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Penelope had been touching all my shit. I could tell things had been moved the moment I stepped into my bedroom. At first I thought she'd somehow escaped, but then I noticed her asleep at my desk.

Fury ripped through me at the thought of her going through my things, but I paused my impending attack on her as I saw the drawing that was half under her arm.

I crept closer, peering down at it, and I couldn't help the small huff that left me.

Of course she was good at art.

The life-like woman stared back at me, her sad eyes so real. What did spoiled rich girls have so much to be sad about? They had everything they wanted.

Drake or Cruz must have brought her supplies because I sure as fuck didn't draw.

I glanced at my bed longingly, kicking myself for putting her in here. I wanted to climb under the covers and get a decent sleep but knew I couldn't with her in here.

She'd either try to stab me or she'd climb in beside me. Neither made me comfortable.

She was lucky I’d let the guys deliver her food and take her to the fucking bathroom.

She stirred, jerking back so suddenly that she almost fell off her chair.

At least she finally seemed to see me as a threat.


"What fucking game are you playing?" I demanded, crossing my arms tightly as I stared her down. "You think you can sweet talk your way out of here by using Drake?"

"What? No. He just said—"

"I'm in charge."

"Would you shut the fuck up and let me speak?" she snapped, getting to her feet but being smart enough to keep her distance. "He offered me food and just wanted to watch a movie. I already tried to leave, remember? I can't just walk out the door."

"He won't help you get back home."

"Why do I have to keep repeating myself? I'd prefer to stay here with you than go back to that prison!" she hissed, stepped closer to jab my chest with her finger. "I never want to go back. I wish Cruz and Drake had robbed my father of everything so maybe he'd suffer. Where's your family, huh? Do they hate you too?"

Violence shot through me at her words, my fingers gripping her slender throat tightly as I slammed her down awkwardly on the desk, making her wince.

"You don't know shit about my family, Princess. Shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you."

"You're hurting me," she said softly, her eyes filled with discomfort.

"I haven't even fucking started yet," I warned, releasing her. I wanted her out of my space. This had been a stupid idea.

I yanked open the door, giving her a filthy look. "Out."

She frowned, hesitating before taking a small step towards me. "Why?"

She asked way too many questions.

I grabbed her bicep and yanked her into the hallway, grinding my teeth as her scent filled the air around us. She'd used one of the guy's body washes but she still smelled like her.

"I want my bed and I want you out of my sight." I shoved her towards Cruz’s room, her body smacking into the door and saving me from having to knock. "Enjoy being used as a cum bucket."

Cruz opened the door, rubbing his eyes.

"What now?" he grumbled, his face softening as his eyes focused on Penelope. It was ridiculous how Cruz and Drake got charmed so easily by pussy.

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