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“I fucking warned you, you stupid prick!”

“Stop it!” I shouted, trying to fight off Cruz’s hold. “Leave him alone!” I was ignored, but I noticed the wince Knox tried to hide. I glared at him, pissed that he wasn’t helping. “The fuck, Knox? Aren’t you going to do something?”

His dark eyes met mine, his lip lifting into a sneer.

“If your pussy tempted him into letting you out, then he deserves a smack to the face.”

“You think I lured him into it?”

Cruz huffed out a breath of annoyance, letting out a wheeze as I slammed an elbow back into his stomach.

“Jesus, Penn. Calm down.”

“Let me fucking go!”


I slammed my elbow back again, forcing him to loosen his grip enough so that I could drop to the floor, making him curse as I escaped and darted towards Drake, shoving Stone off him.

“I’m fine,” Drake insisted as he sat up, but blood dripped from his lip and nose, guilt hitting me in the chest. All he’d done was be kind to me, same as Cruz, and both of them were getting hurt because of me.

I dropped to my knees in front of him, cupping his cheek and running my thumb over his lip near the wound, heat radiating from it already. “You need to ice it. I’m sorry, this is my fault.”

He gave me a cocky grin, having no issue with me babying him.

“I’m the one who wanted to hang out, so it’s not your fault. Totally worth it.”

I glanced up at Cruz, giving him a stern look.

“Get him some ice.” He didn’t move, flicking his gaze between me and Stone who was fuming close by, and I spoke louder. “Cruz. Ice.”

“I’m going to get beat up too,” Cruz grumbled, but he wandered off to do as I’d asked, and Stone didn’t bother me as I fussed over Drake.

I helped him to his feet, steering him towards the couch and sitting beside him, taking the ice pack from Cruz as he returned and pressed it against Drake’s lip gently. He tried to take it, but I slapped his hand away.

He raised an eyebrow, pushing his luck as he took my waist and pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him.

“You going to look after me?” he murmured, his eyes softening when I replied.

“Yes. Now sit still, idiot.”

“Stone?” Knox growled, drawing my attention to Stone who looked conflicted. He was definitely angry with me, but it seemed he didn’t want to upset Drake by dragging me away.

“Cruz,” Stone finally said tightly, not looking at me. “She goes back in my room when she’s done.”

Cruz seemed to relax, giving him a nod. “Sure thing.”

Stone stalked off, slamming doors as he went, and Knox followed a second later, muttering about Drake being a stupid cunt. Drake wasn’t stupid, and Knox was lucky I was busy or I would’ve chased him down and punched him.

He didn’t deserve Drake.

My skin tingled as Drake’s hand slid up my bare thigh, resting on my hip under the shirt. “You’re my hero,” he joked. “Did you just put Stone in his place somehow?”

“Knock it off,” Cruz warned, sitting beside us as exhaustion filled his eyes. “No offense, Penn, but can you hurry up? I haven’t slept yet and I need a nap.”

I frowned, eyeing him with worry. “Did you eat? There’s still pizza if you want some.”

He looked at the pile of boxes and raised an eyebrow. “Why’s there so many?”

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