Page 3 of Ghostly Glances

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I mimicked past residents—gasping, screaming, fainting. It was all in good fun.

"And for a limited time offer, I come with the rich, forgotten history of this building.” I paused for dramatic effect, "A place of love, betrayal, and—get this—a secret society."

Logan stared at me, mouth open. Was it something I said? I thought that would be a hook. I sighed. Some people just didn't appreciate theatrics.

I refused to be deterred. “How about a story to break the ice? There was this tenant, Bella, who thought she could host a séance and kick me out. Pfft. Let's just say, after my performance, she quickly decided to take up yoga instead."

I watched his eyes, gauging his reaction. There was an arched brow. I was getting somewhere.

"You're telling me you're a real ghost?" Logan’s voice reeked of skepticism, but his eyes? There was curiosity there. I could see it.

"Yep. Cross my heart, hope to—well, you know."

Cue my ghostly tricks. I blew a little frosty breath, fogging up the mirror. I floated a roll of toilet paper from the counter. Man, I missed being able to actually touch things, but a ghost's got to make do.

"Amusing, isn't it? And before you ask, no, I can't do your dishes. Sorry, stud."

Feeling emboldened, I decided to poke at his personal life. "So, who was the lucky guy last night? I didn't see him leave. You're not keeping them hostage now, are you?"

He rolled his eyes but cracked a smile. Aha! Score one for Ben.

"To wrap this up, every Halloween season, I choose one person to entertain and befriend. Congrats, you're the 2023 lottery winner."

His gaze was still mixed, a cocktail of doubt and amusement. "Why me?" he finally asked. "Of all people, why pick me to haunt?"

"Ah, why you? Well, let's just say, I have a knack for spotting people who need a little extra spice in their life. And buddy, you look like you could use a whole spice rack."

Logan's lips twitched again. Man, this was going to be an interesting Halloween season.

"See you soon, Logan Mitchell," I said and vanished, leaving the mirror as just a mirror, but our connection? That was far from over.

At first, I thought I’d give him a chance to digest everything that he’d seen so far, but I couldn’t resist taking my show on the road, or to Logan’s bedroom to be precise.

I materialized beside his dresser, watching as he walked in, still looking like he was trying to solve a Rubik's Cube in his head.


Logan nearly jumped out of his skin. "What the—? You can leave the bathroom?"

"Did you really think I was confined to that mirror?"Contrary to popular belief, most ghosts have some mobility. Limited to this building, sure, but a haunting can't be too localized, you know? Got to keep it fresh!"

He looked flabbergasted, his phone in hand like he was contemplating his next move. "Okay, this is absurd. I need to call in sick. I can't go to work thinking about you here.”

Well, well, wasn't this a plot twist? "Playing hooky, are we? How scandalous."

As he dialed his workplace, I congratulated myself. The guy needed a break, and who better to provide some much-needed entertainment than me?

After a short conversation filled with convincing coughs and sniffles, he hung up. "Okay, I'm officially off duty. Happy now?"

"Thrilled," I responded, floating a few inches above the ground to showcase my delight. "Looks like you're stuck with me. And let's be honest, there are worse fates."

His eyes met mine, and I caught that flicker of a smile again. Yep, I was definitely growing on him.

"Time for some morning entertainment since I’m not going anywhere,” Logan announced, plopping down on his comfy couch and grabbing the remote. He turned on some chipper morning show where the hosts were too caffeinated for any reasonable human being that early in the morning.

I floated beside him, feeling the impulse to take my theatrics up a notch. Zipping up, I did a graceful spin around the ceiling fan before floating back down, mimicking Mary Poppins minus the umbrella.

"And here I am, back on terra not-so-firma."

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