I was fine.

Drake and I snuggled and gave Knox plenty of space, but I did slide a hand over to him and curled my fingers around his arm. He tensed and told me to fuck off but he didn’t shove me away, so I kept it there, falling asleep between them.

Apparently I was more tired than I first thought.


Penn fell asleep fast, her steady breaths calming me from the war I was having with myself. I shouldn’t have decided to follow them in here, not when I was still so fucked up over Knox.

He was watching me in the dark silently, tingles skating across my skin at the intensity of it.

“What?” I finally asked when the silence continued.


“Why are you staring at me?”

“You’re hot, sue me,” he grunted, my stupid heart getting those little flutters it usually did when he was around. Compliments from Knox were rare and even though it wasn’t sweet, it was his version of sweet.

“Apparently not hot enough,” I muttered, my heartbeat increasing at the silence that came afterwards. Just when I thought he’d gone to sleep, he spoke again.

“Come here.”

“Fuck off.”

“Either you come here, or I drag you and wake up Whitlock in the process,” he warned, and I very carefully started untangling myself from Penn’s hold on me. I climbed over her and Knox snagged my wrist, yanking me down sharply and causing the bed to jostle as I landed on top of him.

“Be careful!” I hissed, glancing at Penn to make sure she was still asleep, but Knox fisted my hair, tugging my head back.

“What the fuck do you mean you’re not hot enough?” Knox gritted out quietly, his fingers tightening when I didn’t respond. “You think my dick would want you if you weren’t?”

“Your dick’s the only thing that wants me,” I threw back, pushing my hands against his broad chest to try and put some distance between us.

“I fucking want you,” he growled, swatting my hands away to bring me closer, my lips hovering over his. I swallowed, staring down at him in the dark and trying to get my brain to work.

I was mad at him, he’d hurt me, so why couldn’t I convince myself to get off him?


“Drake,” he mocked, pulling me down the rest of the way to kiss me.

Kissing Knox was a bit of a rarity too. A kiss on the neck or shoulder was common, and even a peck on the lips if he wasn’t in a mood, but a kiss like this?

My brain short circuited and I was at his mercy.

I didn’t fight him on it as his tongue battled with mine, his arms wrapping around me as I groaned. He flipped us so that he was braced above me, continuing to kiss me as he yanked my boxers off and tossed them across the room, an embarrassing sound of desperation leaving me as he fisted my dick in his hand and pumped me in slow strokes.

“Fuck, Knox.”

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