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“Penn’s only tasted Hawaiian before. So I got a few for her to try,” Drake answered, his eyes on me. “I’m definitely busting her out for a pizza date again.”

Cruz groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. “You’re pissing Stone and Knox off on purpose.”

“No I’m not,” Drake bit out, making me flinch at the angry tone. “I like her.”

I didn’t want them fighting, so I pulled the ice from his lip and leaned back.

“It was fun, but I’d better go back to my prison before you get in more trouble. Thanks for spending time with me.” I went to climb off his lap, but his hands grabbed my waist to keep me in place.

“Just a little longer.” His eyes looked sad, my heart hurting for him. He just wanted affection.

“Okay,” I whispered, snuggling against him and letting him wrap his arms around me.

The guys talked about some race thingy they were both going to later, and I closed my eyes to just enjoy the cuddle. Drake definitely kissed the top of my head, but I didn’t react.

I didn’t know how to be honest.

I hadn’t had that kind of affection before.

“C’mon, Penn,” Cruz said quietly after a moment, apology in his voice. “I really want to go to bed.”

I felt bad since he’d only been awake so long because of me, so I pulled myself from Drake’s lap, holding my hand out for him.

“Come with us?”

His eyes lit up, and he took my hand to get to his feet. Cruz didn’t say anything, but he followed us to Stone’s room, leaning against the doorframe as Drake literally walked me to the bed.

“Try and nap. Do you like to read? Or play games? I can find something for you to do if you want?”

“I like to draw. And I like music,” I shrugged, a smile taking over his face.

“Stay right there. I’ll be back in a second.” He took off, and Cruz let out a tired sigh.

“I’m glad you had a good day, but I’m about to fall asleep on my feet.”

I patted the bed beside me. “Come lay down then.”

“If I get in that bed, I’ll get shot,” he chuckled dryly. “But thanks. I’ll work on getting Stone to back off.”

“I’m sorry I’m such a problem,” I mumbled, his face softening.

“I’m the one who kidnapped you, babe. No apology necessary.”

“You saved me.”

He didn’t have time to reply before Drake barged back in, thrusting a sketch pad and pencils into my hands.

“Here. And here’s my old phone and charger. It’s got a bunch of songs loaded onto it, but there’s no sim card so you can’t call anyone. I have earphones here too.” He fished them from his pocket, holding them out with a smile. “I can add more music to it later if you want something else.”

“Thank you,” I said softly, making a shooing motion towards the door. “But you guys better go before Stone comes in here raging.”

Cruz was more than happy with that idea, tugging Drake out the door. He glanced back at me before closing the door, giving me a warm smile.

“One of us will check on you later.” Then they were gone.

I got comfortable at Stone’s desk, deciding to draw for a while, not realizing how tired I was until I fell asleep in the chair.

Chapter Five

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