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There were a few sinks by the door, the cupboards full of towels, clothes, and soaps.

I found a couple of stalls at the very end that were larger, baths taking up most of the space like a luxury hotel.

Drake was right where I left him, his eyes running over me with appreciation.

“Damn, Penn. Those legs would look so good wrapped around my head. Do you have anything on under that?”

“Nope,” I replied, making him groan.

“We’ll stop by Stone’s room and grab you some pants, or I’m going to end up fucking you on the couch.”

I didn’t see a problem with that. He was hot. I knew I shouldn’t get involved with any of them, especially if I was going to run the moment I could.

I had a feeling that Drake fell easily, and I didn’t want to hurt him. Him and Cruz hadn’t given me a reason to fuck them over, but Stone? I’d love to make him fall for me just so I could rip his heart out.

Fucking asshole.

Drake forced me to put on panties but I refused pants. The shirt was huge on me so it wasn’t like I was running around the house exposed.

We ended up back on the couch watching another movie, and I couldn’t help myself as I snuggled into Drake’s side. When he hesitated I pulled back, but he quickly lifted an arm in invitation.

“No, it’s fine. I’m always happy to snuggle. It’s kinda my thing.”

“You sure?” I didn't even have to sleep with him to get a cuddle?

This was new.

“Definitely. Come here,” he smiled, pulling me against him and dropping his arm around my shoulders, and I melted into him without a second thought. I closed my eyes as he tightened his hold, and I almost cried tears of relief. No one ever just cuddled me. It felt nice. “You ever want a cuddle, come find me,” he promised softly, and I draped an arm across his stomach to get closer, cuddling him back.

We sat like that for the rest of the movie, but I knew it wouldn’t last forever. The moment the others got back, Drake would be punished and I’d be thrown back into Stone’s room.

“Thank you,” I whispered, peering up at him to find him already looking down at me.

“What for? It’s just a cuddle,” he smiled, but it looked forced. It seemed he craved it just as much as I did.

“It’s never just a cuddle,” I answered softly. “You can always cuddle me too, you know?”

He went to reply but a curse made us glance up to find Cruz in the doorway, panic in his eyes.

“What the fuck, Drake?”

“What? You thought I’d throw slices of pizza through the bedroom door at her? Fuck that. Me and Penn are besties now. I think we should keep her,” Drake chuckled, gently raking his fingers through my hair. “Where’s Stone?”

“You’re going to get her killed, dumbass,” Cruz hissed, stalking closer to gently take my wrist and tugging me to my feet. “Babe, you gotta move. Right fucking now.”

“Leave her alone,” Drake scowled, standing to give Cruz a light push back, his arm wrapping around my middle to keep me close. “I’ve made sure she stayed with me.”

“She’s not allowed out of Stone’s room,” Cruz ground out, his eyes raking over me. Recognition flickered in his eyes when he noticed who’s shirt I was wearing and he instantly snorted. “You work fast. Already fucked her?”

“No, actually. I offered her a hot shower because I’m a good host,” Drake threw back, and I sucked in a sharp breath as I felt his lips trail across the back of my neck. “But at least now I know you’re jealous by that look you’re giving me.”

“Oh, so this is you trying to outdo me? You’re going to get her hurt,” he scolded, his chest bumping into me as I became wedged between them. “Take her back to her room.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” Stone snapped as he stalked towards us, and I didn’t miss the annoyed look Knox threw me as he walked in behind him.

If he was worried about me stealing his boyfriend, then he should treat him better.

Drake’s arms banded around me to tug me back a step, and I gasped as Stone drew his fist back and punched Drake over my shoulder. Drake stumbled, and Cruz pulled me to safety as Stone hit Drake again.

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