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“You sound hungry,” he teased, taking a slice for himself. “When did you eat last?”

“I haven’t really had a proper meal for a week. I’ve only had protein bars and apples,” I shrugged, lifting the slice to my mouth and taking a large bite, groaning as the taste exploded on my tongue. “Fuck, this is good.”

He stared at me as I moaned and groaned over the food, and after two slices I realized he hadn’t started eating his. “What?”

“Those noises are making my dick hard,” he said without shame, licking his lips. “I bet you’re a screamer in bed.”

“If you’re trying to embarrass me, it wont work,” I snorted, taking another bite of pizza before adding, “I’m not some prude princess. I know how to fuck.”

“You should show me sometime,” he said without hesitation, finally taking a bite of food. “Fucking’s my specialty.”

“I have a feeling we’d get in trouble.”

“Gotta die from something,” he smirked, turning his attention back to the TV. His silence didn’t last long though, and he turned back to me with a look of confusion. “Did your Dad really lock you in your room? Did he hurt you?”

“What gave it away? The split lip?” I asked dryly, his brow creasing with concern.

“Can I ask why he hit you?”

“I’ll happily answer any questions that will tarnish his name,” I chuckled, leaning back against the couch to hold his gaze. “Dad’s your typical rich dude. He only cares about appearances and social status. He doesn’t give a shit about me, I’m a disgrace to him, and he tried to marry me off at breakfast last week to some rich prick. I embarrassed him, told my soon to be husband’s family that I whore my way around the Heights, and that meant the deal was canceled. You know how rich people are with their virgin brides.”

“So he hit you because you ruined a marriage you didn’t want?” He looked hurt on my behalf, and I gave him a small smile.

“That, and the fact I’ve been sneaking out to get laid. The only way he could get rid of me was to marry me off, but I ruined it. Which is why it’s pointless to hold me for ransom. You’ve done him a favor. He doesn’t want me, he just doesn’t want me to have any form of control.”

“Do you want a bath or something?” he offered, and I raised an eyebrow.

“We only just met, but sure. Are you going to wash my back?”

“I meant alone,” he laughed, but interest flickered in his gaze. “I’d never say no to that. I’ll even give you a massage.”

“You’re such a gentleman,” I deadpanned.

“You’ll soon change your mind,” he grinned. “How about I let you shower quickly on your own since I don’t know how long until Stone gets back and ruins our fun, then we can watch another movie? Next time we’ll have a bubble bath.”

I definitely preferred the idea of a hot shower so I was at least clean. Stone could get back any minute and drag me back to his room.

“Sold. Which bathroom do I use? And can I have a towel?”

He stood, taking my hand and pulling me to my feet. “I’ll show you. I’ll get you a shirt to wear too.”

“I packed a bag.”

“I know, but I want to see you in my shirt,” he insisted, keeping hold of my hand as he led me through the building until we reached a bedroom.

I poked my head inside, noticing the mess and chuckled.

“This is your room?”

“Yeah, sorry it’s a mess.” He didn’t sound sorry, letting my hand go to rummage in the drawers. I grabbed a shirt off the chair in the corner, and he cringed. “Not that one. That’s Knox’s and he’ll definitely kill you if you wear it.” I put it back, taking one from his hands and holding it up to look at. It had holes in it, and it was definitely well worn. “I’ll find you a nicer one than that.”

“I like it,” I huffed, holding it to my chest before he could take it away from me. It was perfect. “I want to wear it.”

“I think I love you,” he muttered under his breath, closing the drawer and leading me along the hallway to a bathroom. “Towels are in the cupboard inside. I’ll wait here for you. Don’t take too long or Stone might get home and flip out.”

“Thanks, Drake,” I murmured, standing on tip-toe to kiss his cheek, his grin so wide that I was surprised his face didn’t crack.

He left me alone as I quickly showered, managing to wash my hair and find a dryer once I was done. The room was massive and consisted of multiple cubicles, showers along one wall and toilets on the other.

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