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“Is everyone else hard?” Drake asked randomly, glancing down at my tenting sweats. “She’s already got you figured out. A little bit of obedience really gets you off.”

“You’re welcome to join us but if you’re in my bed then you’re getting fucking naked,” I answered, gently pushing Penn towards the door. “Let’s go. Cruz can try to get hold of Lopez for that Plan B and some birth control.”

She walked out like a good girl, Drake and Cruz following me with narrowed eyes. They expected me to do something bad, I could tell, but the truth was, Penn had sated my anger for the day.

I wasn’t playing a game with her.

Some of the thieves were eating at the table but Stone glared at us with a coffee in his hands, tracking our every movement. I grabbed a plate for Penn before taking one for myself, clenching my jaw as I decided to give one to the other guys as well.

Once we had burgers and fries piled up like every other fucking night, we joined Stone who appeared to be burning holes in my damn head with his eyes.

Penn sat beside me, leaning in to say something but didn’t get it out thanks to Stone.

“What the fuck is so good about her pussy?”

“Try it and find out,” she cooed, flipping him the middle finger as he glowered at her. “No? It was worth a shot.”

“I understand Drake and Cruz falling for her bullshit but not you. How did she convince you? Don’t you see she’s playing you? Everyone’s getting their DNA all over her and she’s going to run straight back to Daddy and cry rape. I’m not bailing you out,” Stone hissed, other people glancing along the table at us.

Penn went to stand and I put a hand on her shoulder, keeping her in place. I had no idea why I was defending her because he was right, she could fuck us over like that, but the cunt was growing on me.

At least I had easy pussy.

“Eat, Whitlock,” I muttered, my eyes on Stone. “Worry about your own dick. Yours is probably covered in dust and cobwebs by now. You’re just pissed that mine’s happy and sated.”

“No, I’m pissed that my team is too busy fucking the hostage to focus on any tasks. I’m about to take her home myself and make sure she gets locked back in that fucking room of hers,” he gritted out, Penn’s body tensing.

I wasn’t going to let that happen.

If she was acting, she was damn good at it. I didn’t trust her but I was starting to believe most of her story, and that had nothing to do with my dick.

I believed her because she was doing as much as possible to become one of us and avoid going home.

I’d never seen anyone, let alone a girl, jump at the idea of helping deal with a dead body before.

She really had impressed me with that.

“We can talk about this shit later. For now, let the girl eat. She earned it.”

“I bet she did,” he sneered, and I pinned him with a flat look.

“I meant with the report she gave you and for helping me with the body today. It has nothing to do with my dick.”

“Whatever you say.” He got to his feet and stalked off, Drake not being able to help himself.

“I think she earned dinner after what she did to my dick.” Fucking idiot.


I was curled up on the couch in the living room with Drake, watching a movie and eating popcorn when Cruz walked in with Zavier. Knox was sitting on one of the other couches pretending we weren’t here, but he’d been glancing at us ever since we all sat down.

I’d offered for him to join us and he’d growled at me like a wild animal, so I left him alone.

“Penn, you naughty girl,” Zavier teased, tossing a box of pills onto my lap before dropping down onto the couch beside Knox, ignoring his warning growl. “I didn’t take you to be such a freak in the sheets.”

“How am I a freak?” I scoffed, opening the box of Plan B and popping out the two pills, tossing them both into my mouth as Drake offered me his beer to wash them down.

“Raw dogging it.”

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